[techtalk] PPT & G-Slides - Use the Eyedropper to Color Coordinate

HANNING Darci C * SLO darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov
Wed May 24 10:23:46 PDT 2023

Welcome to the latest issue of Tech-Talk!
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Color Picker tool

[Tech-Talk 27 years]

[child flowers]<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001tak1lmWzqol3hBrfWIPcAYcNZ_KGXNoqjv3i9bDAtinYYmz7i-5UkSptYk3GD6ScxcgvvFpYAmVx8E4jFyALnebG4jKK5PBAPBEXe2USmfBUy9JOwAIQ1wPGHy3h_7PDqZofnV3YI9-4Z3pvh-dKTKnsljf1F5uYR6Byg0SyorE6AiF0LCLCwwEpKArneahdeGfc-9pjSQRk_DAzO5Kw0A==&c=3IRxPs8JOrnbLdRPsTSJSLenyskoEKR8YxPZm1LMXKc0nAe7Syw45A==&ch=DduJJWCn6WbgOYd1V6mU-dDlfcWwvOFyFFyFQ8T08XeTVkuVbRwSkQ==>

Photo by Alyssa Stevenson<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001tak1lmWzqol3hBrfWIPcAYcNZ_KGXNoqjv3i9bDAtinYYmz7i-5UkZMGykOTS6exATvAFgWi9Mnx5H-iQAzXYyF6PfJILavt2I62GU8wUjkOfOPISTZUgYHdUGzDdPkcWiFDrnRCkPkWJP8x4hyELLsRh-d1tELjMZ2AesDbZtzWZyS3Ns-laKLvHSsxroLHajwozoG84wJOO7hMXJvqvj9-zZ2cWzELs7dIKxEnlJe_PXPBCEtc9N6HL8bb7oBtDI5lmpM7sJA=&c=3IRxPs8JOrnbLdRPsTSJSLenyskoEKR8YxPZm1LMXKc0nAe7Syw45A==&ch=DduJJWCn6WbgOYd1V6mU-dDlfcWwvOFyFFyFQ8T08XeTVkuVbRwSkQ==> on Unsplash<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001tak1lmWzqol3hBrfWIPcAYcNZ_KGXNoqjv3i9bDAtinYYmz7i-5UkRfAosJVlgDCls7PGf5XP72yMy7z9q8N8RkXOu39dnoTehNS8W6U2TkBK3f_WTF-5q2tPW9DeHT7b6BtE_jnvuzhLr_je9lZ2bUZiOwN0s1nzXNvEl3TslK9I25Qf-K8kIxOD6hKI-f9Ly7rDQll5bPWFAi-_TBFe9vYauaD43Z1Cnstpou0rQKZQrO2QyYYsJwClJFXUzRwK4sjh24dAdNR_1reXy7k9w==&c=3IRxPs8JOrnbLdRPsTSJSLenyskoEKR8YxPZm1LMXKc0nAe7Syw45A==&ch=DduJJWCn6WbgOYd1V6mU-dDlfcWwvOFyFFyFQ8T08XeTVkuVbRwSkQ==>


Webinars for You

·    May 24: [WORD] How to Create Gorgeous TABLES in a Word Document [3 pm ET for 1 hour]

·    June 14: [INTERNET] Understanding Your Options in Cloud Storage and How to Find Your Files Easily [3 pm ET for 1 hour]

·    June 28: [EXCEL] Linking Data and Text Between Documents to Auto Update [3 pm ET for 1 hour]

View Webinars and Register Here<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001tak1lmWzqol3hBrfWIPcAYcNZ_KGXNoqjv3i9bDAtinYYmz7i-5UkR_Te2ildXbaHjoHTivkzt54lTNWBn5ZsyYZ02HVhFqToJoaqXOpyG5kuxdY1hl9tN8L0eyxtqhflo2Bgh-vNk_IhT594lpAs1qmZQhwQ_Tf&c=3IRxPs8JOrnbLdRPsTSJSLenyskoEKR8YxPZm1LMXKc0nAe7Syw45A==&ch=DduJJWCn6WbgOYd1V6mU-dDlfcWwvOFyFFyFQ8T08XeTVkuVbRwSkQ==>


NOTE: You've requested a web design/web authoring webinar. That's a big topic, so tell us: 1) What specifically you'd like covered, and 2) What software you are using now e.g. Weebly, Wordpress (if WP, what theme), etc.

