[techtalk] EXCEL/G-Sheets – Sort Data Horizontally (left to right)

HANNING Darci C * SLO Darci.HANNING at slo.oregon.gov
Thu Feb 24 07:59:09 PST 2022

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Sort your columns (instead of rows)


Photo by Ray Hennessy<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001j3ZB-GBPgK4H5ofikXG6_6zYgX-6Q2h6NShFrZPKeIQXPj33fouLD6dJ3Mj1tQi5-mfttBl9ai9NeFKluetkZtG9eupvQQ7FuJmqS8C3kX_bVY9sHgBI4TqzvmsPxOvMFR3AQyuSg4IilYwi62JslspeFeuIh9UA6z97wk0OtufAvjHAnSp1-lDT9gEXk1TWxnzGxOapSN0mf-y1IbyZXnAIA2Xcc1fVJVJ04CE6vfakdEIi7wWtYl9YKIMylqNyZk8rxSaNv20=&c=DlkEoLRgAAhKAz2jiqV0wIKQ-H-YStXC6lwyzIzqxwIcsaFukQmp9A==&ch=MRPRFZ5AFz4CtS3VjU7Rj3iTatGQCnJhiGdC0-3eOOw-AkoslHbsNw==> on Unsplash<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001j3ZB-GBPgK4H5ofikXG6_6zYgX-6Q2h6NShFrZPKeIQXPj33fouLDzHLFDxukkY8WhpKJcaypzxfDeVfpxsn2UiHmcj17EuvsUmR522eeC9PkSNEUji2RO6si9FB3QwyPElHfrqVs2RFDLL5gu9aIHo-6Onco6E1W3jI4MMZQeb5HWi1-_DzKTBVL8G0Qk-wdeYuEeVm2XcXs-er_2gp9MZf47Qd8Zuc1zAOMBZTXbDDaGM2ZWp_-wyWiuZZyb5fuUg_tCQbtPlXs_Bs-XesXA==&c=DlkEoLRgAAhKAz2jiqV0wIKQ-H-YStXC6lwyzIzqxwIcsaFukQmp9A==&ch=MRPRFZ5AFz4CtS3VjU7Rj3iTatGQCnJhiGdC0-3eOOw-AkoslHbsNw==>


Webinars for You

·     Mar 9: [Word/G-Docs] Adding a Table of Contents in Word and Google Docs [3 pm ET for 1 hour]

·     Mar 23: [Speaking] How to Speak With Confidence, Elicit Opinions and Respond Professionally [3 pm ET for 1 hour]

See Webinar Descriptions and Register Here<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001j3ZB-GBPgK4H5ofikXG6_6zYgX-6Q2h6NShFrZPKeIQXPj33fouLDwjRLZUyhW2d12BQfOBvW37cl2E7O-ZEmxF8GInzfOiMPSkbdRwjqwYgHY5OqY9YEgdRiZDTzVmbDcCkUqtlG8Y0yVxuBD7fSys4rZlaFyoy&c=DlkEoLRgAAhKAz2jiqV0wIKQ-H-YStXC6lwyzIzqxwIcsaFukQmp9A==&ch=MRPRFZ5AFz4CtS3VjU7Rj3iTatGQCnJhiGdC0-3eOOw-AkoslHbsNw==>

EXCEL/G-Sheets – Sort Data Horizontally (left to right)

If you use Excel regularly, you know the power of using the sort option to rearrange your data. Whether it be alphabetizing a list of names, ordering a list of dates or listing cost data, this automatic feature helps you to organize your spreadsheet content so that you can understand and visualize the data more effectively. Sorting ultimately helps in making efficient decisions.

Commonly, when you're working in a spreadsheet and need to use this function, it is to sort top to bottom – so that you're looking at the items alphabetically or numerically (high to low or low to high).

But occasionally, you may have a situation where you need to sort your spreadsheet data horizontally, left to right.

