[Heritage] Oregon Heritage News 2023-07-14

INFO Heritage * OPRD Heritage.Info at oprd.oregon.gov
Fri Jul 14 14:57:09 PDT 2023

Oregon Heritage News 2023-07-14
In this Issue:

  *   RFP LAST CALL: The State of Oregon State Historic Preservation Office announces OregonBuys Solicitation # S-63400-00007419 to collect proposals for the Oregon Women's History Project
  *   National Park Service Lists Liberty Theatre in Coos County in the National Register of Historic Places

  *   Have questions about the new Oregon archaeology permit rules? Join an upcoming Q&A July 31 or Aug. 2
  *   National Trust for Historic Preservation releases State Historic Tax Credit Report
  *   C2C Care Webinar How to Manage Volunteers in Collections August 9
  *   NAO's 2023 Oregon Nonprofit Compensation and Benefits Report is now available
  *   Webinar: Creating a Catalog Workflow that Works for You, Aug. 3
  *   Date Change for The Dalles Archaeology Roadshow
  *   T-Mobile Hometown Grants Now Open
  *   Travel Oregon 2023-2025 Competitive Grants Guidelines Available
  *   Job Opportunities

RFP LAST CALL: The State of Oregon State Historic Preservation Office announces OregonBuys Solicitation # S-63400-00007419 to collect proposals for the Oregon Women's History Project

The purpose of the Oregon Women's History Project is to recognize the significant history of women in Oregon through a Multiple Property Submission (MPS), which includes two documents, a Multiple Property Document (MPD) and an individual property nomination, to be listed in the National Register of Historic Places of the National Park Service (NPS).

The purpose of the RFP is to contract for professional services to complete the first two Phases of the Project.

Phase 1: Concept and Approach -The first phase is intended to organize and outline the scope of the larger project. The selected Proposer will work with the SHPO to establish a meaningful, efficient approach to move forward with the following phases.

Phase 2: Context - In Phase 2, the selected Proposer will provide context for the MPD and any nominations related to it. The Proposer will provide the supporting structure for significance and how that can be demonstrated through various themes and time periods represented by properties throughout the state.
The RFP schedule is below:
Pre-offer Conference
July 10, 2023
10:00 AM
Questions / Requests for Clarification Due
July 12, 2023
2:00 PM
Opening (offer Due)
July 17, 2023
2:00 PM
Issuance of Notice of Award (approx.)
July 24, 2023

During the RFP process, SHPO has designated pone Single point of contact: Winona Butler. If you have any questions; please email Winona Butler at winona.butler at oprd.oregon.gov<mailto:winona.butler at oprd.oregon.gov>
To find the RFP go to Oregon Buys<https://oregonbuys.gov/bso/> and search for Solicitation # S-63400-00007419.

National Park Service Lists Liberty Theatre in Coos County in the National Register of Historic Places
The Liberty Theatre is among Oregon's latest entries in the National Register of Historic Places. Oregon's State Advisory Committee on Historic Preservation (SACHP) recommended the nomination at their February 2023 meeting. The National Park Service - which maintains the National Register of Historic Places - accepted this nomination in June 2023.
The Liberty Theatre is located at the SW corner of the intersection of Sherman and Washington avenues, at the southern end of downtown North Bend, Oregon. The theatre was completed in 1924 from designs by the Portland architectural office of Tourtellotte and Hummel, built by Salem based contractors Hoover and McNeil with the original interiors designed by Carl R. Berg, of the B. F. Shearer Company. The Moorish-inspired design includes towers created by incised stucco treatments, decorative copper domes, arched entry openings and other details.
Throughout the 1920s and into the 1930s, the Liberty served as a community center, hosting live Sunday concerts, high school plays, lectures and other events, in addition to showing motion pictures. The first "talkie" movie at the Liberty was Speakeasy, shown on July 9, 1929, after a sound system was installed in the auditorium.
The theatre is significant for its association with the history and development of entertainment and recreation in the North Bend area and the growth of that city during the early 1920s period.
Continuing its original motion picture use until 1954, since 1959 the Liberty Theatre has been the home of Little Theater on the Bay, a Coos County-based community theater group that is among the oldest performing arts organizations in the state. The Liberty Theatre, owned and operated by Little Theater on the Bay, continues to provide a venue of arts and culture in the southwest Oregon coastal region.
Beginning in 2015 the Liberty Theatre has been the focus of a multi-phased restoration and rehabilitation effort that has restored original windows, removed non-historic exterior treatment and repainted in historically-based colors, upgraded the main lobby, and auditorium, and re-installed the copper roof-top domes.
The State Historic Preservation Office used funds provided through the National Park Service Paul Bruhn Historic Revitalization Grants Program to complete this National Register nomination. The grant program fosters economic development in rural communities through the rehabilitation of historic buildings in those communities.
The National Register is maintained by the National Park Service under the authority of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966.
This effort is in line with Oregon's Statewide Preservation Plan that seeks to increase the number of listings in the National Register. It also supports the goals to increase access to Oregon heritage that are part of the Oregon Heritage Plan.
Properties listed in the National Register are:

