[Datamart-News] Datamart Update to 2012 Profile Tables

ROSS Kathryn * SCD SARS kathryn.ross at state.or.us
Tue Jul 12 09:45:03 PDT 2011

Hello Datamart Users: 


The Datamart has been updated this morning to include 2012 entries for
the following profile tables:


*         Agy Gl

*         Agy Obj Grp

*         Grant No

*         Grant Obj

*         Grant Phase

*         Project No

*         Project Phase


If you ran any queries yesterday using these profile tables, the 2012
entries (July 01 - July 08) would not have been included.


Please check and reprocess any impacted queries.


Thank you,



Kathryn Ross

Statewide Accounting & Reporting Manager

Oregon State Controller's Division

155 Cottage Street NE, U-50

Salem, OR 97301

NEW Phone:  (503) 373-0265

Fax:  (503) 378-3514



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