[Heritage] Oregon Heritage News Special Issue
Heritage Info
Heritage.Info at state.or.us
Fri Aug 15 12:45:14 PDT 2008
Special Issue: Resources
1. Oregon online architecture guide
2. Jackson, Harney county records guides
3. Accreditation resource for small museums
4. Historic preservation learning portal
5. Historic districts explained
6. Copyright guide
The Oregon State Historic Preservation Office has announced the release of the Oregon Online Architectural Guide (http://oregonarchitecture.wetpaint.com/), a website developed as a tool to aid historic preservationists in the identification and evaluation of historic resources in Oregon. Unlike a traditional website, the Oregon Online Architectural Guide is an educational wiki-based website, that allows certain users to change information on the site, and allows for immediate collaboration between historic preservation professionals across the state. Discussions in the guide include:
- Assessing integrity for purposes of historic resource surveys;
- Building materials;
- Architectural styles;
- Building plan types;
- References for historic preservation-related sources; and
- A glossary of historic preservation-related terms
In addition, the guide allows for registered members to start discussion threads about a particular topic, or to leave a comment or suggestion about the guide. As more people join the site, the Oregon Online Architectural Guide will continue to grow and become an invaluable educational resource.
Check out the site today at http://oregonarchitecture.wetpaint.com/. While there, make sure to visit the "About the Oregon Online Architectural Guide" for information about how the site works and the "Important Information for Users and Editors" page for important information if you would like to become a registered member of the website.
If you have further questions about the Oregon Online Architectural Guide, please direct them to the site moderator at ORsurvey.feedback at state.or.us
The Harney County and Jackson County sections of the Oregon Historical County Records Guide have been updated with a new records inventory and more scenic images. The county guides, produced by the Oregon State Archives, are available at http://arcweb.sos.state.or.us/banners/local.htm
The American Association of Museum has produced a CD "Small Museums and Accreditation II: Profiles of Small Accredited Museums." This resource provides a comprehensive picture of the accreditation process of nine small museums (including one college museum), all accredited within the past three to five years, with
annual operating expenses between $100,000 and $330,000. Even if your museum isn't small, take advantage of this unique resource to see actual completed accreditation questionnaires, site visit reports, and decision letters from a variety of types of museums. The CD shows how museums with different collections, facilities, governance structures, and practices all met accreditation standards.
For more information on AAM Museum Accreditation, standards, and list of accredited museums, visit www.aam-us.org/accred.
The National Park Service has developed a website portal with information and training opportunities to address problems, projects, and issues in the broad field of historic preservation. The website includes laws and regulations, policies, articles and literature, news, case studies and best practices, and training and education opportunities. The website is available at http://www.historicpreservation.gov/NPS_Portal/user/home/home.jsp
This National Park Service website explains why neighborhoods should consider becoming historic districts, explaining what a local preservation ordinance is and how to step one up, how to develop local design guidelines, how to treat historic buildings (with 4 case studies from Oregon), and answers general questions. Here's the link:
Are you constantly wondering whether a document or photograph is protected by a copyright? While consulting an attorney is one way of figuring things out, an online guide has been developer that gives simplified information on copyright. It can be found at http://librarycopyright.net/digitalslider/
Oregon Heritage News is a service of the Oregon Heritage Commission, which can be contacted at heritage.info at state.or.us
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