  *   Recognized as significant to the nation, state, or community;
  *   Considered in the planning of federal or federally-assisted projects;
  *   Eligible for federal and state tax benefits;
  *   Qualify for historic preservation grants when funds are available;
  *   Eligible for leniency in meeting certain building code requirements;
  *   Subject to local laws pertaining to the conservation and protection of historic resources.
State law in Oregon requires local governments to offer a minimal level of protection for properties listed in the National Register of Historic Places; the decisions about how to accomplish that goal reside with local governments, which also have the authority to create and regulate local historic districts and landmarks.
More information about the National Register and recent Oregon listings are online at oregonheritage.org<http://www.oregonheritage.org/> (listed under "Designate").

Have questions about the new Oregon archaeology permit rules? Join an upcoming Q&A July 31 or Aug. 2
The new State of Oregon archaeological permit rules<http://records.sos.state.or.us/ORSOSWebDrawer/Recordhtml/9317008> went live July 1. Oregon SHPO has posted updated guidance to their website www.oregonheritage.org<http://www.oregonheritage.org/>.  the following are some notable changes and where to find information about them.
Oregon Archaeology Permit<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Pages/archaeology.aspx#two>:

  *   One project, one permit: One permit can now cover multiple landowners, cities, and counties
  *   Can amend a permit more than once
  *   Updated application<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/New%20Permit%20Application.pdf> (required for all permit applications received on or after July 1)
  *   Updated permit guidance<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/Permit%20Guidance_7_1_23.docx> covering application, process, and terms. Links to short videos related to the guidance can be found here<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Pages/archaeology.aspx#two>.
Oregon Qualified Archaeologist<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Pages/archaeology.aspx#one>:

  *   Updated definitions
  *   Updated application<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/OQA%20Application.pdf>
  *   Updated guidance<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/OQA%20Application%20Instructions%20and%20Guidance.pdf>
Guidelines<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/FieldGuidelines.pdf> changes: The new rule requires updates to Conducting Field Archaeology in Oregon, commonly referred to as the Field Guidelines. A placeholder identifying some of these updates is now appended to the document<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/FieldGuidelines.pdf> available on the SHPO website. The majority of the placeholder addresses:

  *   Consistency with rule revision, and applicable statutes.
  *   Rule revision and statute requirements for when a permit is needed on private lands.
  *   Look for  fully revised archaeological guidelines in 2024.
If you have additional questions regarding the upcoming changes after reviewing these documents please contact SHPO staff<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Pages/Staff-Directory.aspx>.
SHPO staff will be hosting the following two free webinars but registration is required:

  *   July 31, 6:00 PM - Register here<https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwkfu6uqTIpGNy9Nc3SdbJraZEqVoI6r4Tz>
  *   August 2, 11:30 AM - Register here<https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUufuCopzkjGtSyS4ScnXrpQNvqdYAF33Ho>

National Trust for Historic Preservation releases State Historic Tax Credit Report

Access the new report State Historic Tax Credits: Opportunities for Affordable Housing and Sustainability. MORE>><https://us.engagingnetworks.app/page/email/click/10028/1873573?email=DheinyePr9pVzTNxl0rcdsS5Hda7Kfnj&campid=X%2BI2NXledwyZkArzVWMSmA==>

C2C Care Webinar How to Manage Volunteers in Collections August 9
How to Manage Volunteers in Collections Webinar
Aug. 9, 1-2pm EST
Volunteers are an integral part of a small and mid-sized cultural institutions workforce and can be found across departments. In this webinar we will provide an overview of collections volunteers - how to create a volunteer program or align an existing program with best practices. The presentation will highlight:
* The framework every volunteer program should have
* How to recruit, retain and recognize volunteers
* Basics of volunteer management, and why supervising volunteers is different than supervising staff
* Principles of diversity, equity, accessibility and inclusion in volunteer programs
* Special considerations unique to collections, conservation, registration, archives and library volunteers, including issues of risk management, liability and confidentiality
* How to avoid (or cope with) a bad volunteer situation
* Helpful, accessible, and affordable resources for museums with limited staff and budgets

Presenter: Jenny Woods, Past President of the American Association for Museum Volunteers


NAO's 2023 Oregon Nonprofit Compensation and Benefits Report is now available
Charitable nonprofits are a critical part of the health and resilience of Oregon's communities. Nonprofits are significant contributors to our state's leadership, economy, social and cultural health, and well-being. NAO believes that people who do so much to serve society should be rewarded with good feelings and appropriately compensated for the vital work they do in making a positive difference in our communities.

