[techtalk] DESKTOP - Printing Email Attachments

HANNING Darci C * SLO Darci.HANNING at slo.oregon.gov
Tue Jun 1 15:08:28 PDT 2021

Welcome to the latest issue of Tech-Talk!
How to print documents and photos in your email


This Week's Topic: DESKTOP

1. ARTICLE & VIDEO ... Printing Email Attachments
2. COMMUNICATING ... Strengthening your writing
3. LEADERSHIP ... What do others say about your style?


  *   June 9: [WINDOWS 10] 8 Features in Windows 10 to Increase Productivity
  *   June 23: [EXCEL & G-Sheets] Simple Formulas for Spreadsheet Calculations
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Photo by Hannah Morgan<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001q4frSxHWlau9y-VBvSoFKosWczStohomYS8CN3O2yuePywFFY5NqrTTd3zqwlDOizfaG6JPb0VCHLXhavzlhGxkA0pymaAz4DkF4nwfzC2KBWVVcMYvBv4Cerp94J6fD-ih6r2O_vxbHsSzJd3eGGPNVeweMM0InQ_52--u8F-Yyb2NSnRByEFDP4OiRevb0_TlbBH7Z4OTB3nyaZK1G7ZSbExcsMUK5fPVaN-CODH_acMR_RF9S9YNiH7C3TDYYNYFqFD5ev7E=&c=dCjVEUcPt3R-fxQJo2-m-vtgmrcaWV_yC53JEHFOQ5p2LEGLuj1ONw==&ch=hxXelUmh5bsHDrL8kMFKD771djKJjrRV99rBMeJYz-KXJLQdBEpDbw==> on Unsplash<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001q4frSxHWlau9y-VBvSoFKosWczStohomYS8CN3O2yuePywFFY5NqrSzS4rqrcQRT3wYTBj3zFE9tLBbq7AK-2R3NGtKJvmoGA-ec7TY3I0Tio1a7_nw3bSUCg0ZrjzHPHfC21EkiiYNLOac4Vk33gzsWNniN-hD5cv-_3Z4p-e2OBoaU8oOL3vzs4H6n5ys7j__K0X_bMdaQcDSj09UgcypZeUHbLXeqThxy59FW5SUepyfmjN122o8CfOM7mZXjrhjzvgSnxhIgYE8jnIO2aQ==&c=dCjVEUcPt3R-fxQJo2-m-vtgmrcaWV_yC53JEHFOQ5p2LEGLuj1ONw==&ch=hxXelUmh5bsHDrL8kMFKD771djKJjrRV99rBMeJYz-KXJLQdBEpDbw==>

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Questions about Tech-Talk?
darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov<mailto:darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov>

DESKTOP - Printing Email Attachments

Whether you're at home on your desktop or in a library on a public computer, problems often arise when printing an attachment in your email, right?

Here's a scenario: You've just received a note from a family member about an upcoming reunion. You're all excited. You click on the attached document (while still in email) to check out the invitation. It looks great! You want to print it and post it on your refrigerator.

That's when the problem starts!

[print attachment]

You see, people often get stuck when trying to print an attachment while it is in their email box. Why? Because it needs to be on your computer first to print properly!

The question is, how do you get the document out of email …before you send it to the printer. For example, it may be a Word file, a PDF, a photo, etc. (Just clicking the attachment, opening it and pressing print doesn't work well.)

First, you must DOWNLOAD the attachment from the email and SAVE it to your computer. Only then open it to PRINT. This is a key concept to remember, and if you do, it makes all the difference.

Printing an Email Attachment ... on a Computer

To print an attachment from an email…

  *   First, open the email with the attachment you want to print.


  *   Click the attachment - it may be a button, a link or an icon. When you mouse over the attachment, it may say "Download Attachment" – or something similar.

  *   Choose to Download the attachment so that you can pick where you want the file saved to the computer. Be sure to note where you save the file – in a folder or on the desktop. NOTE: Sometimes the attachment will give you the option to open it with the program associated with the file – like Microsoft Word if it is a Word doc. That will essentially save it somewhere to the computer as well.

  *   Depending on the Email program or the browser you're using (Firefox, Chrome), it may show a window like this:

[print window]


  *   Next, locate the saved file and double-click to open it. Depending on the type of attachment (PDF, .docx, .jpg, etc.) the associated program will open the file.

  *   To print, in most programs, go to File and locate the Print choice. The choices you'll have with an associated printer can vary. There may be options to print: 1) Selected pages, 2) In color or black and white, 3) On both sides of the paper, etc.

  *   Select the Printer and you're all set!

The Direct Print Option in Email

Sometimes, depending on the browser and email platform you are using, you will see a PRINT icon in the upper right corner ... after you have clicked on the attachment. (See the red arrow below.)

When you see this icon it means that a direct print feature has been added and it's safe to send the attachment to the printer without first downloading it. If you do see this symbol, you can print safely without downloading first.

