[Datamart-News] Looking for a few good testers

HARBISON Tonya A * OPS EAS Tonya.A.Harbison at state.or.us
Fri Sep 5 18:11:36 PDT 2008

Looking for a few good testers!


DAS is performing the final testing for the new Datamart server to be
implemented on September 19th.


We are looking for a few people to volunteer to run some parallel
queries/reports on both the current server and the "new" server during
the period of September 9th to 15th.  By volunteering to test the "new"
server prior to implementation you will be working to ensure that all
goes well on the 19th and that your agency is ready for the switch over.
We need people from different agencies to perform these final tests.


Running reports on both systems verifies:

*        connectivity, firewall and/or security policies are in place
and working correctly

*        user ids and passwords have been successfully copied over
between the systems

*        the data is being correctly updated and maintained on both


If any issues arise during this final testing, staff can then work to
resolve them prior to the implementation on the 19th thus reducing the
impact to your agency as well as others.


What does the testing involve?

*	Add a new ODBC connection
*	Edit your Datamart OCE file to point to the new ODBC connection
*	Run some of your standard reports using your normal OCE and then
run them again using the new OCE
*	Report back on how it went; any issues encountered (good and


The time to add the new ODBC connection and edit the OCE should be
minimal; then depending on the number of reports you run the time
commitment should be no more an hour or so.


Complete instructions are contained in the attached PDF file.  Do not be
overwhelmed by the length of the PDF document, it has lots of pictures.
I will be available to help volunteers walk through the process needed
to do the testing.  Just let me know what assistance I can provide.
This is an important step in the overall process of implementing the new
server and your time spent in performing this testing is greatly


Please reply directly to me to volunteer to test or if I can answer any
questions you have regarding the implementation of the "new" Datamart
server and the impact this will have to you and your agency.


Tonya Harbison 

Datamart Systems Analyst

DAS, Operations, Enterprise Application Services

(503) 373-7277 x 238


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