[Bio_fit] FIT Lead Vacancies

SMITH Rachel L * DAS Rachel.L.SMITH at das.oregon.gov
Mon Nov 15 14:51:20 PST 2021

Hello GIS users, managers, coordinators, FIT leads, and FIT participants!

We have several vacancies in our Framework Implementation Team (FIT) leader/chair positions and it is important that these positions are filled to move the Oregon Framework Program forward. We have a nomination process where someone can nominate themselves or someone else to a FIT lead position. I'd like to keep the nomination period open for 30 days to collect nominations.  Then the individual FITs will vote on a Chair and I will take these nominations to OGIC for endorsement.

We currently have vacancies in the following FITs:  Administrative Boundaries, Bioscience, Elevation, Land Use/Land Cover, and Utilities.

It is a simple process, but we need YOU!  Use this nomination form<https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/b55310605b574c0d93cf3720eda7abf4> to nominate yourself or someone else to one of the vacant FIT lead positions.

Thanks for your help. Let me know if you have questions.   Deadline is December 15th.


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Rachel L. Smith
State Geographic Information Officer | Deputy Chief Data Officer
Enterprise Information Services
Data Governance and Transparency
Cell: (503) 877-7221
"Ensuring user-friendly, reliable and secure state technology systems that serve Oregonians."

Note:  My email address has recently changed. Please update your address book or Outlook cache to reflect my new contact information.  rachel.l.smith at das.oregon.gov

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