[Heritage] Oregon Heritage News 2023-07-21
INFO Heritage * OPRD
Heritage.Info at oprd.oregon.gov
Fri Jul 21 20:15:19 PDT 2023
Oregon Heritage News 2023-07-21
In this Issue:
* Oregon Heritage Bulletins get a new look!
* Need templates for nonprofit policies and procedures? Check out this new resource
* Pacific Northwest Preservation Field School – Applications Open
* CCAHA Webinar: DIY Preservation, from Monitoring to Management, Aug. 23
* Messaging Guide for Local Preservation Programs
* Archaeologists find evidence in Oregon suggesting its one of the oldest sites of human occupation
* Measuring Museum Social Impact: Lessons and Resources from a National Study – American Alliance of Museums
Oregon Heritage Bulletins get a new look!
If your organization is anything like ours, you have a very long to do list and some things can just hang out there for AWHILE. Well, we are happy to say that we were able to knock one of our “to do’s” off this list!
The Oregon Heritage Bulletins, resources that provide technical information and tips on topics of interest to organizations and individuals involved in heritage, have a fresh, new look! Not only did we change the look but we also made them accessible and easier to digest. During the process we made a few updates in some of the guidance that has changed over time and will continue to update them in the future as new technical assistance and tools are developed. It’s still a work in progress as we still have to update Heritage Bulletins related to historic cemeteries and archaeology but slowly but surely we will get it done! If it’s been awhile since you have seen the bulletins, check out the updated ones below.
Heritage Bulletins – National Register of Historic Places
* Bulletin #4 - National Register of Historic Places<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/HB04_Nat_Reg.pdf>
* Bulletin #5 - National Register Benefits and Restrictions<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/HB05_Nat_Reg_Benefits.pdf>
* Bulletin #6 - Planning National Register Historic Districts<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/HB06_Plan_Nat_Reg_District.pdf>
* Bulletin #8 - Choosing Consultants and Contractors<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/HB08_Preservation_Consultants_Contractors.pdf>
* Bulletin #12 - Research Tips and Sources<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/HB12_research_tips_and_sources.pdf>
* Bulletin #26 - Outreach for National Register Historic Districts<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/HB26_Outreach_Nat_Reg_Districts.pdf>
Heritage Bulletins – Organizational Support
* Bulletin #2 - How to Spread the News<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/HB02_How_to_Spread_the_News.pdf>
* Bulletin #8 - Choosing Consultants and Contractors<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/HB08_Preservation_Consultants_Contractors.pdf>
* Bulletin #10 - Grant Administration at a Glance<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/HB10_Grant_Admin.pdf>
* Bulletin #12 - Research Tips and Sources<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/HB12_research_tips_and_sources.pdf>
* Bulletin #17 - Sustainable Partnerships<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/HB17_Sustainable_Partnerships.pdf>
* Bulletin #18 - Pay Attention to Tourist Needs<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/HB18_Tourist_Needs.pdf>
* Bulletin #27 - Disaster Planning and Response<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/HB27_Disaster_%20Plan_and_Response.pdf>
* Bulletin #28 - Recognizing Achievements<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/HB28_Recognizing_Achievements.pdf>
* Bulletin #31 - Grant Writing Tips<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/HB31_Grant_Writing_Tips.pdf>
* Bulletin #34 - Researching Historically Marginalized Communities<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/HB34_Researching_Historically_Marganized_Communities.pdf>
* Bulletin #36 - Resilience Series: Board Agenda<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/HB36_BoardAgendas2.pdf>
* Bulletin #37 - Resilience Series: Board Involvement in Grants<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/HB37_BoardGrants.pdf>
Heritage Bulletins – Collection Care
* Bulletin #15 - Simple Steps for Paper Preservation<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/HB15_Simple_Steps_for_Paper_Preservation.pdf>
* Bulletin #19 - Audio Preservation<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/HB19_Audio_Preservation.pdf>
* Bulletin #20 - Caring for Textiles: Cleaning and Garment Hanging<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/HB20_Caring_for_Textiles_Cleaning_and_Garment_Hanging.pdf>
* Bulletin #21 - Planning a Digitization Project<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/HB21_Digitization_Projects_Planning.pdf>
* Bulletin #22 - Implementing a Digitization Project<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/HB22_Digitization_Projects_Implementation.pdf>
* Bulletin #23 - Digital Stewardship and Curation<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/HB23_Digitization_Projects_Stewardship_Curation.pdf>
* Bulletin #29 - Simple Steps for Collections Care<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/HB29_Collections_Care.pdf>
Don’t forget to visit our technical resources page<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/pages/technicalresources.aspx> to view all of the heritage bulletins, position papers, additional resources, and more.