[sort columns]

For instance, you can rearrange the data to put the columns in a different order. This is especially helpful with really wide spreadsheets.

Here's an example. As in the image above, I have a spreadsheet that shows a budget with Expenses for the years 2018-2021. The first column next to the type is 2018. But I want to flip it so those expense years are listed newest to oldest (2021, 2020, 2019, etc.). This is where I can sort left to right.

Let's take a look at the simple steps to sort this way. The trick is just knowing where to find the option in Excel.

NOTE: In Google Sheets, there is no in-built feature to sort left to right. However, there is a workaround to do this with the "Transpose" option. See below.

Sort Columns in a Different Order in Excel

In your spreadsheet, first make sure that your columns have a heading.

In our example, we want to re-order the year columns newest to oldest (switching the order going from left to right).

·     Highlight the columns you want to sort.

·     In the Home tab ribbon, go to the Sort & Filter icon and drop-down to select Custom Sort.

[custom sort]

·     Here's the trick: In the Sort window, click the Options button.

·     Then select Sort left to right, and click OK.

[sort left to right]

·     Next, in the Sort window you can add the parameters. In our example we are going to 1) Sort by Row 1, 2) Sort on the Cell Values, and 3) the order will be Largest to Smallest. (Your sort Options may differ from this example.)

[sort options]

[sorted spreadsheet]

Our updated spreadsheet now has columns with the most recent year on the left.

NOTE: Excel allows you to sort by up to 64 columns.

Here's another scenario. You have columns that you want in a specific order from left to right, but it doesn't make sense based on the heading content to order them alphabetically or numerically -- you want a custom order.

In this case, you can create a temporary header row with numbers (1, 2, 3, etc...), identifying which column you want to sort first, second, third, etc…Then follow the horizontal sorting instructions above.

[another way to sort]

Sort Columns in a Different Order in Google Sheets

Again, Sheets doesn't offer the option that Excel does, However, there's a workaround using the 1) Transpose option, 2) Sorting your data the vertical way (by row), 3) then Transposing again.

What does "Transpose" mean? It's simply reversing the spreadsheet content taking the header row and moving it to be the content of the first column ... and switching the first column content to the header – while keeping the data intact.

1.  First, select the data in the worksheet you want to sort, right-click and select Copy.
2.  Go to an empty cell, or new sheet, right-click and select Paste special, then Transposed from the secondary menu.
3.  Now Sort your data the way that you would like.
4.  Once the sorted data is ready, repeat the transpose directions (Steps 1 & 2 above) to reinstate your original headings with the data sorted horizontally.

[Sort in sheets]


Making Friends with Email<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001j3ZB-GBPgK4H5ofikXG6_6zYgX-6Q2h6NShFrZPKeIQXPj33fouLD1CQp0LsCOCFAS4zaG6N51WuVfPkz5Oc0YqiC7_KP8s7PdavJ13uF3r0rVYfv4dMSz0lUfwqr_15BDxv_It5zSoJ_SvVPFZ9JwhUv7I1Wxr4&c=DlkEoLRgAAhKAz2jiqV0wIKQ-H-YStXC6lwyzIzqxwIcsaFukQmp9A==&ch=MRPRFZ5AFz4CtS3VjU7Rj3iTatGQCnJhiGdC0-3eOOw-AkoslHbsNw==> <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001j3ZB-GBPgK4H5ofikXG6_6zYgX-6Q2h6NShFrZPKeIQXPj33fouLD1CQp0LsCOCFAS4zaG6N51WuVfPkz5Oc0YqiC7_KP8s7PdavJ13uF3r0rVYfv4dMSz0lUfwqr_15BDxv_It5zSoJ_SvVPFZ9JwhUv7I1Wxr4&c=DlkEoLRgAAhKAz2jiqV0wIKQ-H-YStXC6lwyzIzqxwIcsaFukQmp9A==&ch=MRPRFZ5AFz4CtS3VjU7Rj3iTatGQCnJhiGdC0-3eOOw-AkoslHbsNw==>

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"If you had to say..."

