[Heritage] Registration OPEN - Oregon Heritage Virtual Summit. April 29-30

INFO Heritage * OPRD Heritage.Info at oregon.gov
Thu Feb 25 09:03:24 PST 2021

Registration OPEN - Oregon Heritage Virtual Summit. April 29-30

Collaboration is Key! Virtual Oregon Heritage Summit registration is open now!
Online, April 29-30, 2021
Register here<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Pages/Heritage-Summit.aspx#registration>

Look...we were crushed to cancel the Oregon Heritage Conference last year. We missed challenging discussions, practical training, inspirational speakers, and seeing you! We are excited to offer the Oregon Heritage Summit online this year.

This year has challenged us in innumerable ways. One of the ways we found to keep going was through collaboration and mutual support. Let's ensure that this approach is one that remains long after the effects of the pandemic.

Join us at the summit to:

  *   Be inspired by Trina Michelle Robinson's story of exploring her family's enslaved ancestry, their liberation and migration to Chicago. Her mission is to help people of all backgrounds connect to one another through storytelling, with the hope we can see ourselves in each other. She will also discuss how collaboration supported her research and her work.
  *   Be energized by Collaboration Success! stories. Folks from all over the state are working together to enhance documentation, preservation and sharing of Oregon's historic resources. Examples feature archaeology, collections, historic resources, main streets and tourism.
  *   Be motivated by Oregon Heritage Excellence<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Pages/Awards.aspx#one> Award winners. Introduced by Oregon Heritage Commission chair, Chelsea Rose, videos will highlight their wonderful achievements. Thanks to Oregon Historical Society<https://www.ohs.org/> for sponsoring the awards this year!
  *   Be empowered to expand your work with the Collaboration Workshop. The "hands-on" experience from the Community Toolbox<https://ctb.ku.edu/en> program will provide practical tips.
  *   Be encouraged by your peers through session break out conversations and lunch and morning chatrooms.
  *   Be the beginning of something great at the Latino Heritage Preservation: Building a Network pre-conference session. Desiree Aranda and Sara Delgadillo Cruz with Latin at s in Heritage Conservation<https://www.latinoheritage.us/> will facilitate the session to kick-off a statewide conversation about coordinating efforts to preserve and promote Oregon's Latino heritage. Register<https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0pduitqjorHNTXkfEh6D2LCa5EjDUGkZ4k> for this free session separately from the Oregon Heritage Summit registration.
Registration includes keynote address, networking moments, Collaboration Success!, Collaboration workshop, and the Oregon Heritage Excellence Awards. You will be included in a drawing for useful publications! And the first 250 people who register by noon on April 15 will receive a fun conference packet highlighting Corvallis, our 2022 Oregon Heritage Conference location.

  *   Full Summit<https://store.oregonstateparks.org/index.cfm?do=v.dsp_item&itemId=162&eventId=194>  - $35
  *   Student<https://store.oregonstateparks.org/index.cfm?do=v.dsp_item&itemId=162&eventId=195> - $25
  *   Special discount opportunity for Board Members<https://store.oregonstateparks.org/index.cfm?do=v.dsp_item&itemId=162&eventId=195> - $25
Need more motivation? Check out the event and presenter details<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Pages/Heritage-Summit.aspx>!


Share your photos of Oregon's heritage on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter using #oregonheritage.

Oregon Heritage News is a service of Oregon Heritage, a division of the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. The news editor can be contacted at heritage.info at oregon.gov<mailto:heritage.info at oregon.gov>.

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