[gis_info] Willamette Valley GIS Users Group Spring Meeting Agenda Posted

Hegewald, Lesley LHegewald at mwvcog.org
Fri May 24 10:33:37 PDT 2024

The agenda for the WVGISUG Spring meeting, scheduled for Wednesday, May 29th from 1-4pm at Albany City Hall has been posted! You can see it on the Upcoming Quarterly Meeting page on our website at https://www.orurisa.org/WVUG . Virtual attendance is available via Microsoft Teams- please see the agenda page for the link. Many thanks to Dave Jacobus for organizing and hosting the meeting, and to our presenters! Hope to see everyone on the 29th.


Lesley Hegewald
GIS Program Coordinator
Mid-Willamette Valley Council of Governments
100 High St. SE Ste. 200
Salem, OR 97301
(503)503-540-1622 (direct)
lhegewald at mwvcog.org<mailto:lhegewald at mwvcog.org>

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