[Datamart-News] OBIEE update

WALLACE Aaron * DAS Aaron.WALLACE at oregon.gov
Tue Aug 25 08:51:59 PDT 2020

Datamart users,

As the Datamart team continues to work with OBIEE (OB1), we want to provide as much up-to-date info as possible. In addition, once you start working with the product, please pass along any exciting features you find. It will be very helpful as we move forward together.

I would like to apologize, in advance, as security requests are still on a bit of a back log. We have added an additional employee, which should help a great deal. We please ask for your patience with this new process.

The new OBIEE iLearn interactive training is now available. (Direct link<https://ilearn.oregon.gov/DL.aspx?id=C7EFCE16AF264B2DA3CCA14C041A017F>) Please see the rollout process for your agency schedule, as it will only be available for those agencies.

We continue to roll out Phase 1 of the OBIEE query tool to selected agencies.  Here are a few reminders:

1.       Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) must provide SARS System Security with an updated ASO Notification form to allow an ASO to request OBIEE security for users.

2.       Once authorized, an ASO must use the OBIEE Request form found on SARS website to request OBIEE access. The OBIEE request form may be found here: https://www.oregon.gov/das/Financial/Acctng/Pages/Syst-security.aspx. If requesting access for 5 or more users, ASOs may use an Excel template to submit multiple requests. This excel template is currently being drafted by SARS System Security. SARS Systems Security will notify all ASOs when this template is available for use.

3.       Due to security back log, please submit OBIEE user security requests two weeks prior to taking training.

4.       Training is required prior to using the tool.

5.       Once you obtain security access, make sure you can log into the production environment (https://obi.das.oregon.gov:9503/analytics/).

6.       Any questions surrounding OBIEE should be sent to the Datamart.Support at oregon.gov<mailto:Datamart.Support at oregon.gov> inbox.

Thanks for your patience and understanding.
Aaron Wallace
Sr. Datamart Business Analyst

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