[techtalk] GRAPHICS – Simple Trick to Extract Text from an Image

HANNING Darci C * SLO darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov
Tue Oct 24 16:19:39 PDT 2023

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Save some time with this trick

[Tech-Talk 27 years]

[fall leaves on lake]<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001E2o72C54Sv6ZZtYiMI2gWtE8qSsJC2kslRM6ivN2GL1G7Fc3Plua0d9MSJTXONZ1dSAN-GZsvyJ0FgrQSdunyjYgDXc17xhFjmNfaRUCQVoyYeMY-Xwp9t_pd4FsEmQtb3uAEbGREhInlnJZH3047f2dVyrNH5XD3mYp7mYxLG5nVc-eoR8xvbr4Z79RUyAuwPyw3VNLQ1AFdwfmN7kKhQ==&c=5j-9PPQwbYCaVS4oFXhTVB9V_VejKzfeL_lfj5SYAjfusnOav6Mi2w==&ch=eHsc2otWY5jXbcbB4u4IfyhqcVKhvmSg2kouNSdL9ToDdYAxjMbpWg==>

Photo by Maddy Baker<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001E2o72C54Sv6ZZtYiMI2gWtE8qSsJC2kslRM6ivN2GL1G7Fc3Plua0caZ7JWAp5WuRdZEcAoVFBNKUvXFgA1tGUBx6Y5qiwvoWCv27YEpbn8zCp-jJtpYMgyDrToUh6Zjv5dW9-mldc7sdETngU9vjk5hFu_RYHs9OHUqNyaMgkOtgpyjW6I9iT--htxCmTW1kMKJFS_LoTEshom6BsFNGdkOKiUvNPHuEpcWQ2gdpHAli4Nqt8rW1BSPB0REkV3X9cLfjiyt5L0=&c=5j-9PPQwbYCaVS4oFXhTVB9V_VejKzfeL_lfj5SYAjfusnOav6Mi2w==&ch=eHsc2otWY5jXbcbB4u4IfyhqcVKhvmSg2kouNSdL9ToDdYAxjMbpWg==> on Unsplash<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001E2o72C54Sv6ZZtYiMI2gWtE8qSsJC2kslRM6ivN2GL1G7Fc3Plua0d9MSJTXONZ1fOKuXRozqMEpNouChUBY3ETy3B3fOveWVpwDgiM5d5n1YLWV8rVeGRhCzrTs7H8tjVRmuGYLojr3-8W267ocCD1wnZTdOIkJwNvuC7k3tFF2bmeDuc2i2ITfG2ijvIs1hiF_DOForxdko9YOd8HGjFODED04S02TCKJG_LozTu6t-b9ebW68hFaElVPDioJsXFnO59_hBHyvVgjUkUzHMxQJLV03T0i-ShWAvyKK5pSjj0gElJCRgMgkCjhxe-QGUdoi2XnbbJI=&c=5j-9PPQwbYCaVS4oFXhTVB9V_VejKzfeL_lfj5SYAjfusnOav6Mi2w==&ch=eHsc2otWY5jXbcbB4u4IfyhqcVKhvmSg2kouNSdL9ToDdYAxjMbpWg==>


Last Chance to Take the Survey and a Chance to Win $50


Survey & Contest Closes October 31st!<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001E2o72C54Sv6ZZtYiMI2gWtE8qSsJC2kslRM6ivN2GL1G7Fc3Plua0Qzbu13AeaYhtEnpAFiXIT26rZ7jgjV70jYtVliLQioWrbDj_93nClO8Ut-YLT6-7M0YciKVsBs6WT9nErC4nsDOdu1ELIqz5uyw1jNniZDq_N6X3nxwSfCBJe1jGgkQJP6DYz19hGWPGdQPWZ_XDJ4Fzp0ErRfnucJk5_ZR377nFvLq6HEFkndIi3zNnwtM3H1PMDjS1igb&c=5j-9PPQwbYCaVS4oFXhTVB9V_VejKzfeL_lfj5SYAjfusnOav6Mi2w==&ch=eHsc2otWY5jXbcbB4u4IfyhqcVKhvmSg2kouNSdL9ToDdYAxjMbpWg==>

Webinars for You

·    Oct 25: [GRAPHICS] From Still to Thrill: Create Moving Images That Will Bring Your Content to Life [3 pm ET for 1 hour]

·    Nov 15: [GOOGLE] Turn Data Into Colorful Dashboards with Google's Looker Studio [3 pm ET for 1 hour]

·    Nov 29: [MOBILE] 10 Things You Can Do with the Google Photo App [3 pm ET for 1 hour]

View Webinars and Register Here<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001E2o72C54Sv6ZZtYiMI2gWtE8qSsJC2kslRM6ivN2GL1G7Fc3Plua0Q0ki79zZTo6cI9vC12zDkqiTqCp_QfuN2PbiLDh_Sg8oiCs5p8scA3VLL5CXeLJppLUnp_Czzf0-G6u98r5yIrLd2sHJjml2J4mMbprPHIN&c=5j-9PPQwbYCaVS4oFXhTVB9V_VejKzfeL_lfj5SYAjfusnOav6Mi2w==&ch=eHsc2otWY5jXbcbB4u4IfyhqcVKhvmSg2kouNSdL9ToDdYAxjMbpWg==>

GRAPHICS – Simple Trick to Extract Text from an Image



A colleague shared a cool image (a .jpg) with me. I liked the text in it and wanted to add just those words to a website page. However, I couldn't copy and paste the text from the image ... because it was all part of the graphic!