Have you ever been in a situation where all you are hearing is the good stuff? For instance, you're conducting an interview you'd like to find out their weaknesses. Or you're in a sales presentation and you'd find it handy to hear the cons of the product. Perhaps you're listening to a new idea for a project and only getting the upside.

Even when you ask about the negative side ("What is it that you don't do so well?" "What does this product not do?" "What could go wrong with this idea?"), people are reluctant to tell you the truth.

Here's a phrase you can use that works every time. It gives you insightful, accurate information. It even keeps you sounding positive and supportive while digging into the possible dark side.

"If you had to say..."

EXAMPLES: (Be sure to stress the word "had")
·     "If you had to say, what is one of your weaknesses?"
·     "If you had to say, what does this product not do?"
·     "If you had to say, what is one thing that could go wrong?"

This approach catches people off guard and inevitably opens up their willingness to say the downside. They don't feel attacked. And they always give you the skinny.

Recently a colleague was trying to sell me on the idea of doing podcasting. They were enthusiastic and tell me all the great benefits. I liked hearing what he had to say, but I wanted the downside too. So, I said "If you had to say, what one of the reasons I shouldn’t do podcasting? What would that be?

I believe his answer was, "If you aren't willing to put a lot of time into it."

When you get their answers, you can better judge whether to proceed or not. Sometimes the downside is quite acceptable. Other times, not so much.


Five Most Important Organs

If someone were to ask you to identify the five most important organs in your body, what would you say? Some might think they are the brain, heart, lungs, liver and kidneys.

But what if you had to give up one or more of them? You would not be functioning, right? You need all five.

The same is true of manager-employee communications in any organization or team.

If even one of the essential components in how we get everyone on the same page, energized, and taking action is missing or broken, it can ruin the entire environment.

