[techtalk] PPT - Create Video Backgrounds with a Transparent Text Overlay

HANNING Darci C * SLO darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov
Thu Oct 12 11:08:50 PDT 2023

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Add movement to your presentation

[Tech-Talk 27 years]


Photo by Ricardo Gomez Angel<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001t-L5UvZeZmlYIz9UHX6C01PxOhHtqKDt-ItNnb43laBczt20z7xToTmEs-d5CFPUOaZP-yeM0835x8lpbQwhd4aQx12k024d_NB9CNQsvqkd4wUWKlciFVnQe8_tt5GJNQX3jqB8WkLqAgNKqI27GQ4XInhupdGrIQe1PERal0r9cgGeYFwPKOJbyyniLuUgN7MNS5UlORQxFWP31cBf3xDXO1ivUBfrOTKoe1OWTxnGfn-vcz5O_pL9m7rcXl_AxEEvfN4WUgs=&c=E9vBLzuEz3xFbykdyF7Yrwx-CkZJjirBtphF02KWCz9svEX-2hm-nw==&ch=6h1Xv8oIfW5WV2mkcxXUvz50B_D7lBszaiC1Fi4ajhtomNnkoZGJMg==> on Unsplash<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001t-L5UvZeZmlYIz9UHX6C01PxOhHtqKDt-ItNnb43laBczt20z7xToTmEs-d5CFPUC0IEvBUwV0JzdyZLba_IKO4ZvWpG3KMXXW05MovkY5mB0NqU6tdbp5jaTFkrJ0vLSYX8eQWXgPdRR6YYYb-iaKLVucoq2JJ1hbwlg5_Ry8NZJZgCFV4S8SFmKUVjfmzTUBj59zaeLa2JfG5V0D_ZdmJX-vSKfIuRKQEgEa2IV42sT5SOE0c18XuhW4Kbc8yCNC9SW1I-ydY9hSAMIktzLQ==&c=E9vBLzuEz3xFbykdyF7Yrwx-CkZJjirBtphF02KWCz9svEX-2hm-nw==&ch=6h1Xv8oIfW5WV2mkcxXUvz50B_D7lBszaiC1Fi4ajhtomNnkoZGJMg==>


Webinars for You

·    Oct 11: [VIDEO] Creating Simple Tool Kits Using Three-Minute Video Tutorials [3 pm ET for 1 hour]

·    Oct 25: [GRAPHICS] From Still to Thrill: Create Moving Images That Will Bring Your Content to Life [3 pm ET for 1 hour]

·    Nov 15: [GOOGLE] Turn Data Into Colorful Dashboards with Google's Looker Studio [3 pm ET for 1 hour]

·    Nov 29: [MOBILE] 10 Things You Can Do with the Google Photo App [3 pm ET for 1 hour]

View Webinars and Register Here<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001t-L5UvZeZmlYIz9UHX6C01PxOhHtqKDt-ItNnb43laBczt20z7xTobSXa45PcG8GvxguRJ6-6Z_2MS_t6lDDCExkbmpj0kB_r-LgR2Vw1PTc7MrdsTgtgPU_at7czvBcZfvZaTXDB9j-SC0r1t5wCep_grQkIzyI&c=E9vBLzuEz3xFbykdyF7Yrwx-CkZJjirBtphF02KWCz9svEX-2hm-nw==&ch=6h1Xv8oIfW5WV2mkcxXUvz50B_D7lBszaiC1Fi4ajhtomNnkoZGJMg==>


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PPT - Create Video Backgrounds with a Transparent Text Overlay


[text transparency]

When you're using PowerPoint in a presentation, you always want to keep your audience's attention, right? So we're always looking for fresh ways to do this.

One trick is to use a video as a background with a transparent text overlay. Your audience will see the video moving THROUGH the text. It's a powerful effect!

You see, just like you can add stock images for free ... right from Microsoft's stock images library ... you can put video clips into a PowerPoint slide. This is a fun way to add some movement to update your images (with or without a text overlay).

TIP: It's hard to describe a "moving" image in a static email like this, so click here to see this technique in action<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001t-L5UvZeZmlYIz9UHX6C01PxOhHtqKDt-ItNnb43laBczt20z7xToTmEs-d5CFPUe_8ygjXfI9u--LFZ9o3o_wDiOA7Np99t6-rEBLidnngwqyr1f9vMnfZhPNt5ZgXaf4K72PY-7Fh1-4QBK7WmxKg3fQZ3U0UO9TCwh4YvbtY=&c=E9vBLzuEz3xFbykdyF7Yrwx-CkZJjirBtphF02KWCz9svEX-2hm-nw==&ch=6h1Xv8oIfW5WV2mkcxXUvz50B_D7lBszaiC1Fi4ajhtomNnkoZGJMg==>. Or watch the full video instructions<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001t-L5UvZeZmlYIz9UHX6C01PxOhHtqKDt-ItNnb43laBczt20z7xToTmEs-d5CFPUmyuWBrFj3sIJNAhJbpCe90ovoj3CZypF3f7e6G48NL3uHVK9nK9_eEurXrAeKvGPDvrZILGc-VfaT5Af-pUKo-pCWtiquY4MW7uTnts_6SZV7LIRwT2eXj4rmKhRwBqqxETBINcvro9r6dCNOyBI5sgGGGO5KeToQRS8nz5zvV8=&c=E9vBLzuEz3xFbykdyF7Yrwx-CkZJjirBtphF02KWCz9svEX-2hm-nw==&ch=6h1Xv8oIfW5WV2mkcxXUvz50B_D7lBszaiC1Fi4ajhtomNnkoZGJMg==> for the effect.

