[techtalk] WEB TOOL - Your Website Secret Weapon - Hotjar

HANNING Darci C * SLO Darci.HANNING at slo.oregon.gov
Wed Sep 15 08:50:58 PDT 2021

Welcome to the latest issue of Tech-Talk!
Get website feedback instantly


This Week's Topic: WEB TOOL / WEB DESIGN

1. ARTICLE & VIDEO ... Your Website Secret Weapon - Hotjar
2. COMMUNICATING ... When to leave out words
3. LEADERSHIP ... Organizational indifference in your entity?
·     Sep 15: [COMM.] Write Professionally to Convince and Be Understood
·     Sep 29: [WEBSITES] HotJar, a Free Tool to Analyze Website Traffic
·     Oct 13: [GOOGLE] How to Maximize Your Calendar Experience
·     Oct 27: [YOUTUBE] Why, When and How to Use Info Cards & End Screens

Register for Webinars<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001wZ43tTuHWYDZBLl1c6GtZcjS27R8MI9IFx3GgT6-sfKuyz62lC75m_hPjeAC4gnn96SwkoJKAmbzQc7pmxRgxLaFZdAlxw2TqvM_VsTP4K0Y_EbBFTI57xpBnnXWCg_PYQAzAcPXj128v2hRDbA9mRkIgXbSDcT7&c=WNeEtUmbhbqg2VxPzQBjaPEGm6TkKFOmDOyVFxOqMwz7DeT-BszOqw==&ch=dyKtM5T8sU2o5qoI_SHa_HJC1opthif2eCgEAIUlkknMgsKCedZXCA==>

5. NEW this MONTH ... in the Database ... Tips and Videos for:

THEME: "Back to School" <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001wZ43tTuHWYDZBLl1c6GtZcjS27R8MI9IFx3GgT6-sfKuyz62lC75m_62N4neRyBk5uJ9EYKIzZW1jgrIf4ZYuAqRdMV4V3nm4IdEXeKnDEYo5oWLrIynVGxNsSgJF09bD29cDhTb-Pq4LOAQkqnHVPuKeS8nk5yh&c=WNeEtUmbhbqg2VxPzQBjaPEGm6TkKFOmDOyVFxOqMwz7DeT-BszOqw==&ch=dyKtM5T8sU2o5qoI_SHa_HJC1opthif2eCgEAIUlkknMgsKCedZXCA==>


Photo by nine koepfer<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001wZ43tTuHWYDZBLl1c6GtZcjS27R8MI9IFx3GgT6-sfKuyz62lC75m_62N4neRyBki4r3CeXOrvslabf41v0yVg0K7JahEAJT_NcR1A4Z9eiqZ5mOrMfqyrdoV6Fkl81q_4jwd0YLse49-drm8QQkP3VkjB1gdEkFy_OZsEuVa7drcp4AvRGDTwOHDuwCM7QpRKyJQ8BXigjE2u4qRGscWUI_36rVhNeR2n6SlMqqjERVJqiBeIuzoyR0PoF_wohp&c=WNeEtUmbhbqg2VxPzQBjaPEGm6TkKFOmDOyVFxOqMwz7DeT-BszOqw==&ch=dyKtM5T8sU2o5qoI_SHa_HJC1opthif2eCgEAIUlkknMgsKCedZXCA==> on Unsplash<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001wZ43tTuHWYDZBLl1c6GtZcjS27R8MI9IFx3GgT6-sfKuyz62lC75m_62N4neRyBkTzZRuOkGUCje147gy_78doby6PXWhKCi9ycsZDlsrDy_6OxM8YFzgQIlYl562qI8g3U_VP9djdFqAijjr-ltgsps8X7UFbuPDStzTy6klnizmCSD2tuIeb-mZmuEaGHsvOlHziBCYLIXWOYBYnyGAG1s64w3nQcM08GSnZXehuJDvmCKlYkNG77Fm4d5Z9TWlq7eWWOIWXXiJkxQ4gzVUQ==&c=WNeEtUmbhbqg2VxPzQBjaPEGm6TkKFOmDOyVFxOqMwz7DeT-BszOqw==&ch=dyKtM5T8sU2o5qoI_SHa_HJC1opthif2eCgEAIUlkknMgsKCedZXCA==>


WEB TOOL / WEB DESIGN: Your Website Secret Weapon - Hotjar

Do you think that it's just the webmaster's and marketing department's job to look at website traffic and reporting? It doesn't have to be!

Say you're in charge of a large event with registrations being taken on your organization's website. Wouldn't it be really cool if you could optimize your page so that more people signed up?