Tell us here...<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001tak1lmWzqol3hBrfWIPcAYcNZ_KGXNoqjv3i9bDAtinYYmz7i-5UkRfAosJVlgDChsae665QCOXHldhYZ5oNe7_ptqkIm7DuX1I9HCp3t4FK7Al19DW0atUKytqlkBfkSQCQ7npG5vWUHAiLuUezDS_yQZhbVC2QVMOmFqhClxEizE2i8ayaayz1UVLSKZXfWlrDOMUdiTo=&c=3IRxPs8JOrnbLdRPsTSJSLenyskoEKR8YxPZm1LMXKc0nAe7Syw45A==&ch=DduJJWCn6WbgOYd1V6mU-dDlfcWwvOFyFFyFQ8T08XeTVkuVbRwSkQ==>

PPT & G-Slides - Use the Eyedropper to Color Coordinate


Have you ever created a slide in a PowerPoint presentation (or in Google Slides) where you've added an image and you want to pull a color from it so that your text will match? It can be time-consuming to play around with shades of colors until you find the perfect one, right?


In this slide to the right, we wanted to match the font color with one of the pink shades in the flowers.

Or maybe you want to use a specific shade from your company logo to create a master template so that you can coordinate colors for a more cohesive look. You struggle to find the exact color that works.

With the "Color Picker" (Eyedropper tool) you can instantly replicate any color on your slide!

This is one of those features that has been around for a while in PowerPoint, but you may not have noticed. In addition, Google has added a "pick a custom color" option to Slides (plus Docs and Sheets) as well!

TIP: Trying to find the RGB or Hex value of a color on a website page? See this article for a cool browser tool<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001tak1lmWzqol3hBrfWIPcAYcNZ_KGXNoqjv3i9bDAtinYYmz7i-5UkSptYk3GD6Sc3SxRBdSk5-_G9CHUTkJbo6uxYkGi9K4rCVAEwruZOR4JxdkgDoqJTNMP1_7yrBrZIm7HuJM9pcfOAS_l16J_pebKzrFfxRGVlczOzytNd-YEpxGkza-0pjIuFVN69fQQe2O9u78dU0g8LzNnOpAC2_TR7EFtAFnm&c=3IRxPs8JOrnbLdRPsTSJSLenyskoEKR8YxPZm1LMXKc0nAe7Syw45A==&ch=DduJJWCn6WbgOYd1V6mU-dDlfcWwvOFyFFyFQ8T08XeTVkuVbRwSkQ==>.


PowerPoint - Precise Color Matching

If you have a color in an image in your PowerPoint slide, there's an easy way to find the exact HEX or RGB (red, green, blue) color code for that shade so that you can use it for other items in your presentation… such as text, accent shapes or lines.

The Eyedropper tool allows you to pick a specific shade of color from anything on the slide.

To get started, you have to think a little backward. First, you'll need to identify where you want the color applied.  There are different methods depending on the type of thing you want to color.

For Text

·    Type your text and then highlight it with your cursor.

·    On the Home tab in the Font section, click the color choice option, and instead of picking a color, drop down and click on the Eyedropper to engage it.


·    Your cursor will turn into an eyedropper icon (as in the image to the right). Slowly mouse over any part of your screen to find the color that you want to pick. You’ll see a live preview of the shades as you hover over the image. See the pink square in the image on the right, as an example.

·    To select the color, just click on it (or tap your space bar) to apply that shade to your selected text.

TIP: The color that was selected with the Eyedropper will now be added to your Recent Colors in the font window so that you can use it again if needed.

For Shapes, Objects or Lines


You can also use the Eyedropper to match colors for accent objects in your slides like shapes and lines.

·    Add your object to the slide. Then double-click on it to highlight the shape.

·    In the Shape Format tab, under the Shapes Style group, click any of the color option choices, such as Shape Fill or Shade Outline.

·    Find the Eyedropper in the drop-down list and click on it to turn it on.

·    Your cursor will turn into an eyedropper icon. Mouse over any part of your screen to find the color that you want to pick. You’ll see a live preview of the shades you can choose.

·    To select the color, just click on it (or tap your space bar) to apply that shade to your selected object.

