[techtalk] PPT – 3 Ways to Use a Single Slide

HANNING Darci C * SLO Darci.HANNING at slo.oregon.gov
Wed Sep 22 09:54:40 PDT 2021

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This Week's Topic: PPT / Google Slides

1. ARTICLE & VIDEO ... 3 Ways to Use a Single Slide
2. COMMUNICATING ... Choose a stronger word
3. LEADERSHIP ... Create a unified, entrepreneurial spirit
·     Sep 29: [WEBSITES] HotJar, a Free Tool to Analyze Website Traffic
·     Oct 13: [GOOGLE] How to Maximize Your Calendar Experience
·     Oct 27: [YOUTUBE] Why, When and How to Use Info Cards & End Screens

Register for Webinars<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001cv7fr4s8cUHiMjN6Ue2kCUTRNhfSdpscA43ZQMmqcT-ITJ0ALjcWrlcSiSjb4aTcXlTrQifxB9qHfMB6Hjqg8vH3079ld0XkbiVijlnVWB-YnTF_oYIJefXihDsyT8U-56wyYQ7GPfqjT4Uj2P3eXkU7-CtxgLaR&c=L82wV9-GU2x1dklUmHR35302Rj6NI1LABfrLSdAiNdxONPyb6YHf0A==&ch=t0kzCUlK6LM3U8ssQx2bJbevkzgQqZ_vehWyrIrgFKwe3gMYCksvZA==>


Photo by Farshad Rezvanian<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001cv7fr4s8cUHiMjN6Ue2kCUTRNhfSdpscA43ZQMmqcT-ITJ0ALjcWrs8nIXQAN5LNRBfSbKS005cOEva-81XPLnrcuMq9uHYkR91bq3_ZXp_cEHL5cBPW8avnLrsWq82guKNueAtoTbTKqZ0gAo7yAEjXCbYtEGLZkw2me377XLTApvA2gHBy4Kz97eDutSDy_hyQX1S02SrV8cv1i7eXgc-7x7HNl5vhcu227qY6BMRRb59Qsmf0ygt-_lrpWBegztCSPC7nWT-ZzBHgKMRMPA==&c=L82wV9-GU2x1dklUmHR35302Rj6NI1LABfrLSdAiNdxONPyb6YHf0A==&ch=t0kzCUlK6LM3U8ssQx2bJbevkzgQqZ_vehWyrIrgFKwe3gMYCksvZA==> on Unsplash<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001cv7fr4s8cUHiMjN6Ue2kCUTRNhfSdpscA43ZQMmqcT-ITJ0ALjcWrs8nIXQAN5LN2pYKNMSuB1uefh_TNm4g_T2jiJy4Bp1GeKTofo01vyWlh2LSOf7cCsea4vSbD9Vaz6Tw98lbOP9d3BchnT2jX8T1cSsl7K36HpO-Mpy9TTdMvD7N-dKtxrfCxkBBUmh5milK2YN73o-uVqbH_CDV-odkJVLhZ46wrx4IOMlW6X-r1cF4Y8tiGKhp8ssPJzkR-lyZ0dm1Bd8EQetXWPSyJcFvpTGnkCjQ&c=L82wV9-GU2x1dklUmHR35302Rj6NI1LABfrLSdAiNdxONPyb6YHf0A==&ch=t0kzCUlK6LM3U8ssQx2bJbevkzgQqZ_vehWyrIrgFKwe3gMYCksvZA==>


PPT / G-Slides – 3 Ways to Use a Single Slide

Images are the name of the game, right? PowerPoint and Google Slides make it easy to craft stunning creations ... single slide entities in different formats ... so that you can combine text and images in different ways.

1. Save the single slide as an image.

·     Turning it into a JPG or PNG ... makes a perfect format for social media.

·     The automatic dimensions of the 16:9 slide is the needed ratio for a video thumbnail.

2. Save the single slide as a PDF. Either in vertical or horizontal layout...

·     Create a poster, flyer or invitation to use on the web, put on display or hand out to people.

·     Use as a cover to a report, a grant application or a manual.

