[Comm-partners] Tuesday Tidbits - Basic Needs

D5 Communications D5Communications at odhsoha.oregon.gov
Tue Oct 29 16:45:20 PDT 2024

Sample Oregon Lifeline document now attached!

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Tuesday Tidbits for D5 Child Welfare and Self-Sufficiency staff, and Community Partners!

Tuesday Tidbits are short, specific info bites you can use and share to increase collective knowledge of Lane County's wide-ranging community resource landscape.

Below are resources for Basic Needs – Food, utilities, community connection, and more. Please click links and check out attachments for more information.

[cid:image002.png at 01DB2A21.ECFE55A0]NEW! Click below to skip to a part of this email!

Click here to go to resources.
Click here to go to time-sensitive announcements and events.
Click here to go to important repeats.



[cid:image003.png at 01DB2A21.ECFE55A0]<https://www.tlccg.com/fellowship-service>FREE COMMUNITY DINNER - CG

WHEN: Tuesday, October 29th 5:15 – 6:15pm
WHERE: Trinity Lutheran Church<https://www.tlccg.com/>, 7th & Quincy Ave, Cottage Grove

Free dinners! Take out only.


WHEN: Tuesday, October 29th, 6:30 – 7:30pm
WHERE: Bohemia Park, Cottage Grove

For survivors, families, and allies in observance of domestic violence awareness month. See attached flyer for more information.

[cid:image004.png at 01DB2A21.ECFE55A0]<https://hivalliance.org/?>OCTOBER BIPOC DINNER (FREE!)

WHEN: October 30th, 4 – 6pm (TOMORROW!)
WHERE: The Historic Mims House, 300 High St, Eugene

HIV Alliance<https://hivalliance.org/?> is excited to announce the October BIPOC Dinner Menu is ready for previewing! Menu and flyer attached! Please note that both this month's and next month's dinner dates deviate from our usual last Thursday of the month.

Our intention with these dinners is to create opportunities for BIPOC folks to be in community and share joy—this space is open to anyone who identifies as BIPOC. We ask that when sharing information about these dinners, folks keep that intention in mind ❤️

[cid:image006.png at 01DB2A21.ECFE55A0]<https://transponder.community/events/event/food-for-lane-county-produce-program/>TRANSPONDER FREE FOOD PROGRAM NEW LOCATION

WHEN: Every Thursday, starting October 31st, 10am – 2pm
WHERE: The Lavender Network, 440 Maxwell Rd, Eugene

While TransPonder<https://transponder.community/events/event/food-for-lane-county-produce-program/> is closed for a few days as they move to The Lavender Network, the Free Food Program will not skip a beat! Join TransPonder every Thursday for beautiful produce and more!


[cid:image007.png at 01DB2A21.ECFE55A0]VETERANS DAY OPEN HOUSE

WHEN: Friday, November 8th, 10am – 2pm
WHERE: Veterans Legacy Camp Alma, 21600 Siuslaw River Rd, Veneta

Come join Veterans Legacy Oregon<https://veteranslegacyoregon.org/> for camp tours, food, fellowship, camaraderie and to honor the journey of our fellow veterans. See attached flyer for more information.

[cid:image008.png at 01DB2A21.ECFE55A0]<https://solidaritysharefair.org/>SOLIDARITY SHARE FAIR: A REALLY FREE MARKET!

WHEN: Saturday, November 9th, 12 - 4pm, masks required 12 – 1pm
WHERE: Trauma Healing Project, 19th & Patterson, Eugene

The Solidarity Share Fair<https://solidaritysharefair.org/> is a really free market and fun social event with free food, clothes, supplies, massages, haircuts, music, and services. Volunteer! Donate! Provide a service! Come get food, supplies, and services. Listen to music and hang out.

