[Answerland] LibAnswers issue with tickets populating correctly from chat transcripts

STARKSMITH Gesse * SLO Gesse.STARK-SMITH at slo.oregon.gov
Wed Jul 24 10:07:06 PDT 2024

Hi All,

You may notice some tickets that do not have the original chat question. The examples I've seen have the transcript number where the original question would usually be. Sometimes you can understand the question from the rest of the conversation in the ticket, but if not you will have to go back and find the chat transcript. Sprinshare is aware of this issue and they are working on it, but I don't know how long that will take. It seems to be impacting only a small percentage of tickets.

Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks for your support of Answerland!

Gesse Stark-Smith, MIS (she/her)
Answerland Coordinator
State Library of Oregon
gesse.stark-smith at slo.oregon.gov<mailto:gesse.stark-smith at slo.oregon.gov> | 971-600-4992
Work Schedule: Mon-Weds 9:30-3, Thurs 9-2:30

[Logo for the Library Support & Development Services division at the State Library of Oregon]<http://www.oregon.gov/library/libraries>

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