[Comm-partners] Tuesday Tidbits - Basic Needs

D5 Communications D5Communications at odhsoha.oregon.gov
Tue Aug 13 14:57:34 PDT 2024

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Tuesday Tidbits for D5 Child Welfare and Self-Sufficiency staff, and Community Partners!

Tuesday Tidbits are short, specific info bites you can use and share to increase collective knowledge of Lane County's wide-ranging community resource landscape.

Below are resources for Basic Needs – Food, utilities, community connection, and more. Please click links and check out attachments for more information.

As always, ODHS staff please visit and bookmark the D5 Community Resources OWL page<https://dhsoha.sharepoint.com/teams/Hub-ODHS-District5/SitePages/Community-Resources.aspx> for resources, flyer library and more.

Questions, requests, submissions, feedback? Send it our way – D5 Communications D5Communications at odhsoha.oregon.gov<mailto:D5Communications at odhsoha.oregon.gov>
Are you outside ODHS and want to get Tuesday Tidbits in your inbox? Sign up by clicking this link!<https://omls.oregon.gov/mailman/listinfo/comm-partners>

[Summer EBT application deadline is September 2    The Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) issued a news release informing people that the deadline to apply for Summer EBT is Sept. 2, 2024. The program offers $120 per child to help cover grocery costs when school food programs are not as easy to access.   With the application deadline quickly approaching on Sept. 2, 2024, it's crucial for eligible families to act now.  Read the full news release here.     Check out the ODHS Summer EBT website in Spanish and Summer EBT website in English for more information on the Summer EBT program.]<https://lnks.gd/l/eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJidWxsZXRpbl9saW5rX2lkIjoxMDgsInVyaSI6ImJwMjpjbGljayIsInVybCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vY29udGVudC5nb3ZkZWxpdmVyeS5jb20vYWNjb3VudHMvT1JESFMvYnVsbGV0aW5zLzNhZDI0NGQiLCJidWxsZXRpbl9pZCI6IjIwMjQwODEzLjk4OTcyNTAxIn0.wWz-hOVCLAdAJ-i2oGb0y1urpvksUXPAZk8dWxyM1Mg/s/3006780946/br/247327790159-l>


Black Cultural Initiative will have a cookout on Saturday, August 24th, 5 pm-9 pm.
This event is family-friendly and will have food, music, games, and a backpack and school supplies giveaway.

Click here for opportunities to volunteer at this event!<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdRFLi-OYrUOlPwGiLVNUjuS_bjVdEMah9ntHkRSgqaU3DbgQ/viewform>

[cid:image005.png at 01DAED91.15D6A400] GENDER MARKER & NAME CHANGE WORKSHOP – PRO-BONO!

WHEN: August 24th, 1pm – 4pm – REGISTER TODAY!<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfL63glT6jO8nXYbqC7dW5oowmDxk5Mh8t4LTxiTT47EAKbDA/viewform>

TransPonder invites you to sign up for a pro-bono Name and Gender Marker Change Workshop with the support of Turner Legal Counsel, Law Garden, and the Law office of ⁠Amanda N Hill Guldager.

Complete the registration form by 8/22/24 to access free in-person legal support completing the petition, affidavit and judgment. ⁠
Need help with the $124 filing fee afterwards? Check “yes” in the designated spot of the registration form and we'll connect with our financial assistance program. ⁠
Click here to register – registration is required 😊<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfL63glT6jO8nXYbqC7dW5oowmDxk5Mh8t4LTxiTT47EAKbDA/viewform>

[cid:image014.png at 01DAED91.15D6A400]<https://www.instagram.com/p/C-dO8Sts8D2/?igsh=MWF0OXlwZnl5eW11bg%3D%3D>PRO BONE O AUGUST CLINIC

WHEN: August 25th, 9am
WHERE: Eugene Mission, 1509 W 1st Ave, Eugene

All services are free to the pets of people experiencing homelessness in Lane County.

  *   First come First Serve
  *   2 pets per person
  *   Services provided include Wellness exams, vaccinations, flea/tick/deworming, limited prescriptions, treatment for minor illnesses, diseases, and wounds, spay/neuter vouchers, euthanasia with communal cremation, and pet food/supplies when available.

For more information about Pro Bone O, click here<https://www.proboneo.org/>!

