[techtalk] PPT/G-Slides – “Dim” Your Bullets to Keep Focus
Darci.HANNING at slo.oregon.gov
Tue Jun 8 14:07:41 PDT 2021
Use this trick to keep your audience's focus
This Week's Topic: PPT/Google Slides
1. ARTICLE & VIDEO ... "Dim" Your Text and Bullets to Keep Focus
2. COMMUNICATING ... Two little words; one powerful effect
3. LEADERSHIP ... Two techniques to show you're really listening
· June 9: [WINDOWS 10] 8 Features in Windows 10 to Increase Productivity
· June 23: [EXCEL] Simple Formulas to Make Spreadsheet Calculations Easier
· July 7: [VIDEO] Breeze Through Video-Making in Canva
· July 21: [EXCEL/G-SHEETS] Create Pivot Tables and Pivot Table Charts
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Photo by Luke Richardson<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001LqxWaMZRRKlWhx-1BaVXEfdT03krZnwRzkSTIlQcvPgKiRLNH049pQTLMSZQhxIqOieWh02MZjxaMgedI4C_KZmW5sZ_dVZuc1umuzyhQ0UqnisUDen60zxt45kSDnTnAjieMnIvo9T4UR4DHpOj89FzBYInRHwfTAE_Qc322xW0-MhfH25K79Nn-4gYKzbiYAPnntLr-eqmcs2hUxofj385dvc4zklKzThsJFi3LhsSUJ7MygZE-FpAuCvMTNdiy7zzckCaSZY=&c=xe0mf6IRaO7OLi9qWOlywt1PqJ5BXV7oEiYtaTCKAeLKC_0X06suPg==&ch=hWvHz3Oef_adLzcNOXiRofeSszhYTI9YI-lJ3moJxZ4mSlkY7FqttA==> on Unsplash<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001LqxWaMZRRKlWhx-1BaVXEfdT03krZnwRzkSTIlQcvPgKiRLNH049pQTLMSZQhxIqBVVtP5bfSfWkzC4xKxR4ro50LZuk-aRqBCVfp-aR125HgYRuRn7-u8TSn2IDhX8esf4CepjWAaxI2FM9BTrvks8r16YUzRUhNKdRIrc7vVzVX71ukVfjP0qlJepbGXlMm2nrD-WOICwUncPEfF2un_2KWj_0JjOtbS-8oCtjGOIH6A_burLYPBLoe9b_WRU-qRXsqY-oPeTOEyQ5nxEp3w==&c=xe0mf6IRaO7OLi9qWOlywt1PqJ5BXV7oEiYtaTCKAeLKC_0X06suPg==&ch=hWvHz3Oef_adLzcNOXiRofeSszhYTI9YI-lJ3moJxZ4mSlkY7FqttA==>
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PPT/G-Slides- "Dim" Animated Text to Keep Focus
In a recent Tech-Talk webinar<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001LqxWaMZRRKlWhx-1BaVXEfdT03krZnwRzkSTIlQcvPgKiRLNH049pVWKnFHQhezO2bcu-zOS9M83a0q9vONju_HSN0rfiL8gyxOTEgthux8I6YJvfhEFSDit4Y7uIwPuLXkAWqIA16hGZ32J9rRmmF5NejPvQxrXkLwuxTLJ9pOeVq7Vjuhm_aph4U6YjqLpfvfPMXRWKkQb4H3e7QJusTrZbltpP9fd&c=xe0mf6IRaO7OLi9qWOlywt1PqJ5BXV7oEiYtaTCKAeLKC_0X06suPg==&ch=hWvHz3Oef_adLzcNOXiRofeSszhYTI9YI-lJ3moJxZ4mSlkY7FqttA==>, when we walked through the steps to create a video from a PowerPoint presentation, we demonstrated a technique called "Dimming your bullets." The webinar attendees loved this sophisticated effect, so we wanted to share it with everyone!
(NOTE: We're going to focus on dimming bullets because that's the kind of text that is often animated. However, any textual sections that move can be dimmed.)
What do we mean by "Dimming" bullets? You may be familiar with the animation technique of floating in or revealing one bullet at a time -- so that your audience doesn't see the whole list on the screen and jump ahead of your current topic.
"Dimming" adds another layer to the animation process. You can add more focus to the current bullet point by dimming (or fading) the prior one ... after you’re done speaking about it. This means that earlier text is still displayed on the slide, but in a very faded color. Everything is visible, but the topic you are featuring at the moment is in a bolder color so that it really stands out.
[dimming bullets]
So if you had a list of three bullet items on a slide (as in the image above): when you move through them, the current one is prominent, but the prior text is in a lighter color.
How to Add Dimming to Your Bullets in PowerPoint
Remember, we are demonstrating this technique with bullets, but you can "Dim" other text blocks on a slide in combination with the animation technique.
First, to Dim the text in a bulleted list you need to create the Animation for the bullets (how they appear or float in one-by-one on the slide).
1. On the slide where you want to apply this effect, go to the Animations tab.
2. Click the Animation Pane option in the Advanced Animations section to view the window on the right side of your screen.
3. Highlight the bullets in the list you want to animate.
4. Choose an Animation type in the window. "Appear" or "Float In" are nice, subtle choices.
[animate first]
Next, make sure that your bullets move onto the screen when you want them to by advancing with a mouse click. To do that...
[start on click]
· Go to the Animation pane.
· Click on the drop-down menu next to each bullet (except for the first) and change the Play From method to Start on Click.
· You will see 1, 2, 3, etc. next to your list of bullets showing that they will enter the slide one at a time.