[cid:image010.png at 01DB2A21.ECFE55A0]<https://www.instagram.com/p/DBhDEfJygzz/?igsh=MTJqMXk4ZWd4b3pxeg%3D%3D>FREE WEATHERIZATION WORKSHOP

WHEN: 🗓️ Nov 16, 3-4:30 PM
WHERE: 📍 Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, 255 Maxwell Rd, Eugene

🏠✨ Join Fossil Free Eugene<https://fossilfreeeugene.org/> for the Weatherization Workshop - A Just Transition Series! Learn how to make your home cozy & energy-efficient this winter while saving money! We’re here for BIPOC community members, renters & homeowners in Eugene-Springfield area. 🛠️ FREE supplies + DIY demos, 🍕 Free pizza & refreshments,💰 $50 stipend for participants!

Limited spots! Register here!<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfOdHKs5089rdCSI33zUd33fcQRl0l0DL-FQUh5__MU0LUKTw/viewform>


[cid:image014.png at 01DB2A21.ECFE55A0]<https://transponder.community/events/event/devnw-credit-workshop/?utm_campaign=feed&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=later-linkinbio>FREE CREDIT BUILDING WORKSHOP – DEVNW & TRANSPONDER

WHEN: Sat Dec 07 2024 at 1:00PM
WHERE: DevNW - 212 Main Street, Springfield

Join Transponder<https://transponder.community/> for a Credit Building Workshop with DevNW<https://devnw.org/> where you'll learn about improving your credit score and financial health. This FREE in-person event will cover debt, credit scores, resources and how to build & protect your credit. ⁠Click here to register!<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/credit-building-workshop-with-devnw-tickets-1024442494077?aff=oddtdtcreator>



WHEN: Jan. 14-15, 2025
WHERE: Portland

The Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) is offering unlimited spots for partners and allies in Oregon to attend the Point Source Youth Innovation Summit.

Point Source Youth (PSY) is a national leader in supporting young people experiencing homelessness. The conference will bring together youth advocates, service providers, and leaders from across the country to share best practices for ending youth homelessness. This includes innovative strategies like Direct Cash Transfers and Youth Advocacy.

Register today<https://links-1.govdelivery.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.eventbrite.com%2Fe%2Fpoint-source-youth-innovation-summit-tickets-966538862757%3Futm_medium=email%26utm_source=govdelivery/1/01000192b52e7022-624b277d-b528-43bc-bc7a-28e4698627f7-000000/fO-NrQVdwLe4rIFzYIWHQYyHKFg6Rs56kqMRRb6r_-8=376> and use the promo code OREGON100 at checkout for free registration.

News Release in Spanish<https://apps.oregon.gov/oregon-newsroom/OR/ODHS/Posts/Post/odhs-ofrece-lugares-gratuitos-para-que-socios-comunitarios-de-oregon-asistan-a-la-conferencia-youth-innovation-summit-del-2025>
News Release in English<https://apps.oregon.gov/oregon-newsroom/OR/ODHS/Posts/Post/odhs-offers-free-spots-oregon-partners-2025-youth-innovation-summit>


[cid:image015.png at 01DB2A21.ECFE55A0]WINTER HOLIDAY RESOURCE LIST

Each year, ODHS puts together a list of resources in the area for the winter holidays. Thank you so much to our volunteer Tammie for her hard work updating this year’s list!

This list includes meals, food boxes, Tree of Joy programs, Toys for Tots and other gift programs and more!

The Winter Holiday Resource list is now available in Spanish and is attached.

[cid:image016.png at 01DB2A21.ECFE55A0]TAX RESOURCES

E-File Federal and State taxes for free!

Oregon Kids Credit – are you eligible to claim money for your family? If you have $30,000 or less in income, you can get up to $1000 per child!

Senior and Disabled Citizens Property Tax Deferral Program – Stay in your home!

See attached flyers in Spanish and English to learn more.


The application for the Oregon Lifeline Free Wireless Service has some strict requirements.

When community members submit incomplete applications, their access to the vital Oregon Lifeline program can be slowed or stopped!

Check out the attached sample application to learn more.


