[gis_info] Specs for a new GIS laptop

Erik Fernandez ef at oregonwild.org
Wed May 19 17:38:02 PDT 2021

Looking for advice for specs or specific recommendations for a new GIS
laptop. This won't be doing any high powered anything, no 3D, but want it
to be fairly functional with mid level GIS capabilities. Hoping to budget
under $1,000.  Again, doesn't need to be super fancy to meet the needs.

Thanks in advance, and maybe just respond directly to me with any advice
and I can compile and send back out in case it's of interest to others.

Erik Fernandez
Wilderness Program Manager
Oregon Wild
(541) 382 2616

Protecting and restoring Oregon's wildlands, wildlife, and waters as an
enduring legacy for future generations since 1974.

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