[techtalk] WEB TOOL - Microsoft TEAMS - Getting Started (Part 1 of 2)
Darci.HANNING at slo.oregon.gov
Tue Feb 15 15:50:55 PST 2022
Welcome to the latest issue of Tech-Talk!
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An Introduction to MS Teams
Photo by Thomas Lipke<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001l1DzAnGZ8iGHtxYox8P96cN9yBQq8qWMK2PDQK4gXebiExSLNfsMryYGINhxlFoMpAktraMyV_UyPxiXRB5LaAZE1h_ABAWE92mdVsp-fLCQS9Z6Jwy7bkmzrarCTRwbg6PYN5ALps1O4BsNfRoqDpHoMCZf9JVYl8VH_qaXfj6v4rwf0nezfdN-0NixDLi-EFSYZM_2GFWBNwRVYIHn2Ocz4DSSTHxaRlR-m68NIub15FScs0aqQvFGXLWCXMOh&c=Ql5f4hLabNCViw5o0nLN1sp0RHorM68v9xtMHPpt1GeIT9kfC268fg==&ch=lYMCpL6uHc6LbwDDYYyiil2OzQMDKpMzEmcwgU4RY9c9lysNcfnN5g==> on Unsplash<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001l1DzAnGZ8iGHtxYox8P96cN9yBQq8qWMK2PDQK4gXebiExSLNfsMr6YXscRMlCckG0HWNPshYDcrZtBvB9_I0hHqWye_C0ISgLY3LyoE4lCitOFGjbDf6HffmDDcnSx4IzBBFGRtOfuH6cUT0c9U8UlIvH3421EddUImWdjp929AiZXz5-VzWFIGAkucrIUwLfQ14rdQqK2yH9xFg3GWQ6mYUbzjGf8uCBmM0ZvNzAQNoKCxdUzazF2Aah1oq_pHUzPEnGRlPO8VJyYCxuMDUw==&c=Ql5f4hLabNCViw5o0nLN1sp0RHorM68v9xtMHPpt1GeIT9kfC268fg==&ch=lYMCpL6uHc6LbwDDYYyiil2OzQMDKpMzEmcwgU4RY9c9lysNcfnN5g==>
Webinars for You
· Feb 16: [Communication] The Art of Creating Surveys That Yield Useful Data [3 pm ET for 1 hour]
· Mar 9: [Word/G-Docs] Adding a Table of Contents in Word and Google Docs [3 pm ET for 1 hour]
· Mar 23: [Speaking] How to Speak With Confidence, Elicit Opinions and Respond Professionally [3 pm ET for 1 hour]
See Webinar Descriptions and Register Here<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001l1DzAnGZ8iGHtxYox8P96cN9yBQq8qWMK2PDQK4gXebiExSLNfsMr9ajaQFpZDfvefFTTegse4Euu01pxd4uBNvTZBsA1K3DuafNMUMaSHiI0qcRgb58rZWX-xWptjCJUXlwh1Lu7jtbuIiH61Jxjirtbd4bIrcs&c=Ql5f4hLabNCViw5o0nLN1sp0RHorM68v9xtMHPpt1GeIT9kfC268fg==&ch=lYMCpL6uHc6LbwDDYYyiil2OzQMDKpMzEmcwgU4RY9c9lysNcfnN5g==>
WEB TOOL - MS TEAMS - Getting Started (Part 1 of 2)
[MS Teams]
You've heard about Microsoft TEAMS, right? If you aren't using this software, maybe you're wondering if you should ... and what's it all about.
Collaborating and work virtually is a hot topic. MS TEAMS does that. It and the other free (and fee-based) software programs have risen in popularity recently because of the major switch to working remotely.
Here's the skinny...
· Some people think of MS TEAMS primarily as an online meeting tool … in place of Zoom, WebEx or GoToMeeting. They use the video (to see each other) and call features to hold virtual conferencing.