What if you could literally watch your website visitors move around your site? You can! What if you could see them search and pause looking for something and not find it? You can adjust your site so they see and click on what they need quickly.

We'll take a look at a free (for nonprofits) web tool called Hotjar. It's a nice tool for anyone that has anything to do with website pages.




Want to see this tool in action? Register for our upcoming webinar on Hotjar, Wednesday, September 29th.

Sign up here, https://www.tech-talk.com/webinars<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001wZ43tTuHWYDZBLl1c6GtZcjS27R8MI9IFx3GgT6-sfKuyz62lC75m_hPjeAC4gnn96SwkoJKAmbzQc7pmxRgxLaFZdAlxw2TqvM_VsTP4K0Y_EbBFTI57xpBnnXWCg_PYQAzAcPXj128v2hRDbA9mRkIgXbSDcT7&c=WNeEtUmbhbqg2VxPzQBjaPEGm6TkKFOmDOyVFxOqMwz7DeT-BszOqw==&ch=dyKtM5T8sU2o5qoI_SHa_HJC1opthif2eCgEAIUlkknMgsKCedZXCA==>. Our presenter will simplify this tool and give you the big picture so that you can make it work for your purpose.

[website registrations]

Let's continue with our example...You're the person in charge of planning a big annual event for your organization. You've provided the website developer the content for the web page for registrations. You've worked really hard on the event description, images and additional details.

However, a month before the big day you notice the registrations are not what they should be.

What could be wrong? Why aren't people registering from the website page? What is the stumbling block? How can you gain some insight?

You may not be in charge of website analytics for your organization's site, but if you provide content for web pages and want to delve into the "behavior" of visitors… where they are clicking, how long they are staying on the site, on what page they are leaving… it can really be eye-opening.

In our example, we want to know why people aren't registering for an event. With a simple tool called Hotjar, we can do a little investigating and get the answer so that the registration for the event will go smoothly.

What is Hotjar?

This free (and paid) web tool integrates with your website and provides a visual way to understand the visitor activity on your site. Different from Google Analytics, it gives details on the behavior of website visitors AND the ability to gain feedback instantly from users.

When you connect Hotjar to your website, you can track behavior and feedback in a few different ways:

Website Visitor Behavior

Heatmaps give you a visual look at where website users are moving and clicking on a page and through your site.

·     See the elements on a web page that attract attention or are ignored so that you can improve the page's engagement.

·     View where people are clicking and find problems.

·     Compare the flow of your visitors based on the device type they are using… desktop, tablet or mobile.

In the image below, the "heat bubbles" indicate where (and how many) people are clicking on certain parts of the page.


You even get Recordings. These let you watch a website user's entire visit to your site - how they scroll, where they click, what form they may fill out, etc.

·     This insight helps you to make changes based on what you observe.

·     Find problems – like broken links or confusing content. For instance, you may see website visitors struggling to find where to sign up for an event so you can change the location of the registration button to a more visible location.

·     With the Filters and Rage Clicks options you can see why visitors may not be completing forms or visiting specific pages.

For example, in the image below of a Recording, it not only shows the movement of clicks on this page, but in the right column it shows date/time, device type, and the page the user clicked from to get there.


Get Visitor Feedback

Incoming Feedback is an instant suggestion box targeted to a specific page or element on your site.


·     Get immediate responses from users as they are on a webpage.
·     Gain valuable reactions to why a visitor didn't click, purchase or complete a form so that you can make adjustments.
·     Uncover opportunities to improve your page or product.

Surveys help you gather input and ideas from your audience.

·     Get insight from users to learn if they like your service, or why they didn't sign up.
·     Test ideas and gather evidence for future products or services.
·     Build rapport with website visitors by letting them know they're heard.


Getting Started with Hotjar

Create an account at https://www.hotjar.com<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001wZ43tTuHWYDZBLl1c6GtZcjS27R8MI9IFx3GgT6-sfKuyz62lC75m_62N4neRyBkvZf_x54PXbaVonBIUimRj1iKfcnUDN75OldzrXhgpwo1n2RCsn-XRj2b4maYBlbbNqLRu3dCQeSkGUWxSs1_zQ==&c=WNeEtUmbhbqg2VxPzQBjaPEGm6TkKFOmDOyVFxOqMwz7DeT-BszOqw==&ch=dyKtM5T8sU2o5qoI_SHa_HJC1opthif2eCgEAIUlkknMgsKCedZXCA==> and start at the free level to give it a try.

When you first look at the Hotjar home page, it appears to be filled with "tech" language. But once your account is set up and you view a few starter videos, you'll find that the tool's dashboard is very user-friendly and it's quick to get started.

