[gis_info] Comments Requested: Draft Release of Oregon's Data Strategy

HELMS Kathryn * DAS Kathryn.Helms at oregon.gov
Mon Oct 26 14:15:11 PDT 2020


The second draft of the Oregon State Data Strategy has been published to the Data Strategy Website<https://www.oregon.gov/das/OSCIO/Pages/DataStrategy.aspx>.  This update includes our biennial action plan as well as a roadmap and further narrative and context around Oregon's data strategy.  There is a new public comment period through December 15, 2020.

Please circulate widely!
Thank you

From: HELMS Kathryn * DAS
Sent: Monday, July 6, 2020 6:17 PM
To: gis_info at listsmart.osl.state.or.us
Subject: Comments Requested: Draft Release of Oregon's Data Strategy


The draft version of the Oregon Data Strategy<https://www.oregon.gov/das/OSCIO/Pages/DataStrategy.aspx> is now available for review and comment.  Using the Federal Data Strategy<strategy.data.gov> structure as a framework, the current release of the strategy contains two components, principles and identified practices, with an action plan forthcoming for a separate comment period in September/October.

Please feel free to review the strategy, provide comments and feedback, and circulate to any individuals who may be interested.

Thank you

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