[gis_info] Dynamic Feature Clustering in ArcGIS Pro 2.9

Eric Pimpler eric at geospatialtraining.com
Fri Dec 3 07:51:12 PST 2021

*The latest release of ArcGIS Pro includes a new way to aggregate features
into clusters. This tutorial explains how to use this capability.*

*What is feature clustering?*

Feature clustering is a way to aggregate point features into clusters,
which are symbols that represent two or more point features. Clustering, in
other words, let you group many different point features into larger ones,
showing you how point features are distributed spatially or simplify a
complex layer of points that are near to each other. While it was already
possible to perform clustering from point features within Pro (such as
creating a heat map), the new feature clustering capability that comes with
Pro 2.9 introduces some added capabilities that give you more control at
how clustering is done when you zoom on or out, or the values that
represent a cluster on a map. We’ll now give an example of how to use this
new capability.

Read the entire tutorial.

Eric Pimpler
Geospatial Training Services
215 W Bandera #114-104
Boerne, TX 78006
Twitter - @gistraining
eric at geospatialtraining.com
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