· Other folks use this application as a place to store and share documents. They work together on special projects and ongoing activities.
If you already have the Microsoft Office Suite programs on your desktop then you probably have this software. You can start making your work life easier with the seamless integration it uses with Word, Excel and so on.
Of course, you may be part of the Google world. Good news! It also has its online meeting version with Google MEET and its integrated productivity stack, G Suite.
But this article is the beginning of a two-part series on MS TEAMS. In this one we'll explain how TEAMS is organized and some of the things it can do. In Part Two, we'll go into more detail of the main activities.
What Exactly is TEAMS?
TEAMS is part of the Microsoft Office Suite, BUT it is only in Office 365. Its purpose, as you know, is to pull together all your communication and project needs into one place.
It's a secure, collaboration hub. It's not just for storing and sharing documents. It also has the ability to chat, hold online meetings, and post notes. You can even sync a project calendar. In this workspace you can do all kinds of things privately or with invited guests and much, much more.
There is so much to cover with this complex software that we'll break up the information into two parts.
In PART ONE we'll show you:
· Where you get the software and how to get into it
· The power of Desktop vs Web App
· What a "TEAM" is and how to create one
· How Channels work in TEAMS
· How to add Members to TEAM
Later watch for PART TWO where we expand on such features as:
· Activity
· Calendar
· TEAMS Meetings
· Calls, Audio or Video
· What you can do inside a channel (Files, Wiki, 3rd Party Apps)
How Do You Get Microsoft TEAMS?
Just as you would with any software, you'll find MS TEAMS in your programs. (NOTE: you must have access to Microsoft 365 in some manner. If you’re in an organization … a library, a school or government facility … you may have Microsoft 365 enterprise account . If you’re unsure, ask your IT department because you may well have it and need to request access.)
However, if you don't have MS TEAMS through an organization, you can get the very basic version for FREE through Microsoft here<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001l1DzAnGZ8iGHtxYox8P96cN9yBQq8qWMK2PDQK4gXebiExSLNfsMryYGINhxlFoMkFxxyuOpPl2c3NywLwONa3Ku-OsJYIsYaEqGOkvBUNHV0W-JqWgu5bJVmQwI4wtcNVkkLcZ7662tvSvQg7t5H_Y1U_98hQnLQFB1NtnvKQSUf09SWOrlonehwG9z4zPw&c=Ql5f4hLabNCViw5o0nLN1sp0RHorM68v9xtMHPpt1GeIT9kfC268fg==&ch=lYMCpL6uHc6LbwDDYYyiil2OzQMDKpMzEmcwgU4RY9c9lysNcfnN5g==>
NOTE: You will also need to have a Microsoft account. If you don't already have one you can create it for free here<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001l1DzAnGZ8iGHtxYox8P96cN9yBQq8qWMK2PDQK4gXebiExSLNfsMryYGINhxlFoMkinupsu54z8TFhUI6REINFRgLr2G8G80cr0dyRZv5BrxnL3sz_sviID8Ld2oqQPHjtM5AeVWhHIj45MVlrd_DVGyFna2MDEsWUmurlR-yHED_7VSFc48Sw==&c=Ql5f4hLabNCViw5o0nLN1sp0RHorM68v9xtMHPpt1GeIT9kfC268fg==&ch=lYMCpL6uHc6LbwDDYYyiil2OzQMDKpMzEmcwgU4RY9c9lysNcfnN5g==>.
TIP: Desktop and Web App
Although you can always access MS TEAMS through either the software you have on your Desktop or the Web-based App, the power of this tool is in the DESKTOP version. It has more functionality and syncs up to the web app for TEAM collaboration.