[cid:image018.png at 01DB2A21.ECFE55A0]<https://www.oregon.gov/odhs/providers-partners/self-sufficiency/Pages/default.aspx>RESOURCES FOR SELF-SUFFICIENCY PARTNERS

Check it out<https://www.oregon.gov/odhs/providers-partners/self-sufficiency/Pages/default.aspx>! This site<https://www.oregon.gov/odhs/providers-partners/self-sufficiency/Pages/default.aspx> is for partners who want to help people in Oregon connect with ODHS' Self-Sufficiency Programs (SSP).

Our programs include food benefits (SNAP), cash assistance, services for refugees, domestic violence support, and support for youth experiencing homelessness.
The SSP Partner Meeting meets the second Thursday of each month from 2:05-2:55 p.m. Pacific Time.
This meeting is a forum for updates, discussion, feedback and questions about self-sufficiency programs and other related subject matter. For more information, subscribe to the Self-Sufficiency Partner listserv.<https://omls.oregon.gov/mailman/listinfo/self-sufficiencypartners>

[cid:image019.png at 01DB2A21.ECFE55A0]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/reliefnursery.org/for-our-families/__;!!C5qS4YX3!GJtK1UwhdBSFWvuAdWp9GDK7wEMGNnQht3kGEUDSbbceI9SkXq3tGoAuj8bnnkt2OTZ_lF1vdJ6msryoq6sRN-w$>RELIEF NURSERY COMMUNITY RESOURCE GUIDE – SEPT 2024 EDITION

The newest edition of the famous Relief Nursery Community Resource Guide is out now!

Available online at: https://reliefnursery.org/for-our-families/<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/reliefnursery.org/for-our-families/__;!!C5qS4YX3!GJtK1UwhdBSFWvuAdWp9GDK7wEMGNnQht3kGEUDSbbceI9SkXq3tGoAuj8bnnkt2OTZ_lF1vdJ6msryoq6sRN-w$> You can download and print the Community Resource Guide here!

Please share this free guide with anyone who might benefit or be interested. Our community is rich with resources and skilled, compassionate providers. Let’s help people connect with the supports they need! To submit corrections to this guide, or to be added to or removed from the email distribution list, contact Jessie Carpenter at jessieca at reliefnursery.org<mailto:jessieca at reliefnursery.org>

[cid:image055.png at 01DB2A21.D4EFBC10]<http://www.lanecountyor.gov/shelter>Lane County Shelter Finder SITE is now live

The Shelter Finder can be found via the Lane County Shelter Finder website<http://www.lanecountyor.gov/shelter> or Lane County Housing Help website<http://www.lanecountyor.gov/housinghelp>.

This website is intended to help those in our community seeking shelter either for themselves, or for someone else, know what shelters have beds available on a given night and what criteria there are for accessing those shelters.

Those accessing the site can filter through the shelters based on unique needs and be pointed in the direction of those shelters that best meet those needs. Additionally, by clicking on the bed icons located on the embedded map, site visitors can see information about the shelters including pictures, intake information, what they can expect when accessing and other important details.

As always, ODHS staff please visit and bookmark the D5 Community Resources OWL page<https://dhsoha.sharepoint.com/teams/Hub-ODHS-District5/SitePages/Community-Resources.aspx> for resources, flyer library and more.

Questions, requests, submissions, feedback? Send it our way – D5 Communications D5Communications at odhsoha.oregon.gov<mailto:D5Communications at odhsoha.oregon.gov>
Are you outside ODHS and want to get Tuesday Tidbits in your inbox? Sign up by clicking this link!<https://omls.oregon.gov/mailman/listinfo/comm-partners>

Xana McCrea  she/her
Community Partnership Coordinator
Call or text: 541-321-3339
xana.mccrea at odhs.oregon.gov<mailto:xana.mccrea at odhs.oregon.gov>

Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS)
Self-Sufficiency Program (SSP)
Branch 2002 – West 11th Family Center
2101 W 11th Ave
Eugene, OR 97402

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