However, without a doubt, the practice of saving your attachment to your computer first is always the best (and safest) option. Why? Because opening the attachment in the native app will help you preserve the format so it won't be distorted.

[print email attachment]

Email Attachments On Your Phone

[smart phone]

This problem is especially true if you're trying to print email attachments on your phone. Even in this situation, you need to "ground" the document before sending it to the printer or it will not print correctly. For instance, the type may be too large or half the information may be missing.

So you need to get the attachment (in our example it's the reunion invitation) out of the email app … and into something "solid" like Dropbox or OneDrive. Or you can wait until you're at your desktop and retrieve the attachment at that time ... by saving it to your computer first.


Communicate: Writing
Your average sentence length

Would you like to be regarded as an excellent writer? Of course, you would!

Here's a trick you can use to strengthen your writing ... whether it's an official report, a grant application or a letter to friends: keep your average sentence length to 17 or fewer words.

No, you don't have to count all your compositions. If you do it once, you'll visually see the length and get the point.

Try it. Take a document and note how long each sentence is. Literally, pencil the total above each one. Then calculate the average word count.

What is your current score? Can you benefit from breaking longer sentences into two or three?


How do others perceive your style?

We can categorize your teamwork and decision-making habits into four styles of behavior ... especially if you are in a leadership position. And, since everyone leads or follows at different times, thinking about how you approach group sessions may be informative.

Ideally, there will be times when you exhibit all of them at one time or another because different situations call for different approaches.

Here's a challenge for you: Ask the people with whom you work to estimate what percentage of time they observe you in each mode. (If you're not comfortable with numbers, give choices such as "Lots," "Sometimes" and "Seldom".)

  *   Autocratic. This type of approach has you with 99 votes; others with one. This is a very directive style. It's "Do what I say and don't question it."

  *   Democratic. This style is to hold off on decisions until there is a majority vote or everyone agrees. Some situations call for this approach. Other times, it may stall or stop progress.

  *   Benevolent. This approach is when you think you know what is best for others and you have enough clout to influence what they do ... rather than to ask for their opinion. In other words, you "have their best interests at heart."

  *   Egalitarian. The definition of egalitarian is equality. This style is creating an environment of mutual respect. At the core is a belief that everyone is valued… regardless of their position. Each has a unique contribution to make. Everyone shares the responsibility for success.

Did you do it? What did you learn from this exercise? Care to share your discoveries so that others can benefit? Leave a Comment Here<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001q4frSxHWlau9y-VBvSoFKosWczStohomYS8CN3O2yuePywFFY5NqrTTd3zqwlDOik00Uc4mL13eTeOYfsiS4PJ5Aw287JDFVRVgRD7HnudU31rqpfU53r3levHN31whIN645PjlvA0up_yMIE6OFvPMLscgdCtYFMzxvTViUQl2oKertABs8mFWGm5E29xl3EcgxG4m27SM=&c=dCjVEUcPt3R-fxQJo2-m-vtgmrcaWV_yC53JEHFOQ5p2LEGLuj1ONw==&ch=hxXelUmh5bsHDrL8kMFKD771djKJjrRV99rBMeJYz-KXJLQdBEpDbw==>.

[Ask a question]<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001q4frSxHWlau9y-VBvSoFKosWczStohomYS8CN3O2yuePywFFY5NqrYVvQnUT6ZOSESY92wQukznUk52oYWawAaifm9bSVdwE7KCcej65np3Ohr_dUQ1IQ0krWcZsbiPOV8mrp1e6N9KNndzp_vezOurgqhvmZDshHoOTu3Yq71E=&c=dCjVEUcPt3R-fxQJo2-m-vtgmrcaWV_yC53JEHFOQ5p2LEGLuj1ONw==&ch=hxXelUmh5bsHDrL8kMFKD771djKJjrRV99rBMeJYz-KXJLQdBEpDbw==>

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The Tech-Talk e-newsletter for Oregon library staff is distributed weekly via the Libs-OR and TechTalk mailing lists. Know someone who might be interested in receiving a copy but they’re not on TechTalk or Libs-OR mailing lists? Have them contact darci.hanning at state.or.us<mailto:darci.hanning at state.or.us> or visit http://listsmart.osl.state.or.us/mailman/listinfo/techtalk to subscribe to just the Tech-Talk newsletter!

Tech-Talk is a paid subscription service for staff of Oregon libraries and is supported in whole by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) through the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA), administered by the State Library of Oregon.

Darci Hanning, MLIS (she/her/hers)
Public Library Consultant / CE Coordinator
State Library of Oregon
darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov<mailto:darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov> | 971-375-3491
Follow us: Facebook<http://fb.me/StateLibraryOR> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/StateLibraryOR> | Instagram<https://www.instagram.com/statelibraryor/> | Pinterest<https://pinterest.com/statelibraryor/> | YouTube<https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0-kU8Gu0jS_YcnXg-b_TRA/playlists>
Continuing Education Resources: https://libguides.osl.state.or.us/conted

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