NEWS RELEASE: Career technical education grants expand hands-on learning to more than 200 schools

Burr, Charlie charlie.burr at
Thu May 8 11:16:21 PDT 2014

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For immediate release
May 8, 2014
Contacts:             Charlie Burr, BOLI, (971) 673-0788
                                Crystal Greene, ODE, (503) 947-5650

Career technical education grants expand hands-on learning to more than 200 schools
"Modern learning and career education supports job creation, communities," says Avakian
PORTLAND, OR-Eight Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs serving Oregon high schools and middle schools will receive $2 million to expand opportunities for students, Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian and Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction Rob Saxton announced today.
The latest round of Career and Technical Education Revitalization Grants will direct resources to modern learning in fields such as biomimicry, natural resources, greenhouse development, construction, watershed restoration, and robotics education in schools across Oregon.
"Career and technical education is making a difference for students and communities around the state," said Labor Commissioner Avakian. "The reason that there's such immense local and private sector support for the return of 21st century shop classes and STEM education is that employers understand that these programs mean jobs and economic growth for Oregon."
With the latest round of grant funding, more than 200 schools have now secured funding for career technical education, modern shop classes and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) learning since 2011. In total, the Oregon Legislature has directed nearly $14 million to CTE programs for Oregon high school and middle schools during the 2011, 2013 and 2014 legislative sessions.

"This investment in Career and Technical Education means that more students in Oregon schools will have access to engaging, hands-on learning that will allow them to explore possible future careers and learn valuable skills which will help them be successful in their lives," said Deputy Superintendent Rob Saxton. "High-quality, applied learning helps support both student engagement and student achievement, and I am excited to see this continued investment in these vital programs."

Graduation rates for students in CTE programs are near 90 percent, according to the National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium.  The programs have also been shown to increase student engagement with and interest in school while providing valuable and applicable tools for future careers.

Project Name

Award Amount

Bethel School District

CTE Expansion and Revitalization


Jefferson County SD

Growing Natural Resources and CTE in Jefferson County Schools


Joseph Charter School

Greenhouse: Growing Minds, Skills, and Community


Lane Education Service District

Lane County Construction Engineering Technology Program of Study


Newberg SD

CTE 21


Rainier SD

Columbia Forestry and Watershed Conservation Project


Sisters SD

Advancing STEM Through Modern Equipment


Tillamook SD

Tillamook High School Career and Technical Education Center


The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) and Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) jointly appoint the Career and Technical Education Revitalization Advisory Committee. The committee evaluates proposals based on geographic diversity, demonstration of local partnerships, and other criteria. Grant criteria and a map of grant-funded programs are available upon request.
For more on Career and Technical Education programs or to read about this latest round of applicants, go to:

Charlie Burr
Communications Director
Bureau of Labor and Industries
800 NE Oregon St., Ste. 1045
Portland, OR 97232-2180
(971) 673-0788 wk.
(503) 913-5407 cell.

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