[cid:image018.png at 01DAED91.15D6A400]<https://www.instagram.com/p/C-YzFQaSl4q/?igsh=MXd0ZmM0ZjF0eDFhaw%3D%3D>MONTHLY BIPOC DINNER

✨Join the NAACP at the historic Mims House on the last Thursday of each month to enjoy a FREE meal with other BIPOC folks ✨

WHEN: August 29th, 4pm – 6pm
WHERE: Historic Mims House, 300 High St, Eugene

See attached flyer for more information!

[cid:image020.png at 01DAED91.15D6A400]<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScRABB6z8nKIi3xONS0vH96SXxq2rxJ7kr8Bv3kR38Eud2OTg/viewform> CAMBIANDO NARRATIVOS INTERNOS

🌱SASS y Plaza de Nuestra Comunidad te invitan a un taller sobre cómo la cultura afecta la forma en que los sobrevivientes se mueven en el mundo y cómo podemos cambiar las narrativas internas.

💻Es un taller por Zoom de dos sesiones: 12 y 19 de Septiembre, 5:30-7:30 p.m. (Hora del Pacífico)📱

👉Para registrarse, haga clic en el enlace!<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScRABB6z8nKIi3xONS0vH96SXxq2rxJ7kr8Bv3kR38Eud2OTg/viewform>

Si tiene preguntas, comuníquese con la Coordinadora de la Comunidad Latina en latine at sass-lane.org<mailto:latine at sass-lane.org>.

[cid:image017.png at 01DAED90.B217D1F0]HOMES FOR GOOD OPEN RENTAL LISTING

Click here to access the open rental listing in English<https://www.homesforgood.org/documents/files/news/open-rental-listing/current-open-rental-listing.pdf>. Click here to access the open rental listing in Spanish<https://www.homesforgood.org/documents/files/news/open-rental-listing/current-open-rental-listing-spanish.pdf>.

The rental listings are both attached above!


[cid:image021.png at 01DAED91.15D6A400]<https://www.oregon.gov/odhs/es/alimentos/Pages/ebt-de-verano.aspx>[cid:image024.png at 01DAED91.15D6A400]<https://www.oregon.gov/odhs/food/Pages/sebt.aspx>SUMMER EBT IS ON THE WAY

The monthly benefit for each eligible child is $40, or a summer total of $120.

Children are eligible if:

  *   Their household already participates in SNAP, TANF or OHP
  *   They go to a school that offers the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) or School Breakfast Program (SBP) and their household meets the income requirements for free or reduced-price meals
  *   They attend a school that offers the NSLP or SBP and is enrolled in migrant programs, experiencing homelessness, participating in Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations, or attending Head Start

About 70% of children will have streamlined access to Summer EBT, but around 30% will need to apply. Summer EBT payments should begin in June of this year.

Check out the ODHS Summer EBT website in Spanish<https://www.oregon.gov/odhs/es/alimentos/Pages/ebt-de-verano.aspx> and Summer EBT website in English<https://www.oregon.gov/odhs/food/Pages/sebt.aspx> for more information on the Summer EBT program.

[cid:image019.png at 01DA6EEE.6DBBFFC0]<http://www.lanecountyor.gov/shelter>Lane County Shelter Finder SITE is now live

The Shelter Finder can be found via the Lane County Shelter Finder website<http://www.lanecountyor.gov/shelter> or Lane County Housing Help website<http://www.lanecountyor.gov/housinghelp>.

This website is intended to help those in our community seeking shelter either for themselves, or for someone else, know what shelters have beds available on a given night and what criteria there are for accessing those shelters.

Those accessing the site can filter through the shelters based on unique needs and be pointed in the direction of those shelters that best meet those needs. Additionally, by clicking on the bed icons located on the embedded map, site visitors can see information about the shelters including pictures, intake information, what they can expect when accessing and other important details.

Questions, requests, submissions, feedback? Send it our way – D5 Communications D5Communications at odhsoha.oregon.gov<mailto:D5Communications at odhsoha.oregon.gov>

Xana McCrea  she/her
Community Partnership Coordinator
Call or text: 541-321-3339
xana.mccrea at odhs.oregon.gov<mailto:xana.mccrea at odhs.oregon.gov>

Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS)
Self-Sufficiency Program (SSP)
Branch 2002 – West 11th Family Center
2101 W 11th Ave
Eugene, OR 97402

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