Desktop Version. To install this software, go to this page<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001l1DzAnGZ8iGHtxYox8P96cN9yBQq8qWMK2PDQK4gXebiExSLNfsMryYGINhxlFoMvoGA_9SbpOCOufX56JvfH7_mbFU6isOfNzbTgPwJv0CRhXuEadoTQmnUIzWcmbo6iBshMP5voa2qSzBo9LHgMuh669RRz9OtpxOvpJf2qBCUkxkKZS7rh8lDzQ4ldhdgjTiflYG2Vns=&c=Ql5f4hLabNCViw5o0nLN1sp0RHorM68v9xtMHPpt1GeIT9kfC268fg==&ch=lYMCpL6uHc6LbwDDYYyiil2OzQMDKpMzEmcwgU4RY9c9lysNcfnN5g==>, sign into your MS account and follow the prompts.
Web App Version. When you’re at home or away from your desk and you want to access your MS TEAMS account … just get to the internet … go to: https://TEAMS.microsoft.com<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001l1DzAnGZ8iGHtxYox8P96cN9yBQq8qWMK2PDQK4gXebiExSLNfsMryYGINhxlFoMmCnUd7Yujdd8v292hfXHCXwk6xDvPCM3778_khdPgN4w8W1TcjcRcKnk7NAG3fnDRT8MbdUl5c0GjG_ilHaCUw==&c=Ql5f4hLabNCViw5o0nLN1sp0RHorM68v9xtMHPpt1GeIT9kfC268fg==&ch=lYMCpL6uHc6LbwDDYYyiil2OzQMDKpMzEmcwgU4RY9c9lysNcfnN5g==> and sign in with your MS account email.
Remember when you're using the web app that the desktop version provides the richer experience and more functionality so don’t be disappointed when there are a few things you can’t do until you get back to your computer.
[Teams chart]
How To Open MS TEAMS
MS TEAMS is software just as is Word, Excel and so on. That means you can always open the app by going to the Start window and type teams. Then click on the software choice that appears.
Another way to get to MS TEAMS is to click on the Windows icon in the lower left corner of the screen which shows a list of all your Programs and scroll down to find Microsoft TEAMS (under “M”). Click the program name to open it.
NEXT, it may well prompt you for your Microsoft Account login info. You could also be asked which TEAM you want to join (because you can be a member of more than one).
If you're joining an existing TEAM, you’ll see documents and other materials which will make it easier to get started. If you’re opening the software to begin on your own, it will look pretty empty. That’s OK. The rest of the article (Part One and Two) will orient you to the three key areas.
Let’s Go Inside MS TEAMS Now
[Teams layout]
Once you're logged into your TEAMS account, let's take a look at the main screen elements. In the left navigation bar you will see this narrow strip of icons / features:
1. Activity
2. Chat
4. Calendar
5. Calls
6. Files
We'll go through each of these features in Part TWO next time because we want to start today with the hub of MS TEAMS: the main section identified as “TEAMS” ... and the area to the right that shows you what’s inside each Team you enter. This area of TEAMS is where all the collaboration happens.
Continued<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001l1DzAnGZ8iGHtxYox8P96cN9yBQq8qWMK2PDQK4gXebiExSLNfsMryYGINhxlFoMw488MBMGzVEGxy9NJPY39ycxF9L8W0IzS-cVrOP9GdwIdmuGglASc7PE4H3f_QwVvX3nWF_QBIgZkO4blTkKDtDUcaYpSkCeibKOiXh6Q6vDz8jz79uH_A2shG6ha5WpwVDL59YHLlU=&c=Ql5f4hLabNCViw5o0nLN1sp0RHorM68v9xtMHPpt1GeIT9kfC268fg==&ch=lYMCpL6uHc6LbwDDYYyiil2OzQMDKpMzEmcwgU4RY9c9lysNcfnN5g==>...This article is long, so the remainder of the content is in the Tech-Talk Database!
