[Heritage] New grant cycles, workshops begin at Oregon Heritage

Heritage Info heritage.info at state.or.us
Tue Jul 23 15:20:10 PDT 2013

Oregon Heritage is offering grants for historic properties, museums, historic cemeteries and heritage projects throughout the state.  Grant descriptions and information can be found on the grants page of the Oregon Heritage website http://www.oregon.gov/oprd/HCD/FINASST/Pages/grants.aspx.
This grant cycle includes some changes. Oregon Heritage has switched to an online grant process. Information about how access the program and submit your application is on the website along with the grant information. The Preserving Oregon Grant for historic property rehabilitation and archaeological projects now requires a letter of intent before an application can be submitted. 
A free Grant Success! workshop will be offered at 1 p.m. July 29 at 725 Summer St NE, room 124A, in Salem. The workshop will cover project planning, grant selection and writing. Instructions for using the online grant program will be presented in a webinar offered at 3 p.m.July 29 and 1 p.m. Aug 22. We are happy to discuss your project or review applications up to two weeks prior to grant deadlines. 
Please contact Kuri Gill at 503-986-0685 or Kuri.Gill at state.or.us if you have questions or would like the webinar registration information.
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