3. Save the single slide as the entire presentation ... to give to others who want to use it in their PowerPoint.

TIP: Using the Design Ideas feature<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001cv7fr4s8cUHiMjN6Ue2kCUTRNhfSdpscA43ZQMmqcT-ITJ0ALjcWroNoEqAwXrG8y1loajBPtGlnwN3GdMbBezilrTYa5CiPjATocIKAqm2zYSo_JX_qc3rJmqVHu4Key8ESgCgPwaW7T3KrIRkAdBxwgyZOC_IrejB7a1h7gOioBmauZh_8cy7HkUL0xM_uUe81zN3AKjw=&c=L82wV9-GU2x1dklUmHR35302Rj6NI1LABfrLSdAiNdxONPyb6YHf0A==&ch=t0kzCUlK6LM3U8ssQx2bJbevkzgQqZ_vehWyrIrgFKwe3gMYCksvZA==> (available in PPT 2016 and newer) makes PowerPoint a great tool to create images that offer a whole new level of sophistication!

[slide example]

So regardless if you need a single PowerPoint slide as a graphic file (.jpg or .png) to share on social media, a PDF for printing as a flyer, or as one PPT slide to include in someone else's presentation, this tool is flexible.

Let's look at three different ways to create a single slide format.

Save a Single Slide as an Image

To save one slide as an image file:

[save as image]

·     Click on the slide you want as a graphic.
·     Choose File, then Save As.
·     In the Save As Type box select .jpg file Interchange format (or .png or .gif)
·     You'll be asked if you want to convert all the files or the current ONE. NOTE: If you choose all, you'll get individual jpeg files for each slide.
·     Now you can send the image file via email or use a file-sharing too.

Or, here's another method…

·     In Normal view (with the slide thumbnails in the left column), click on the thumbnail of the slide that you want to share, right-click and choose Copy.
·     Go to your email program and open a new message.
·     In the text area, right-click and Paste the copied slide.
·     The slide is pasted into your message as a picture and the email recipient can download it as an image.

[share image in email]

Save One Slide as a PDF

NOTE: There's a "secret" step to this method.

·     Click on the Slide you want to save as a PDF.
·     Go to File, then Save As.
·     Click on Browse to select the location.

[options button]

·     In the Save As Type box choose PDF. Now, if you choose to Save the file, it will create the WHOLE presentation as a PDF.
·     Instead, click on the Options button and under Range at the top, choose Current slide.
·     Then click OK to save the one slide as a PDF.

[save current slide]

Share A Single Slide as a Presentation

If you want to share the slide in the PPT format, there are a few ways to do this, but the easiest way is to copy the presentation:

·     With your presentation open, go to Save As and give it a new name.
·     Open the new version and delete all slides except for the one you want to share.
·     Now you can share the presentation as a PowerPoint with just one slide.

Try These Steps if You're Using GOOGLE Slides

[save as image]

Save a Single GOOGLE Slide as an Image

·     Select the slide to convert to an image from the list of slides at the left side of the window.
·     Go to File and select Download, and then choose either the JPEG or PNG image type.

Save a Single GOOGLE Slide as a PDF

In Google Slides, when you choose to download the slide as a PDF, you aren't given the choice to choose just one in this format. Instead, here's a method that works.

[save as a pdf]

·     Go to File, Print.
·     Change the Destination to Save as PDF.
·     Under Pages, choose Custom.
·     Enter the page number that you want to select to save as a PDF in the box under Custom.
·     Pages per sheet should be 1.
·     Click Save and you will be prompted to name and save the file.

Share A Single GOOGLE Slide as a Presentation

As in the PowerPoint example, the simplest way is to copy the presentation and delete all but the one slide you want to keep.


Communication: Writing
Choose the stronger word to convince

What do you think of these two words: think and believe?

Which do you think is the stronger word, the concept that shows more conviction on your part? The word that will be subtly more convincing for getting your opinion across?

Here each is in the same sentence.

·     I think the program has the potential to make a significant difference.

·     I believe the program has the potential to make a significant difference.

Say them to yourself several times. Pay attention to the impact each makes on you.

I personally feel that believe is the power word in this case. That a belief inches into the reader's subconscious a little more firmly than think might. It's a little more declarative of your position.

Sure, it's subtle. And that's the beauty of "power" words. Look for more strategic choices when you're writing to convince (which is most of the time).

