[techtalk] WEB TOOL – Find a Time to Meet for Your Group
darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov
Tue Nov 14 16:58:48 PST 2023
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Meeting poll feature
[Tech-Talk 27 years]
Photo by Betty Subrizi<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001rSwrHEIfaQA-vPx4K5x99PGUHCxrYK8Cvh128U8skgR4vm3btVgWG9D3ZPlAnqLvtcvAoCm4kAFznkP-GKaUblJDHC5Jc5ZE08KuQnvoqZ1FExmPQxSpdya70Y6afTe1txormjnSl4J27VB59PNkQeVX_AitcFQdbVOzCmG0gk4MiQOjdxSP54q6PYCFu0Ntq1JAwi8RbUM915Y-057AUiosbvmYSTY4f9uGyFGFBdy7la0bz3SDsejeamL5xeDSB7iBVx6VHbE=&c=fXdC4HQaiHXOndG98S_KJSsnTtTQaGTsfSm7VCrVzOzDKdAE4C4k6A==&ch=0MSXrBucJTjNvR9cme3JyywqKddGuqzhqiZNwnAlZJhnzJ4EQLvJog==> on Unsplash<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001rSwrHEIfaQA-vPx4K5x99PGUHCxrYK8Cvh128U8skgR4vm3btVgWG9D3ZPlAnqLvsCbC8t9KoOvQ0jNEXHf7YrwUy6jFuEsEZzeOmqssZhI30lBHZ2WtMoAVC1SZos09BjqMKyNAQoXWBRF8KLhP8nKyCmtQFI266DI6f9Bmb_IyVpnxcwil4uZun5xv5c4N7yTn2zkHpXzSmeEr85zJvvSt89ph1TDAHZjxfIloDR8eLOYKQxnsNq48VuQ0O5Cb-OHNM90LO8sj528Vxmjo_p9agICMWa1eH71OyWCpy1KcRNKRT3X76Bfp5JqJsinFVL53cwgHr7CA1TKBy45j9TbtHGc37uc1&c=fXdC4HQaiHXOndG98S_KJSsnTtTQaGTsfSm7VCrVzOzDKdAE4C4k6A==&ch=0MSXrBucJTjNvR9cme3JyywqKddGuqzhqiZNwnAlZJhnzJ4EQLvJog==>
Webinars for You
· Nov 15: [GOOGLE] Turn Data Into Colorful Dashboards with Google's Looker Studio [3 pm ET for 1 hour]
· Nov 29: [MOBILE] 10 Things You Can Do with the Google Photo App [3 pm ET for 1 hour]
· Dec 6: [AI] Web Tools That are Now Using Artificial Intelligence [3 pm ET for 1 hour]
· Dec 20: [EXCEL] Create a Gantt Chart for Managing Projects and Time [3 pm ET for 1 hour]
· Jan 10: [SOCIAL MEDIA] Instagram 101... A Beginner's Guide to Social Success [3 pm ET for 1 hour]
· Jan 24: [ORGANIZE] Desktop Organization - Simplify Your Computer Life [3 pm ET for 1 hour]
View Webinars and Register Here<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001rSwrHEIfaQA-vPx4K5x99PGUHCxrYK8Cvh128U8skgR4vm3btVgWG13FSlKhm1YVEL_kVLv4UNGgk60d2G7NbvQi6GGrgK6fdIi83FXUyl7RT8kWYOm3ZVqA9mullCVo7xXbupsyMb5U4kkfAZbpiEy0N5-TIDeg&c=fXdC4HQaiHXOndG98S_KJSsnTtTQaGTsfSm7VCrVzOzDKdAE4C4k6A==&ch=0MSXrBucJTjNvR9cme3JyywqKddGuqzhqiZNwnAlZJhnzJ4EQLvJog==>
[survey winners]
Congratulations to These Four Winners!