Produced by your nonprofit state association, the information shared in this report is meant to provide nonprofits with valuable compensation and benefits data to inform critical decisions for their organizations and employees, including compensation and benefits levels for staff, in addition to many others, including equity, skill level, budget, etc.

Download a free executive summary or purchase the full report (including an interactive dashboard) here<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001gTW5NpawwDj4MPEDXDM6Zmvo8_QPJKopq6GwnJdTU3wsH4hZP28_C_qE6inDuFdqCU3d5aFgfu0AgiVDmL9ZQFGeLhScAVc140iNEzP8CFxDWsGzRu0WxLW7ohR8vVsfftpE8womfAEkpH7Pfbg4hPSdU2yXajU0C_ITg5FKwXg7_xbYMeHlFg==&c=7aSrsmVr5kZclYrK4Ueg1-xB2oBomanifn9PB5SstHGQa4KSC56LFA==&ch=Gk1GyDMSSLEmzRHLBoNX5ML1QdnOMHeV4wQZlrbEbZT7O2lTsaglTA==>.

Webinar: Creating a Catalog Workflow that Works for You, Aug. 3
Aug. 3, 11am
Regardless of which Collections Management System you use (or no system!) you'll need a supportive catalog workflow that works for you and your team. This webinar will cover how to craft a catalog workflow that supports the creation of consistent, quality data. We'll review best practices, workflow strategies, and things to consider whether you're a solo-collection manager or a team supervisor.
Register here.<https://email.kjbm.relicura.com/c/eJxskE2u2zAMhE9jbYoY-rMtL7Ro0T6g6x7AoCXa4UssuZTygty-yE8LFO2O-GY4BAf2fUqwoT_BO8x0KDUzLpxTLYedc7yESjmJ6CVoF51Ar3o36k5KPQjcgM5TxDN9IN8mil7ZXuvOjdLol0rRa9UpNbpO2xfbsBRYcaq3Hf0TzZwhBij1ZWEs-cIB_7tf8OcF01N8oUfUt_v45U_S0aNdBmVcN8R-6S2OxobgZG-thQhOLYK8ltrIQRmlZd_Zdh4XGILGsDhr1egaK0_v89YynilcGNqQN3H2x1r30pjPjX5r9Nv1ev3LcEc4UwI-MK5UKsO9xcMOK4rfzxdMEXmKeQNK_t8j7E9QCdsjJr41VuadY5sZ15zaNX8IxkA7YaqPinRvpFR2HESh-ihmNK63ovofVPHT96-NNg_yKwAA___1o6aX>

Date Change for The Dalles Archaeology Roadshow

We're taking the Archaeology Roadshow to a new venue, the city of The Dalles on November 18.  Join us at the Columbia Gorge Discovery Center between 11 am-3 pm,  where a dozen or more organizations (federal agencies, Tribes, university students, companies, nonprofits) will be sharing their knowledge and passion about cultural resources in the Gorge and beyond with visitors.  This year's theme - "The Archaeology of Transportation" - is a great fit for The Dalles, which has been a transportation hub since time immemorial (via river and land; by canoe, barge, highway, train, trail).  Please consider hosting a table or activity at The Dalles Roadshow!  We'll have our on-line registration form ready soon.  Plan to visit The Dalles to experience the Roadshow firsthand.  This might convince you to take the plunge and work with us to host a Roadshow in your part of Oregon in the future.

About The Dalles event:   You may have noticed a date change.  The Dalles Roadshow  was originally scheduled for Saturday Sept. 16.  For various reasons we needed to postpone the event until later in the fall, Saturday, November 18 from 11am - 3pm

Increasing Tribal Involvement:   While Tribes have contributed in various ways to Roadshow events from its beginnings in 2012, in 2023, the Roadshow Planning Committee is working to increase this participation, given how central Tribes are to cultural resource protection and management in our region. With increased Tribal input, visitors to our events will have the opportunity to learn more about Tribal history, cultural programs, and perspectives on heritage protection; and nonTribal archaeologists and heritage specialists participating in activities would have the opportunity to get to know Tribal representatives.

We have created an honorarium/stipend program, where we will be giving a $500 honorarium to a Tribal cultural committee or a Tribal Historic Preservation Office that hosts a booth or activity at one of our venues. For individual Tribal members who contribute to our events, by giving a welcome at an Opening Ceremony, or serving on our Expert panel, or sharing knowledge at a booth, for example, we will provide a $200 honorarium.

To learn more about the Tribal Stipend or anything else, please contact us: archshow at pdx.edu<mailto:archshow at pdx.edu> or visit our website<https://archaeologyroadshow.org/>.

T-Mobile Hometown Grants Now Open
The new application period for the T-Mobile Hometown Grant program<https://mainstreet.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=881199cb2d0b2894c01ba06c1&id=6d252c2174&e=0e501fd357> is open now through Saturday, September 30.