NOTE: This effect currently isn't available in Google Slides at this time. You can insert a video in Google Slides and add a text box overlay. However, even when you choose to "move the video to the back" and the text box "to the top" in the order, when you play the slideshow, the video is always layered on top.

Create Transparent Text with a Video Background in PowerPoint

This technique is great for an opening slide or when you really want to emphasize a point. Like any great effect, it should be used sparingly to highlight important content.

·    First, create a new slide and change the layout type to blank.

·    On the slide, go to Insert in the menu; under Video (on the right) use the dropdown menu to select a Microsoft stock video, or upload one from your computer. TIP: Select a video that doesn't have too many colors or it will be difficult to read the transparent text overlay.

[insert video]

·    The video should fill the background of the slide. If it doesn't, resize it appropriately.

·    Next, we need to add a shape to the slide so that the video can be seen “through” the text. Go to the Insert menu and select Shapes. You can select any type of shape (rectangle, oval, heart, etc.).

[add a shape]

·    Position the shape on your slide where you want it to be. From the Shape Format window go to Shape Fill to select a a color. And under Shape Outline, you’ll probably want to select No Outline.

·    Now we'll add the words to the slide. Go to Insert and choose Text Box. Draw on your slide where you want it placed on top of the shape.

·    Type the word(s) in the box. TIP: Choose a bold, wide font so that the video will show through. In our example, we chose the font Walbaum Display Heavy.

·    Make sure that you don't have anything on the slide highlighted. Now, here's the magic. Hold down the Shift key and select the Shape first and then the Text box. CAUTION: The order is important (if you select the Text first, the color of the shape will change to the text color).

·    Then, go to the Shape Format tab, in the Insert Shapes section on the left, under Merge Shapes, select Combine.

[type your text]

NOTE: If you need to make changes to the Font selected or to what the Text says, since they are combined now, you'll need to "Undo" the last step to unhook the shape and text box. Then make your changes and repeat the final step to combine the shape and text box to make them transparent again.

·    So that the video will play automatically in your presentation, click on the video background, and in the Playback option that will appear in the ribbon, make sure it is already set under Start to Automatically and the Loop until Stopped box is checked.

[loop video]

·    Finally, go to Slide Show to view the effect. The text will become transparent so that the video shines through.

[moving images]

Want to learn more about adding "moving" images to your presentations, posts, and pages?

Register to attend the upcoming webinar, "From Still to Thrill: Create Moving Images That Will Bring Your Content to Life" on Wed, October 25th, at 3 pm ET

See the Details and Register to Attend Here<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001t-L5UvZeZmlYIz9UHX6C01PxOhHtqKDt-ItNnb43laBczt20z7xTobSXa45PcG8GvxguRJ6-6Z_2MS_t6lDDCExkbmpj0kB_r-LgR2Vw1PTc7MrdsTgtgPU_at7czvBcZfvZaTXDB9j-SC0r1t5wCep_grQkIzyI&c=E9vBLzuEz3xFbykdyF7Yrwx-CkZJjirBtphF02KWCz9svEX-2hm-nw==&ch=6h1Xv8oIfW5WV2mkcxXUvz50B_D7lBszaiC1Fi4ajhtomNnkoZGJMg==>


Communications: Writing

Simple Trick for Catching Misspellings

I saw a post the other day with a misspelled word. It was glaringly obvious. In the comment section, readers didn't leave feedback on the content of the post but, instead, pointed out the error. I'm sure the writer was annoyed and embarrassed!

Probably just like you, I count on my spellchecker (and Grammarly) for writing assistance. Unfortunately, I've also learned the hard way that even with these tools, mistakes do happen.

But there is one simple (and obvious) thing that so many people don't do before pressing "post," "share" or "send"…

Take a minute and re-read what you have written. Better yet, read it OUT LOUD as this helps to find errors that your eyes may have glazed over when reading silently.

That's it. Pretty easy, right?

And if the material is really important, read each sentence backward! (It takes everything out of context and points out mistakes.)

Sometimes spell checkers don't pick up on mistakes because the words are actually spelled correctly but are the WRONG word.

In any case, you're writing is a reflection of yourself… so take an extra minute to re-read your messages.

*Did you catch the error above?

Answer: It should be "your writing" instead of "you're writing". And by the way, neither spellcheck nor Grammarly picked it up! 😊

[Ask a question]<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001t-L5UvZeZmlYIz9UHX6C01PxOhHtqKDt-ItNnb43laBczt20z7xToRn3vRfMv1qiuaT0jzzQk-0C-tQoGxLDx3KrGhGu_R5VaUEbcGn_jb1u_S2-vvisbZMBR0AEa_jqOW4zuY4XQkxdBqHyVsLlZQfX5JiYQWLzhaPCGkoaqf0=&c=E9vBLzuEz3xFbykdyF7Yrwx-CkZJjirBtphF02KWCz9svEX-2hm-nw==&ch=6h1Xv8oIfW5WV2mkcxXUvz50B_D7lBszaiC1Fi4ajhtomNnkoZGJMg==>

Copyright 1996-2023 Shared Results International. Published weekly. Distribution is limited by license. For information on how to include additional recipients, contact support at tech-talk.com<mailto:support at tech-talk.com> 941-355-2092.
Darci Hanning, MLIS (she/her/hers)
Public Library Consultant / CE Coordinator
Continuing Education Resources: https://libguides.osl.state.or.us/conted

State Library of Oregon | Library Support and Development Services
971-375-3491 | darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov<mailto:darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov> | www.oregon.gov/library<http://www.oregon.gov/library>
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