Their names were drawn after completing our bi-annual Tech-Talk Survey and they will each receive a $50 Amazon gift card. Thank you to all who submitted their feedback! Watch for the survey findings to be published soon.
1. Sally W., Wallace State Community College, AL
2. Jan G., Asotin County Library Foundation, WA
3. Amanda B., Nyack High School, NY
4. Suzanne A., Midvale Community Library, ID
WEB TOOL – Find a Time to Meet for Your Group
I was trying to schedule an online meeting with four colleagues who were spread over three different time zones. The emails went back and forth, and availability got confusing because of each person's schedule.
I think it took eight emails just to settle on a date. We wasted too much time before we found an acceptable meeting time for everyone.
Later, I realized that since we use the free tool Calendly to book one-on-one appointments with clients, I could use their "Meeting Poll" feature next time.
It would save a lot of effort by suggesting times for the whole group to vote on ... resulting in a mutually agreeable time.
You may have already used Calendly as we do, to book meeting times with individuals. However, if you haven't, see this Tech-Talk article<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001rSwrHEIfaQA-vPx4K5x99PGUHCxrYK8Cvh128U8skgR4vm3btVgWG-XeHAnJV0GwtD2BxEcbVD6d8AKI4YENR3ioN_c8wSI5IN3EMibQr_mX7T9MPwCGkMma5H5TZlJNDZtDSdNR5IEtDdkmP2MGCtPTx2-sGjXwRQMM3m7N7oUJ5glDRPTaIuKL9cUehMEBzh9ode4yfj8=&c=fXdC4HQaiHXOndG98S_KJSsnTtTQaGTsfSm7VCrVzOzDKdAE4C4k6A==&ch=0MSXrBucJTjNvR9cme3JyywqKddGuqzhqiZNwnAlZJhnzJ4EQLvJog==> where we outline how this tool helps stop the needless back and forth in trying to nail down a good time for two people to meet.
With their Meeting Poll option, you can use both the scheduling and the "voting" features. It's simple. In your Calendly account, you enter the name of the session (and any details) and list several possible times to meet. Then you send a link to the meeting participants where they can vote on their preferred time. This rapidly helps to narrow down a date that works for everyone.
Let's walk through the Calendly Meeting Poll option.
Find a Time to Meet with Calendly
First, it's important to note that you do need to sign up for a Calendly.com subscription if you don't already have an account. Again, there is a free level. The Meeting Polls feature is included in all subscription levels, even the free/basic one.
TIP: If you haven't worked with Calendly before, you might want to review this article.<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001rSwrHEIfaQA-vPx4K5x99PGUHCxrYK8Cvh128U8skgR4vm3btVgWG-XeHAnJV0GwtD2BxEcbVD6d8AKI4YENR3ioN_c8wSI5IN3EMibQr_mX7T9MPwCGkMma5H5TZlJNDZtDSdNR5IEtDdkmP2MGCtPTx2-sGjXwRQMM3m7N7oUJ5glDRPTaIuKL9cUehMEBzh9ode4yfj8=&c=fXdC4HQaiHXOndG98S_KJSsnTtTQaGTsfSm7VCrVzOzDKdAE4C4k6A==&ch=0MSXrBucJTjNvR9cme3JyywqKddGuqzhqiZNwnAlZJhnzJ4EQLvJog==>
So when you want to find a time for your group or team to meet, there are four quick steps:
[steps to select a meeting]
STEP 1: Select YOUR availability
· Log into your Calendly.com account and start at the Home page.
· In the upper left corner, click on the blue +Create button and select Meeting Poll.
· In the next section, under Time Zone, confirm the zone where the meeting will be held. NOTE: This is important especially when you have participants in different parts of the country. They will see the meeting times available in THEIR time zone.
[meeting poll]
· Next, under Duration, pick the length of the meeting you want to schedule.
· Under Host, if you want to add additional names from your account, you can add them. TIP: In the free version, you cannot have additional "hosts."
