[TL-Directors] Governor Brown implements statewide "freeze"
Buzzy.NIELSEN at slo.oregon.gov
Fri Nov 13 16:40:56 PST 2020
Library directors,
Today, Governor Brown announced a two-week statewide "freeze" on certain social and business activities. Here are details about the freeze from the state's COVID-19 website<https://govstatus.egov.com/or-covid-19/>:
* For this two-week period, people are asked to curtail their interactions with others not in the same household, whether that be social gatherings, religious services, or business activity.
* The freeze is aimed at slowing the recent rapid spread of COVID-19 in Oregon, to protect communities that are more vulnerable to the virus, and to help conserve hospital capacity.
* The freeze will be from Wednesday, November 18, to Wednesday, December 2, including the Thanksgiving holiday.
* Social gatherings are limited to no more than 6 people total, from no more than 2 households - indoor and outdoor.
* Several businesses will have to shift back to curbside service only, reduce building capacity, facilitate work from home, or in some cases even close for the two-week period.
* Businesses being ordered to close include gyms & fitness organizations, indoor recreational facilities, museums, indoor & outdoor entertainment activities, zoos, and venues that host or facilitate events, among others. Restaurants will be delivery or take-out only.
* Libraries are not explicitly called out in the freeze order.
Here's are the Governor's full remarks<https://drive.google.com/file/d/1j1WR4sxEMz35wVcWZIea0vQZ0LLNJXuN/view> when announcing the freeze.
We know that many of you have questions about how this impacts libraries. We're working on answering as many of your questions as we can and hope to send out library-specific information on Monday. Please stay tuned.
Stay safe, stay healthy,
Buzzy Nielsen, MPP, MSI
Program Manager, Library Support & Development Services
State Library of Oregon
Pronouns: he/him/his
NEW! buzzy.nielsen at slo.oregon.gov | 971-375-3486 | www.oregon.gov/library/libraries<https://www.oregon.gov/library/libraries>
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