It's here that we will add the Dimming effect. Because we only want to lighten the bullets that we have already spoken about, we will leave the last one bold, not Dimmed, and just apply this effect to the first two. Of course, depending on how many bullets you have in your list, the number will vary.
[effect options]
· In the Animation pane, you can either highlight each bullet one at a time, or highlight the first bullet, hold down the Shift key and click on additional bullets to apply the effect to all of the bullets you want to Dim at the same time. (Again, most likely you won't want to apply this treatment to the last bullet on the slide.)
· Click the drop-down arrow to the right and choose Effect Options.
· In the Appear window, on the Effect tab, in the After animation section the default is set to "Don't Dim." To make the text appear faded, we're going to change it to a lighter color shade.
· Click on the drop-down that shows Don’t Dim and choose a color from the list. Or click on More Colors to find a shade that you like. This will be the color of the text that the text will change to after you have moved to the next bullet. It should be a light color that is less visible on your slide background to get the "Dimming" effect. A light gray shade works well.
· Click OK and run your Slide Show to test out this cool treatment!
Create Dimmed Bullets in Google Slides
You can certainly use the Animations effect in Google Slides to fade in each bullet one-by-one. However, there is no option to Dim the text of prior bullets. Good news, we have a work-around to create the effect.
Instead of using an Animation in your bulleted list on one slide, the trick is to create the effect using multiple slides – one for each bulleted text.
So for example, if you had three bullet points and wanted to Dim the first two, you need three (3) slides!
1. Create slide one with only the first bullet in the bold text.
2. On the second slide, the first bullet item uses faded text and the second bullet is in bold.
3. And on the third slide, display the first two bullets in lighter font, with the third bullet in bold.
Communicating: Talking & Writing
Two little words; one powerful effect.
You probably won't notice them. They're just two little words ... which by themselves don't seem to mean much.
But if you liberally scatter them throughout your email notes, your report writing, and certainly your conversations, they can make a huge difference in how people respond to you!
What are the two little words ... six letters in total?
"so that..."
These seemingly insignificant connectors are heralders (ok, I may have made up this word, but you get the drift).
They announce to the world, "here comes the benefit," "here comes the reason," "here comes the importance."
When you tack on a "so that" followed by the reason, people understand better, feel more included and trusted, and are, therefore, more willing to be in sync with you.
· ... so that we can attract more attendees.
· ... so that you'll feel better.
· ... so that we'll understand.
· ... so that you'll be able to finish more quickly.
· ... so that people will get your point.
PS. Yes, you can go back to an email note (before you send it) or add it later in a conversation (before you finish) ... to insert "so that" in a bunch of places. If you use these two little words liberally and consistently, you'll see a difference in how people respond to your ideas, suggestions and requests.
Two techniques to show you're really listening
OK, this may seem backwards, but it's true. If you want to lead others (get people to adopt your ideas, follow your directions, show you the respect that you would like to have earned), try being a better listener.
Here are two techniques (nicely bundled together) that really work. If you take a bit of time to develop these as a habit, you'll uncover remarkable power.
1. First be quiet. Oh yeah, this is a toughie. Instead of running a script in your head while listening to someone explain, expound or complain ... quietly pay attention to what you're hearing. Try to understand what they are saying. Absorb it and resist the urge to immediately think of a response, a solution, a comeback. [Related Tech-Talk article<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001LqxWaMZRRKlWhx-1BaVXEfdT03krZnwRzkSTIlQcvPgKiRLNH049pQTLMSZQhxIqpk-CbBw9WqhhPeOoPoW_z4GjXH7bFy-bs0VcJQj1lG4g6f5Vwsv3icl4e0MbBRbAxMy88TXBs5X4b34gUIOO2Ueb4JktTdfF0LPaPyMVO_ddmlPncW1YuiTo14vrNJg4&c=xe0mf6IRaO7OLi9qWOlywt1PqJ5BXV7oEiYtaTCKAeLKC_0X06suPg==&ch=hWvHz3Oef_adLzcNOXiRofeSszhYTI9YI-lJ3moJxZ4mSlkY7FqttA==>.]
2. Build on what you've just heard. OK you think you've listened well. Now hold on to your patience just a bit more! After you've been quiet and really listened, keep your tongue in check. Don't start blabbing about what you really want to say to them yet. Instead, shape your first words around what you've just heard. Build on the thoughts they've expressed. Now you've really conveyed that you actually listened. [Related Tech-Talk article.<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001LqxWaMZRRKlWhx-1BaVXEfdT03krZnwRzkSTIlQcvPgKiRLNH049pQTLMSZQhxIqnNte8ONSxEio99K117oGYc7SZEGtpDbTOVSYGlBLoSDViz9QDq0eXRXh3XOuYW0jHvGfPx7pPoZUolL4lJ4mn64Lv86lvWhXQNxFt6r8-nRh01gupOyTisz9hS28F05k&c=xe0mf6IRaO7OLi9qWOlywt1PqJ5BXV7oEiYtaTCKAeLKC_0X06suPg==&ch=hWvHz3Oef_adLzcNOXiRofeSszhYTI9YI-lJ3moJxZ4mSlkY7FqttA==>]
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Tech-Talk is a paid subscription service for staff of Oregon libraries and is supported in whole by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) through the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA), administered by the State Library of Oregon.
Darci Hanning, MLIS (she/her/hers)
Public Library Consultant / CE Coordinator
State Library of Oregon
darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov<mailto:darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov> | 971-375-3491
Follow us: Facebook<http://fb.me/StateLibraryOR> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/StateLibraryOR> | Instagram<https://www.instagram.com/statelibraryor/> | Pinterest<https://pinterest.com/statelibraryor/> | YouTube<https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0-kU8Gu0jS_YcnXg-b_TRA/playlists>
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