· Now, your calendar will appear in the center of the screen (see image below). For the meeting you are planning, drag your cursor over the meeting times to show that you are available for this specific one. Be sure to add enough availability so that participants will have choices. You can select up to 40 different times, but 6-10 should be sufficient.
[blocks of times available]
· After selecting times, click Next at the bottom of the screen.
[meeting details]
STEP 2: Add the Meeting Details
· Under Event Details, give the upcoming meeting a Name.
· And then under Location, indicate where the meeting will be held (Zoom, phone, in person) and add any details for that selection (Zoom link, physical address...).
· Add a Description or Instructions for the planned meeting if needed.
[optional settings]
In the Optional settings:
· If you toggle ON the Reserve times, Calendly will block off the times in your calendar as "busy" until you book one of the meeting times (and then they will drop off).
· Also, you can toggle ON Show votes on page to let everyone see what times have been chosen so far.
When you're done, click the Share Meeting Poll button at the bottom of the page.
STEP 3: Share the Meeting Poll
In the next screen, Calendly will display a link to share.
· Copy the link and send it to the meeting participants.
· You can also preview the page that they will see by clicking the View live page link. It looks similar to this:
[meeting preview]
STEP 4: Finalize Meeting Time
After the meeting participants have selected times based on their availability, in your Calendly account:
· Go to your Home page, and in the left menu, click on the Scheduled Events link.
· Click the Pending link and find your event by name.
· Scroll through the results and find a preferred time for your meeting.
· Select Book meeting time and then confirm by clicking the Book meeting prompt.
Now your attendees will be sent a calendar invitation that includes the date, time, location, and details of the selected meeting.
Communications: Email
End email notes on an upbeat
We send hundreds of emails a day, right? Long ones, short ones ... making requests, answering questions. Sometimes abrupt, other times more conversational.
In most cases, it pays to be "friendly".
There is a simple way to do that ... and still be professional.
Just before you type your name (yes, even when they know it's you), say "Thanks!" or "Thanks."
You may push back at me and respond with, "But, what if I'm not thanking them for something?"
Sure, you could say, "Best" or "Warm regards" or something like that. It would certainly be just fine. And occasionally, more appropriate.
I'm talking about the normal interchange between two individuals. Try ending with "Thanks!" and see how it feels. It doesn't have to be logical.
It shows a general appreciation for the other person and for what you've been corresponding about ... for their time, their effort, their ideas. It's friendly!
[Ask a question]<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001rSwrHEIfaQA-vPx4K5x99PGUHCxrYK8Cvh128U8skgR4vm3btVgWG8LunIgOUIwfuQXZYNgWWhsugD2-APOB9X3nYs47R2j6icxtCIpLKkyKfPMM9t1vySnnY-N7Hm1GlGkRBNMFvBIEFzwLtf6968k3RnL2DC34136ZZOZZ_N8=&c=fXdC4HQaiHXOndG98S_KJSsnTtTQaGTsfSm7VCrVzOzDKdAE4C4k6A==&ch=0MSXrBucJTjNvR9cme3JyywqKddGuqzhqiZNwnAlZJhnzJ4EQLvJog==>
Copyright 1996-2023 Shared Results International. Published weekly. Distribution is limited by license. For information on how to include additional recipients, contact support at tech-talk.com<mailto:support at tech-talk.com> 585-615-7795.
Darci Hanning, MLIS (she/her/hers)
Public Library Consultant / CE Coordinator
Continuing Education Resources: https://libguides.osl.state.or.us/conted
State Library of Oregon | Library Support and Development Services
971-375-3491 | darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov<mailto:darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov> | www.oregon.gov/library<http://www.oregon.gov/library>
Follow @StateLibraryOR: Facebook<http://fb.me/StateLibraryOR> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/StateLibraryOR> | Instagram<https://www.instagram.com/statelibraryor/> | Pinterest<https://pinterest.com/statelibraryor/> | YouTube<https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0-kU8Gu0jS_YcnXg-b_TRA/featured>
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