View the REST of the Part I Article and Video Here...<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001l1DzAnGZ8iGHtxYox8P96cN9yBQq8qWMK2PDQK4gXebiExSLNfsMryYGINhxlFoMw488MBMGzVEGxy9NJPY39ycxF9L8W0IzS-cVrOP9GdwIdmuGglASc7PE4H3f_QwVvX3nWF_QBIgZkO4blTkKDtDUcaYpSkCeibKOiXh6Q6vDz8jz79uH_A2shG6ha5WpwVDL59YHLlU=&c=Ql5f4hLabNCViw5o0nLN1sp0RHorM68v9xtMHPpt1GeIT9kfC268fg==&ch=lYMCpL6uHc6LbwDDYYyiil2OzQMDKpMzEmcwgU4RY9c9lysNcfnN5g==>
[February theme]
Making Friends with Email <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001l1DzAnGZ8iGHtxYox8P96cN9yBQq8qWMK2PDQK4gXebiExSLNfsMr9LySh1-QovYxxNzYdEHSJ-PAwqdLSxhCnhbEt8JY-OOcsTcvrg3tw3APCU_ySp1CqPUxA67Yd3WSpKqDhCWwBDr-A7JrpmOOgGtecyivBk7&c=Ql5f4hLabNCViw5o0nLN1sp0RHorM68v9xtMHPpt1GeIT9kfC268fg==&ch=lYMCpL6uHc6LbwDDYYyiil2OzQMDKpMzEmcwgU4RY9c9lysNcfnN5g==>
Click HERE <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001l1DzAnGZ8iGHtxYox8P96cN9yBQq8qWMK2PDQK4gXebiExSLNfsMr9LySh1-QovYxxNzYdEHSJ-PAwqdLSxhCnhbEt8JY-OOcsTcvrg3tw3APCU_ySp1CqPUxA67Yd3WSpKqDhCWwBDr-A7JrpmOOgGtecyivBk7&c=Ql5f4hLabNCViw5o0nLN1sp0RHorM68v9xtMHPpt1GeIT9kfC268fg==&ch=lYMCpL6uHc6LbwDDYYyiil2OzQMDKpMzEmcwgU4RY9c9lysNcfnN5g==> for articles on...
· Email Etiquette
· Reduce Spam
· Cleaning Out Your Inbox
· Creating Templates and more!
VISIT this special area now!<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001l1DzAnGZ8iGHtxYox8P96cN9yBQq8qWMK2PDQK4gXebiExSLNfsMr9LySh1-QovYxxNzYdEHSJ-PAwqdLSxhCnhbEt8JY-OOcsTcvrg3tw3APCU_ySp1CqPUxA67Yd3WSpKqDhCWwBDr-A7JrpmOOgGtecyivBk7&c=Ql5f4hLabNCViw5o0nLN1sp0RHorM68v9xtMHPpt1GeIT9kfC268fg==&ch=lYMCpL6uHc6LbwDDYYyiil2OzQMDKpMzEmcwgU4RY9c9lysNcfnN5g==>
YOUR MONTHLY THEME!<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001l1DzAnGZ8iGHtxYox8P96cN9yBQq8qWMK2PDQK4gXebiExSLNfsMr9LySh1-QovYxxNzYdEHSJ-PAwqdLSxhCnhbEt8JY-OOcsTcvrg3tw3APCU_ySp1CqPUxA67Yd3WSpKqDhCWwBDr-A7JrpmOOgGtecyivBk7&c=Ql5f4hLabNCViw5o0nLN1sp0RHorM68v9xtMHPpt1GeIT9kfC268fg==&ch=lYMCpL6uHc6LbwDDYYyiil2OzQMDKpMzEmcwgU4RY9c9lysNcfnN5g==>
Comments matter
As some of you know, when you go into the Tech-Talk Database to read an article, you can leave a Comment at the bottom of it.
We see these right away; we reply online in the same area, and we act if need be.
This is one way to communicate ... to utilize the comments feature in various places online. Often this method seems to be a one-way transmission. But of course, you know that we always prefer two-way communication.