It looked as if I was going to have to type it all out manually! Urg!

Then I discovered this trick!

By uploading the image into my Google Drive account, I could open it with Google Docs and the text in the image would automatically be extracted magically for me!

It's that simple. Instead of re-typing a ton of text that you want to use from an image (.jpg, .png, .gif), just let Google do the work!

Extract Text from an Image Using Your Google Account

You don't need to be a regular user of Google Docs to use this solution, you just need a (free) account.

Go to Google.com ... and from the Google Apps menu (grid of dots), choose Drive. Or you can go directly to https://drive.google.com<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001E2o72C54Sv6ZZtYiMI2gWtE8qSsJC2kslRM6ivN2GL1G7Fc3Plua0d9MSJTXONZ15u_s0IaF3fgw_YKzO-IBwzc2SftWfRcm82KdVpcg3HfAf080g0veys8UTWyoAzXHuqvunPYwheiLaXf3kaq0Hg==&c=5j-9PPQwbYCaVS4oFXhTVB9V_VejKzfeL_lfj5SYAjfusnOav6Mi2w==&ch=eHsc2otWY5jXbcbB4u4IfyhqcVKhvmSg2kouNSdL9ToDdYAxjMbpWg==>. TIP: You'll need to sign into your Google account if you are not already logged in.


[add file]
·    Click the +New button and choose File upload.

·    Select the image you would like to extract text from to be loaded to your Google Drive account.

·    Now, locate the image in Drive. TIP: If you have a lot of files in your Drive and can't seem to find it, click the "Modified" link at the top of the drive and select Today. Or select Recent from the menu at the left.

·    Click on the three vertical dots in the upper right corner of the file and select Open with, then Google Docs.

[open with Google doc]

·    A new Doc will open displaying the image at the top of the page and the extracted text below it!

·    Now you can copy the text and use it wherever you need it.

[extracted text]

TIP: Of course, results will vary based on the readability of the text in the graphic. Some fonts aren't easy to translate. However, I tested the process with a picture of an image (I took a picture of an image with my phone) and still got great results!

NOTE: If you're looking to convert a PDF to text, or other types of files, check out this article about a great web tool called Zamzar<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001E2o72C54Sv6ZZtYiMI2gWtE8qSsJC2kslRM6ivN2GL1G7Fc3Plua0W8kDANUC0Y9rasNONrzNdKxcg5JnBheK3sQcHCdUQV_zOej5Ko9oF9kNUb5sJNrA6ZsHXRuWxElIKwFIkIat4d9sKE3l9JrzxFFdZoTFkDQ1GiTguQJZJ1cz1Sqznga1-k88SiD12_w&c=5j-9PPQwbYCaVS4oFXhTVB9V_VejKzfeL_lfj5SYAjfusnOav6Mi2w==&ch=eHsc2otWY5jXbcbB4u4IfyhqcVKhvmSg2kouNSdL9ToDdYAxjMbpWg==>.



Consider the preferences of others

How do you like to communicate?

Humm, maybe that's not how others prefer to be communicated with! Which is more important?

We have choices in how we exchange messages with others … we can phone, email or text. We can show up and talk face-to-face or hold a webinar. We can put things in print or use voice only.

We tend to use the method that we like. But, if you want a better, quicker response … if you want to make sure the other person has received your message in a timely fashion … think how the recipient prefers to communicate.

For instance, you may instinctively pick up the phone to call someone when you have a question. You leave a voice mail and expect to hear back promptly.  But you don’t! You can get upset … or you can change the way you communicate with them.

Maybe they would respond to texting. Try different methods. After a while, you’ll learn which vehicle is best for each person.

[Ask a question]<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001E2o72C54Sv6ZZtYiMI2gWtE8qSsJC2kslRM6ivN2GL1G7Fc3Plua0cJEhGn_LMlr9ZtdesZoJTCW5_Pls9OoZhA-K81OS_ODRiT10sxNDYzP2pT5rffBi6IrFSkBoPeXdecK7jPo5vJv5RBp8ojGV9AkoWsnls-0EPkkIQ6osOg=&c=5j-9PPQwbYCaVS4oFXhTVB9V_VejKzfeL_lfj5SYAjfusnOav6Mi2w==&ch=eHsc2otWY5jXbcbB4u4IfyhqcVKhvmSg2kouNSdL9ToDdYAxjMbpWg==>

Copyright 1996-2023 Shared Results International. Published weekly. Distribution is limited by license. For information on how to include additional recipients, contact support at tech-talk.com<mailto:support at tech-talk.com> 941-355-2092.

Darci Hanning, MLIS (she/her/hers)
Public Library Consultant / CE Coordinator
Continuing Education Resources: https://libguides.osl.state.or.us/conted
State Library of Oregon | Library Support and Development Services
971-375-3491 | darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov<mailto:darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov> | www.oregon.gov/library<http://www.oregon.gov/library>
Follow @StateLibraryOR: Facebook<http://fb.me/StateLibraryOR> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/StateLibraryOR> | Instagram<https://www.instagram.com/statelibraryor/> | Pinterest<https://pinterest.com/statelibraryor/> | YouTube<https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0-kU8Gu0jS_YcnXg-b_TRA/featured>

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