Brought to you in partnership with Main Street America and Smart Growth America, the T-Mobile Hometown Grant program provides grants of up to $50,000 to help build stronger, more prosperous small towns and rural communities!

Since the program's start, T-Mobile has provided nearly $9 million dollars to kickstart community development projects across 42 states, including the latest grant winning recipients.
Towns with 50,000 people or less can apply for a grant of up to $50K to fund projects to build, rebuild, or refresh community spaces that help foster local connections in your community. For example, you could implement tech upgrades at your library, refresh a local park, or break ground on a new place where neighbors can connect.
Learn more and apply here<https://nationalmainstreetcenter.submittable.com/submit/c90c5470-d890-4e26-a5a1-2eecacaf88c5/t-mobile-hometown-grant-application-q3-2023-july-5-september-30-2023?mc_cid=669c33e27e&mc_eid=0e501fd357>.

Travel Oregon 2023-2025 Competitive Grants Guidelines Available
Projects support Travel Oregon's vision of  'an Oregon that is a welcoming destination where tourism drives economic prosperity, benefits the natural environment and celebrates rich, diverse cultures.'
The 2023-2025 Competitive Grants Program<https://t.e2ma.net/click/hhg86l/pv851c/htlk1bd> is designed to address the following strategic priorities that are part of Travel Oregon's 2023-2025 Biennial Plan<https://t.e2ma.net/click/hhg86l/pv851c/xlmk1bd>:

  *   Reduce high visitation pressures and increase community livability by investing in the development of niche tourism product that is based on growing visitor demand and Oregon's competitive advantage (e.g., outdoor recreation, culinary, agritourism, arts and culture).
  *   Expand opportunities for residents and tourism stakeholders to actively engage and collaborate in destination management processes.
  *   Align and support communications across the tourism industry to improve visitor behaviors and experiences with timely information, responsible recreation practices and respect for all communities.
  *   Support the development of new and existing tourism-related facilities and products (e.g., visitor experiences, attractions, and public spaces) to better serve historically and currently underserved and under-resourced communities.
The Letter of Intent (LOI) form will be available at 8 a.m. on July 13 and will be accepted through August 18, 2023.  The total funding available for this grant cycle is more than $3 million.
Read the grant guidelines<https://t.e2ma.net/click/hhg86l/pv851c/denk1bd> to see eligibility requirements, funding parameters and application questions. Please direct questions to grants at traveloregon.com<mailto:grants at traveloregon.com>.
Travel Oregon will host lunch-hour Q&A sessions via Zoom:

  *   July 18, 12-1 p.m.<https://t.e2ma.net/click/hhg86l/pv851c/t6nk1bd>
  *   July 26, 12-1 p.m.<https://t.e2ma.net/click/hhg86l/pv851c/9yok1bd>
  *   Aug. 3, 12-1 p.m.<https://t.e2ma.net/click/hhg86l/pv851c/prpk1bd>
  *   Aug. 11, 12-1 p.m.<https://t.e2ma.net/click/hhg86l/pv851c/5jqk1bd>

Job Opportunities
Old Aurora Colony Museum seeks Education Program Manager
The Aurora Colony Historical Society seeks a passionate and innovative individual who will build a growth-minded education and volunteer program, offering relevant programming to a diverse audience. The ideal candidate will recruit and retain volunteers, oversee educational programs, cultivate partnerships, evaluate program impact, and manage budgets. You should be a self-starter, capable of establishing professional relationships and seizing emerging opportunities. As the Education Program Manager, you will empower talented volunteers to achieve the museum's goals while connecting local history to contemporary issues. Preferred qualifications include a Bachelor's or Master's degree in Museum Studies, Education, History, or a related field, experience in developing educational programs or overseeing volunteer programs, knowledge of best practices in museum education, proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe, and social media platforms, and the ability to remain calm in surprising or stressful conditions. Visit www.auroracolony.org<http://www.auroracolony.org/> to apply.
Tillamook Forestry Center - multiple positions open
Looking for an adventure full of exciting changes and new opportunities? Are you someone who enjoys helping people to connect with the forest? Do you have managerial, interpretive, or customer service experience? Then the Tillamook Forest Center (TFC) is the place for you! TFC is looking to add to their small but mighty team to be part of Oregon's largest forest-based interpretive center. Apply now!<our%20positions%20are%20open%20at%20the%20Center.%20To%20learn%20more%20visit:%20http:/www.tillamookforestcenter.com/about_05.html>


Share your photos of Oregon's heritage on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter using #oregonheritage.

Oregon Heritage News is a service of Oregon Heritage, a division of the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. The news editor can be contacted at heritage.info at oregon.gov<mailto:heritage.info at oregon.gov>.

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