NEWS RELEASE: Wage settlement includes $24K in damages, one year ban on public projects

Burr, Charlie charlie.burr at
Fri Mar 31 13:15:42 PDT 2017

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For Immediate Release
March 31, 2017
CONTACT:           Charlie Burr, BOLI, (971) 673-0788

Wage settlement includes $24K in damages, one year ban on public projects
Agency previously investigated Roseburg contractor Armiger for prevailing wage violations in 2013

PORTLAND, OR-A BOLI wage enforcement settlement will direct $24,164 in liquidated damages to three underpaid workers while making Armiger Acoustical & Drywall, Inc. and its owner ineligible to receive public works contracts in the state for one year, the Bureau of Labor and Industries announced today.

Prevailing wage investigators determined that the contractor had failed to pay prevailing wage and overtime on the Bay Area Hospital Cancer Center Addition in Coos Bay, in addition to filing inaccurate and incomplete certified statements. The public works project started in August 2014.

"Every worker deserves to be paid the full wages and overtime that they've earned," said Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian. "This agreement will place a repeat offender on the list of contractors ineligible for public projects while directing wages and damages to affected workers."

The Roseburg contractor had previously entered into a 2013 settlement agreement stemming from prevailing wage violations on a Salem fire station project. Terms of the earlier settlement suspended potential civil penalties of $23,000.

Copies of the Armiger Bay Area Hospital settlement agreement and Final Order are available upon request.

Currently, the agency has 64 businesses, contractors and individuals on the debarment list<>  of contractors ineligible to receive payment on public contracts.

Employees with prevailing wage issues may contact the Prevailing Wage Rate Unit by calling (971) 673-0839 or emailing pwremail at<mailto:pwremail at>.

Any public contracting agency, contractor or subcontractor can contact BOLI's Prevailing Wage Rate Unit to request a determination<> about whether a project is a public works that requires payment of prevailing wage rates. In addition, the bureau offers prevailing wage seminars to help contractors, subcontractors and public contracting agencies understand and comply with Oregon's law.


The mission of the Bureau of Labor and Industries is to protect employment rights, advance employment opportunities, and protect access to housing and public places free from discrimination.

Charlie Burr
Communications Director
Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries
800 NE Oregon Street, Suite 1045
Portland, Oregon  97232
Tel:  971-673-0788

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