If you're interested in learning more about this tool, join us for a Tech-Talk webinar or watch the recording when it's convenient for you. Just sign up to get the notices.


Communication: Writing
Leave out words that diminish the power of your idea

I assume you know that every word you put on a page, matters, right? The text you use can elevate people's opinion of you and your ideas or diminish them.

What number would you give the sentence below (1-10; 10 high) as to how well it conveys confidence, strength and conviction?

We offer a process that is designed
to increase each leader's effectiveness.

I bet you gave it a fairly high number, right?

So what could be done to strengthen it even further? What could turn that sentence into "power talk"?

If you said take out the words that weaken the thought, you'd be right.

We offer a process that
increases each leader's effectiveness.

Now, do you see it? Removing the extra words saying what you intend to do, so that the statement directly says what you are doing, is the key.

TIP: Don't worry about writing it correctly the first time. Do this type of strengthening your message when you're editing. It's easy enough to look for excess language that takes away from the power of your message.

NOTE: Want more ways to elevate your skills? Join the professional writing webinar <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001wZ43tTuHWYDZBLl1c6GtZcjS27R8MI9IFx3GgT6-sfKuyz62lC75m_hPjeAC4gnn96SwkoJKAmbzQc7pmxRgxLaFZdAlxw2TqvM_VsTP4K0Y_EbBFTI57xpBnnXWCg_PYQAzAcPXj128v2hRDbA9mRkIgXbSDcT7&c=WNeEtUmbhbqg2VxPzQBjaPEGm6TkKFOmDOyVFxOqMwz7DeT-BszOqw==&ch=dyKtM5T8sU2o5qoI_SHa_HJC1opthif2eCgEAIUlkknMgsKCedZXCA==> ... or watch the recording. It's worth your time! (Nothing vague and esoteric. Yes, specific things you can do to leap frog to a higher skill level.)


Organizational Indifference in your world?

We hear phrases like this every day:

"That’s not my job."
"That’s just how we do things around here."
"Someone else is responsible for that."

Such are the warning signs of organizational indifference.

Organizational indifference occurs when people no longer care about the organization's success. They’re simply working for a paycheck, doing only what it takes to not get fired, and not looking for opportunities that will help the entity thrive.

Unfortunately, organizational indifference exists in companies of all sizes and in all industries.  It hits the bottom line. No one is immune. Not even nonprofits.

How much organizational indifference is in your entity? (Think percentage!)

[Ask a question]<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001wZ43tTuHWYDZBLl1c6GtZcjS27R8MI9IFx3GgT6-sfKuyz62lC75m1mQalInSUJQIaBtzJOFsb-i9ED7qYsS0MkjQjjWFQeLVDomsx2__DiyfDugi2W9uAE5iCGI_9bbN4y7cCvnQY04togv9m8SzYCJcK91aLgRJNwl2geNsqY=&c=WNeEtUmbhbqg2VxPzQBjaPEGm6TkKFOmDOyVFxOqMwz7DeT-BszOqw==&ch=dyKtM5T8sU2o5qoI_SHa_HJC1opthif2eCgEAIUlkknMgsKCedZXCA==>

Copyright 1996-2021 Shared Results International. Published weekly. Distribution is limited by license. For information on how to include additional recipients, contact support at tech-talk.com<mailto:support at tech-talk.com> 941-355-2092.

The Tech-Talk e-newsletter for Oregon library staff is distributed weekly via the Libs-OR and TechTalk mailing lists. Know someone who might be interested in receiving a copy but they’re not on TechTalk or Libs-OR mailing lists? Have them contact darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov<mailto:darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov> or visit http://listsmart.osl.state.or.us/mailman/listinfo/techtalk to subscribe to just the Tech-Talk newsletter!

Tech-Talk is a paid subscription service for staff of Oregon libraries and is supported in whole by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) through the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA), administered by the State Library of Oregon.

Darci Hanning, MLIS (she/her/hers)
Public Library Consultant / CE Coordinator
State Library of Oregon | Library Support and Development Services
971-375-3491 | darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov<mailto:darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov> | www.oregon.gov/library<http://www.oregon.gov/library>
Follow @StateLibraryOR: Facebook<http://fb.me/StateLibraryOR> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/StateLibraryOR> | Instagram<https://www.instagram.com/statelibraryor/> | Pinterest<https://pinterest.com/statelibraryor/> | YouTube<https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0-kU8Gu0jS_YcnXg-b_TRA/featured>
Continuing Education Resources: https://libguides.osl.state.or.us/conted

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