NOTE: To turn off the eyedropper without picking a color, press the Escape key.

Google - Select a Color with the Eyedropper

Google Slides also now has a "pick a custom color" option in all areas where you can change the color of an item. Any time the color selection palette is displayed – for text, shapes & lines, fill colors, etc… an "eyedrop" icon is displayed. This option is available in Google Docs and Sheets as well!

To match the color of something already on your Slide (Doc or Sheet):

·    First, highlight the item you want to apply the new color to – just as you were going to change the color normally.

·    Go to the Color option in the toolbar and instead of selecting a color from the palette, click the Eyedropper icon.


·    Your cursor will turn into a circle. Just move your mouse over the color you want to replicate. You'll see a live preview of the shade you can choose.

·    To select the color, just click your mouse to apply that shade to your selected object.

To disengage the tool you can hit the Escape key at any time.


Communications - Teach & Webinars

Willingness to speak up

I was preparing to give a webinar and was identifying questions where I wanted input from the attendees.

The first was to be: "In this scenario, would you use a spreadsheet or a Word table to gather the data?"

I made a note to myself, to remind them that "there was no wrong answer" ... thinking that would encourage everyone to respond. I bet you've said that before, right?

Then I realized, if I wanted to get even more folks to speak up, I should flip that statement to the positive side: "By the way, every answer you give is right."

Now, everyone is free to put something down. They don't have to risk it being wrong. And even though, with the first statement we tell them it won't be "wrong", the negativity of that word lingers in their subconscious.

So, don't leave anyone behind. Create a positive communication environment where they can't fail (I mean where everyone succeeds!) See how easy it is to slip into "negative" talk?


Partnering Wishlist

In your wildest dreams, what additional resource would you like to have available ... as a potential partner to Tech-Talk?

Maybe it's a web tool that you'd like integrated or a series of courses or online database. If you could have anything, what is one thing it could be?

Let us know here, please!

My Wishlist Item<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001tak1lmWzqol3hBrfWIPcAYcNZ_KGXNoqjv3i9bDAtinYYmz7i-5UkXuCyu1_pS8q0WFntwdsMYFU_q1vLnEKQIkASiNocpPzsSk7myA0CZEhLpp9Q-5uf85VzW_Zk68doJPKCmKZCmokKm1TnFTBgm_OIYou3naqNWgurtMJhorBwm8UCr8AqLnikIWjmSDI7p0mqI_-ibo=&c=3IRxPs8JOrnbLdRPsTSJSLenyskoEKR8YxPZm1LMXKc0nAe7Syw45A==&ch=DduJJWCn6WbgOYd1V6mU-dDlfcWwvOFyFFyFQ8T08XeTVkuVbRwSkQ==>

[Ask a question]<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001tak1lmWzqol3hBrfWIPcAYcNZ_KGXNoqjv3i9bDAtinYYmz7i-5UkapW-Zf2awKX6rAvE-oja6y5O0m1UwxYqxyJh0CCRUyakD6LMRRzSjdE2zsa04GWsxTK68-22Z06C6dkn6WZK9eZpBd8Qqw7M81RGwVDSVpjt6a9htFSQp0=&c=3IRxPs8JOrnbLdRPsTSJSLenyskoEKR8YxPZm1LMXKc0nAe7Syw45A==&ch=DduJJWCn6WbgOYd1V6mU-dDlfcWwvOFyFFyFQ8T08XeTVkuVbRwSkQ==>

Copyright 1996-2023 Shared Results International. Published weekly. Distribution is limited by license. For information on how to include additional recipients, contact support at tech-talk.com<mailto:support at tech-talk.com> 941-355-2092.

Darci Hanning, MLIS (she/her/hers)
Public Library Consultant / CE Coordinator
Continuing Education Resources: https://libguides.osl.state.or.us/conted
State Library of Oregon | Library Support and Development Services
971-375-3491 | darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov<mailto:darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov> | www.oregon.gov/library<http://www.oregon.gov/library>
Follow @StateLibraryOR: Facebook<http://fb.me/StateLibraryOR> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/StateLibraryOR> | Instagram<https://www.instagram.com/statelibraryor/> | Pinterest<https://pinterest.com/statelibraryor/> | YouTube<https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0-kU8Gu0jS_YcnXg-b_TRA/featured>

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