NEWS RELEASE: Avakian statement on historic marriage ruling

Burr, Charlie charlie.burr at
Mon May 19 12:15:15 PDT 2014

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Press Release
For Immediate Release
May 19, 2014
CONTACT: Charlie Burr, (971) 673-0788, (503) 913-5407 mobile, Bureau of Labor and Industries

Avakian statement on historic marriage ruling

PORTLAND-Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian today praised U.S. District Judge Michael McShane's historic ruling overturning Oregon's ban on same-sex marriage:

"Today's ruling represents an important moment in our state's history and affirms that all caring, committed couples deserve equal treatment under law. The victory is also a testament to the energy and hard work of the tens of thousands of Oregonians who've dedicated themselves to making our laws match our highest ideals. It expands personal freedom so that more Oregonians can marry and build lives together."

As labor commissioner, Brad Avakian works to ensure that all Oregonians are treated fairly, including enforcement of the landmark Oregon Equality Act of 2007, a law to protect the rights of gays, lesbians, bisexual and transgender Oregonians in employment, housing and public places. As a legislator, Avakian championed the legislation and carried it on the Senate floor.

BOLI protects all Oregonians from unlawful discrimination, investigating allegations of civil rights violations in workplaces, career schools, housing and public accommodations, and enforces compliance with state laws relating to wages, hours, and terms and conditions of employment.

The Oregon Council on Civil Rights<> joined Commissioner Avakian in praising today's ruling as a significant milestone for the rights and protections of all Oregonians:

"This win for marriage equality is an important step toward fulfilling the promise of full civil rights to people in our state. The Oregon Council for Civil Rights celebrates this victory with all who worked to achieve it and for all whose social and economic future are more secure because of it."

Businesses seeking guidance on civil rights protections may contact the bureau's Technical Assistance for Employers program at (971) 673-0824.


Charlie Burr
Communications Director
Bureau of Labor and Industries
800 NE Oregon St., Ste. 1045
Portland, OR 97232-2180
(971) 673-0788 wk.
(503) 913-5407 cell.

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