That's why we now reply to every comment ... by posting a statement at the bottom of the article, right next to the original text. We hope that the individual making the statement will return to that post and see the response. In any case, both comments are there for future readers.
NOTE: We used to just reply only to those listings where someone added their name. However, as of December 2021, all comments get a reply. There are 196 to date. We're working our way through the previous ones so that everyone who offers feedback, gets a response from us.
So, what is the communication tip for this week? Think of ways you can always respond to someone's input to you. Whether the comment is verbal or written, rhetorical or intentional, responding is much better than leaving someone's ideas just dangling out there!
Show you listen, give feedback
Whether you are a leader of a team, or a leader of thought, or a leader of like-minded individuals... it's essential to show that you listen.
That means when you ask for someone's opinion or input, it's important to give feedback.
We like to walk our talk. We listened to your comments in the Tech-Talk Survey (2021-22). As a result, we took action and want to share this information with you. Here is the complete list of Other Comments from the survey.
You will see "Editor's NOTE" in multiple places that shares the action we've taken based on your input. We also believe in inclusivity so we think everyone should have an opportunity to view the Comments.
Fun Communications Tip: When sharing a long list of bulleted items (which can be challenging to digest), try sorting them alphabetically. We did that in this case and reversed the order, going from Z to A.
Interestingly enough, you'll see that it makes the content easier to read quickly ... and, at the same time, get an overall impression without going into all the detail.
Download Tech-Talk Survey Comments (2022)<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001l1DzAnGZ8iGHtxYox8P96cN9yBQq8qWMK2PDQK4gXebiExSLNfsMryYGINhxlFoMWlGDytt8gsIO3B4DeEeFQXCPJL4BjZ35Ijqnz9Gvaq8weoKxFY8s6JEYlS7y4jEOP3He7iOFbyDYcJOEaKBm5gVT_0hQNzpMFuPTcWKm9qA=&c=Ql5f4hLabNCViw5o0nLN1sp0RHorM68v9xtMHPpt1GeIT9kfC268fg==&ch=lYMCpL6uHc6LbwDDYYyiil2OzQMDKpMzEmcwgU4RY9c9lysNcfnN5g==>
[Ask a question]<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001l1DzAnGZ8iGHtxYox8P96cN9yBQq8qWMK2PDQK4gXebiExSLNfsMr-YMBgA6FP6Ow-jEozuxbif5dVmBc7NtPZfK3mb6O8BO4v6bWRCL9Hw73QN-b8wtnoC3BPyjuVNBxJjuDwDAT9wU7JRG4iAuFWGI3utYA8I0VkRN8oSTqZE=&c=Ql5f4hLabNCViw5o0nLN1sp0RHorM68v9xtMHPpt1GeIT9kfC268fg==&ch=lYMCpL6uHc6LbwDDYYyiil2OzQMDKpMzEmcwgU4RY9c9lysNcfnN5g==>
Copyright 1996-2022 Shared Results International. Published weekly. Distribution is limited by license. For information on how to include additional recipients, contact support at tech-talk.com<mailto:support at tech-talk.com> 941-355-2092.
Tech-Talk is a paid subscription service for staff of Oregon libraries and is supported in whole by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) through the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA), administered by the State Library of Oregon.
Darci Hanning, MLIS (she/her/hers)
Public Library Consultant / CE Coordinator
State Library of Oregon | Library Support and Development Services
971-375-3491 | darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov<mailto:darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov> | www.oregon.gov/library<http://www.oregon.gov/library>
Follow @StateLibraryOR: Facebook<http://fb.me/StateLibraryOR> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/StateLibraryOR> | Instagram<https://www.instagram.com/statelibraryor/> | Pinterest<https://pinterest.com/statelibraryor/> | YouTube<https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0-kU8Gu0jS_YcnXg-b_TRA/featured>
Continuing Education Resources: https://libguides.osl.state.or.us/conted
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