You'll find more power words (single and phrases) in these two Tech-Talk articles.
1.  12 Powerful Phrases (Part 1)<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001cv7fr4s8cUHiMjN6Ue2kCUTRNhfSdpscA43ZQMmqcT-ITJ0ALjcWrs8nIXQAN5LN8KymgRbe2vsTxomfucnFc3ziBuDJoB1f5aghgRPrsUpLQzKdd0JuWFoz9-CzTZPqxjNWGNofaZhuchCGPUZ_4iDm8sr1dihzOBCtxKh87SWNaRC46nOKM9sE1HuKKjAb&c=L82wV9-GU2x1dklUmHR35302Rj6NI1LABfrLSdAiNdxONPyb6YHf0A==&ch=t0kzCUlK6LM3U8ssQx2bJbevkzgQqZ_vehWyrIrgFKwe3gMYCksvZA==>
2.  12 Powerful Phrases (Part 2)<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001cv7fr4s8cUHiMjN6Ue2kCUTRNhfSdpscA43ZQMmqcT-ITJ0ALjcWrs8nIXQAN5LNfq3T6OfwcqQNmcHZ1j2Hhx-bpR8sr1EEAnXgbn39MTlywRPhhaBoemlN0J6ro-tKI3SVfwVj1S-79ZR2HgUR1Fts6N9gcFgq0URlDdkpSCg4ZSJLfsr2DlJXf5hTo0jQ&c=L82wV9-GU2x1dklUmHR35302Rj6NI1LABfrLSdAiNdxONPyb6YHf0A==&ch=t0kzCUlK6LM3U8ssQx2bJbevkzgQqZ_vehWyrIrgFKwe3gMYCksvZA==>


Create a Unified Entrepreneurial Spirit

When you rid your team of organizational indifference, and create a unified, entrepreneurial spirit, people are eager to express new ideas and genuinely want to help the entity succeed.

They are excited to come to work because they know their contributions matter and they have a definite purpose in the organization.

As a result, your patrons, students and faculty will enjoy working with you ... and that increases your success metrics - materials usage, number of visits, reputation. You may even see your expenses and employee turnover decrease as people take a more active role in the organization.

Productivity soars as each individual strives to make a positive impact on the entity's success metrics.

How much of a unified, entrepreneurial spirit do you have in your organization?

[Ask a question]<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001cv7fr4s8cUHiMjN6Ue2kCUTRNhfSdpscA43ZQMmqcT-ITJ0ALjcWrpBWbCDKwzqmpYorvqwLgTNvrPuL1BL8CjhI89_qGnYgEMz64KYgXnIEFsYsFvMHpJjFtx5N0rld_eDct0pd41ws6YPlMCuCSDdd3rIbLaTA-3zNtbNY53c=&c=L82wV9-GU2x1dklUmHR35302Rj6NI1LABfrLSdAiNdxONPyb6YHf0A==&ch=t0kzCUlK6LM3U8ssQx2bJbevkzgQqZ_vehWyrIrgFKwe3gMYCksvZA==>

Copyright 1996-2021 Shared Results International. Published weekly. Distribution is limited by license. For information on how to include additional recipients, contact support at tech-talk.com<mailto:support at tech-talk.com> 941-355-2092.

The Tech-Talk e-newsletter for Oregon library staff is distributed weekly via the Libs-OR and TechTalk mailing lists. Know someone who might be interested in receiving a copy but they’re not on TechTalk or Libs-OR mailing lists? Have them contact darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov<mailto:darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov> or visit http://listsmart.osl.state.or.us/mailman/listinfo/techtalk to subscribe to just the Tech-Talk newsletter!

Tech-Talk is a paid subscription service for staff of Oregon libraries and is supported in whole by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) through the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA), administered by the State Library of Oregon.

Darci Hanning, MLIS (she/her/hers)
Public Library Consultant / CE Coordinator
State Library of Oregon | Library Support and Development Services
971-375-3491 | darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov<mailto:darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov> | www.oregon.gov/library<http://www.oregon.gov/library>
Follow @StateLibraryOR: Facebook<http://fb.me/StateLibraryOR> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/StateLibraryOR> | Instagram<https://www.instagram.com/statelibraryor/> | Pinterest<https://pinterest.com/statelibraryor/> | YouTube<https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0-kU8Gu0jS_YcnXg-b_TRA/featured>
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