[gis_info] Statewide Land Use and Oregon Tsunami Data Standards - Public Review/Comment Period Open

SMITH Rachel L * DAS Rachel.L.SMITH at das.oregon.gov
Fri Nov 19 12:24:34 PST 2021

Hello everyone.

We have two new Oregon Framework data standards<https://www.oregon.gov/geo/Pages/standards.aspx> that are now out for public review and comment:

  *   Oregon Tsunami Data Standard<https://www.oregon.gov/geo/FIT%20Documents/Tsunami_Data_DRAFT_Standard_v1.01.pdf>
  *   Statewide Land Use Data Standard<https://www.oregon.gov/geo/FIT%20Documents/StatewideLandUse_DRAFT_DataStandard.pdf>

The deadline for submitting public comments is December 17th.  Please email your comments to Willow Crum<mailto:willow.d.crum at das.oregon.gov> at DAS GEO.  She will collect all comments and provide them back to the data steward at the end of the 30-day review period.  If there are substantial comments, the data standard may be put out to the public for another 30-day review period.  If not, the data standard will be passed to the OGIC Technical Advisory Committee for their formal review.

Your review is an important part of the Oregon Framework Program and the creation and revision of authoritative data standards for the State. Please let me or Willow know if you have any questions.


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Rachel L. Smith
State Geographic Information Officer | Deputy Chief Data Officer
Enterprise Information Services
Data Governance and Transparency
Cell: (503) 877-7221
"Ensuring user-friendly, reliable and secure state technology systems that serve Oregonians."

Note:  My email address has recently changed. Please update your address book or Outlook cache to reflect my new contact information.  rachel.l.smith at das.oregon.gov

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