Here are the five vital processes: (Each links to an article for further explanation.)
1.  Set goals and have a clear vision.<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001j3ZB-GBPgK4H5ofikXG6_6zYgX-6Q2h6NShFrZPKeIQXPj33fouLDzHLFDxukkY8fDm1yTxE_mFRyRtqBZB8THVs7ewVWZjaSA8K1a1dmj3gBIklyRfx6mfSuiC4jxtL0b7iC6WoLg4VzY_Rs9Kv5I_0bzKTL-E6jSZWDUjbWcUGQoQy67xk92g0X3AzdHW6V8BvaLvbU5w=&c=DlkEoLRgAAhKAz2jiqV0wIKQ-H-YStXC6lwyzIzqxwIcsaFukQmp9A==&ch=MRPRFZ5AFz4CtS3VjU7Rj3iTatGQCnJhiGdC0-3eOOw-AkoslHbsNw==>
2.  Keep employees informed.<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001j3ZB-GBPgK4H5ofikXG6_6zYgX-6Q2h6NShFrZPKeIQXPj33fouLDzHLFDxukkY8w26lYWE3BawKMJN6hxSXzBqMbiMZxRF-lSFSQLuODTPf9PM7_ZP6x41NfvKPWUZ5I9_ACMWo3Ouh8l0r5rE_eA5evvip3YNb-ZCL9JkahBm4Qq8ssv2E1w==&c=DlkEoLRgAAhKAz2jiqV0wIKQ-H-YStXC6lwyzIzqxwIcsaFukQmp9A==&ch=MRPRFZ5AFz4CtS3VjU7Rj3iTatGQCnJhiGdC0-3eOOw-AkoslHbsNw==>
3.  Equip workers with skills.<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001j3ZB-GBPgK4H5ofikXG6_6zYgX-6Q2h6NShFrZPKeIQXPj33fouLDzHLFDxukkY8ZEj66RlP1TeHWnOaRex7rEUmL4xvjgs7yWGyxr3k-27UWvNC_Km_NY_x6ASqGImL-HitA6tUDbGdPzmU0K9JQiyQV5r2pk19qvmHj5cbp0twSh7uePPZqZrokqDTe8qp&c=DlkEoLRgAAhKAz2jiqV0wIKQ-H-YStXC6lwyzIzqxwIcsaFukQmp9A==&ch=MRPRFZ5AFz4CtS3VjU7Rj3iTatGQCnJhiGdC0-3eOOw-AkoslHbsNw==>
4.  Create a motivational environment.<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001j3ZB-GBPgK4H5ofikXG6_6zYgX-6Q2h6NShFrZPKeIQXPj33fouLDzHLFDxukkY8n6a5xWUMCUz0acQYjJcdoczT_xewZs25WaNdChxtBk1J0IdMxgdws49bDhRZPdgHBWzoYoppAeYixd3Wx0x-jhWEBawW7ijY_cPU3v0I5zbqo-2VmzqlSkKR3LUcueUvvIJaxXmHLMg=&c=DlkEoLRgAAhKAz2jiqV0wIKQ-H-YStXC6lwyzIzqxwIcsaFukQmp9A==&ch=MRPRFZ5AFz4CtS3VjU7Rj3iTatGQCnJhiGdC0-3eOOw-AkoslHbsNw==>
5.  Empower employees.<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001j3ZB-GBPgK4H5ofikXG6_6zYgX-6Q2h6NShFrZPKeIQXPj33fouLDzHLFDxukkY8JL3q8zYq7kDqqfgxAzC44FUk5EH1Wt9FFeBh-3Maf85yoMHEJ14myIr_jozT8r1meukU9CIvKaJTXsibgStayJ7F4_MD_Gv8x0ybzSd78QNHUeunS7CGUw==&c=DlkEoLRgAAhKAz2jiqV0wIKQ-H-YStXC6lwyzIzqxwIcsaFukQmp9A==&ch=MRPRFZ5AFz4CtS3VjU7Rj3iTatGQCnJhiGdC0-3eOOw-AkoslHbsNw==>

Yes, we may have mentioned this before, and it bears repeating because if you take the time to ensure each of these five vital organs is in place, your organization will thrive!

TIP: You don't have to be the person in charge to help make these five essential components happen! You can suggest, ask, offer to lead a team for example. There are lots of ways you can help move your team and organization forward.

[Ask a question]<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001j3ZB-GBPgK4H5ofikXG6_6zYgX-6Q2h6NShFrZPKeIQXPj33fouLDx7Kgr9C8Uw9d4a51s_p4llAHzqyD-MK0UJPzkNVGSmq4U4SbNZyTZSkgT9gTdJgtaGP394vL6iQe604n-IUYnYqSmTm1IVOSaU7KFSIaG3ICLWErW7qEd8=&c=DlkEoLRgAAhKAz2jiqV0wIKQ-H-YStXC6lwyzIzqxwIcsaFukQmp9A==&ch=MRPRFZ5AFz4CtS3VjU7Rj3iTatGQCnJhiGdC0-3eOOw-AkoslHbsNw==>

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Tech-Talk is a paid subscription service for staff of Oregon libraries and is supported in whole by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) through the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA), administered by the State Library of Oregon.

Darci Hanning, MLIS (she/her/hers)
Public Library Consultant / CE Coordinator
State Library of Oregon | Library Support and Development Services
971-375-3491 | darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov<mailto:darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov> | www.oregon.gov/library<http://www.oregon.gov/library>
Follow @StateLibraryOR: Facebook<http://fb.me/StateLibraryOR> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/StateLibraryOR> | Instagram<https://www.instagram.com/statelibraryor/> | Pinterest<https://pinterest.com/statelibraryor/> | YouTube<https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0-kU8Gu0jS_YcnXg-b_TRA/featured>
Continuing Education Resources: https://libguides.osl.state.or.us/conted
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