Need templates for nonprofit policies and procedures? Check out this new resource
Oregon Main Street just released a Policies & Procedures Manual<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/OMS%20Policies%20and%20Procedures%20-%20WEB.pdf> that has samples and fillable pdfs that can be customized for organizations. Even though this publication was geared towards Main Street organizations, there are a lot of applicable language, policies, and procedures that apply to most nonprofit organizations in Oregon.
Some of the broadly applicable information includes:
* Conflict of Interest Policy
* Record keeping policies including retention schedule
* Organization financial processes and procedures such as controls, handling, reimbursement, donations, grants, restricting funds, and more
* Communications such as social media, cell phones, internet use, etc.
* Board Roles and responsibilities
* Personnel policies
* And so much more!
Check it out here<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/OMS%20Policies%20and%20Procedures%20-%20WEB.pdf> and see if this might help you create some of those policies and procedures that you have been on the list to do but just have not done yet.
Pacific Northwest Preservation Field School – Applications Due Aug. 10
Are you eager to learn more about and how to preserve historic buildings? Are you interested in Historic Preservation? Are you fascinated by historic places?
Then you should attend the Pacific Northwest Preservation Field School (PNWFS) this August/September at Fort Steven’s State Park.
Where and Why:
The PNWFS has been teaching hands-on preservation skills at historic sites throughout Oregon, Idaho, and Washington for 28 years. This year, the PNWFS will be held at the historic Fort Steven’s State park in Oregon.
The Field School will address the complex issues related to the preservation of important military structures and landscapes from multiple eras. Work will concentrate on the 1911 brick Guardhouse that met the fort’s security and policing needs; Battery Russell, a concrete gun emplacement dating to 1904; and Fire Control Hill, a collection of concrete spotting structures where soldiers targeted enemy vessels and coordinated fire commands.
While the subject sites are distinctive, the strategies and techniques related to their preservation carry across to other historic facilities.
A preliminary list of projects includes brick masonry repair and repointing, window assessment, repair, and reglazing, and concrete assessment and conservation. Historic landscape survey and maintenance workshops, interpretation workshops, field trips, and evening presentations will fill out the three one-week sessions. Participants will be lodged in double-occupancy yurts and dining facilities will be provided onsite.
When and What:
Session 1: Aug. 27-Sept 1 - Preservation focus: Preservation Primer
Session 2: Sept. 5-8 - Preservation Focus: Maintenance and Landscapes
Session 3: Sept 10-15 - Preservation Focus: Concrete
The Pacific Northwest Preservation Field School is sponsored by the University of Oregon, the National Park Service, the Oregon State Historic Preservation Office, Oregon Parks and Recreation Department, the Washington Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, Washington State Parks, the Idaho State Historical Society and Idaho State Parks and Recreation.
Instructors for the Field School include professional preservationists with decades of experience working with the National Park Service and private rehabilitation contracting companies. Field School lectures and educational sessions are led by instructors from the University of Oregon and cultural resource management professionals from both the public and private sector.
CCAHA Webinar: DIY Preservation, from Monitoring to Management, Aug. 23
Date: Wednesday, August 23
Time: 12:00 PM ET
Presenter: Melanie Bump, Curator of Collections and Exhibits, Morris County Park Commission
Click here to learn more and register.<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0013Cj7jkr7_ERcLdo6HuSu6smX2yf21e8mbyATpCBxJ8he5L-MJjzdDWd5iNuWXg8ChrRzBsnvTCKim2E4HUC7_n2_9cauX0Ef7P-IrOe9NY6S-_FEmBuGqdVgZt3q_iNvL0e1J8_7bnxJUJ9LIOXI3YGa4jYh59Pwq8Mg5Tqw2BcDj-HTetowdaQq6mSlbFm4XJ8sIft3zwM=&c=Z9tb5lEBQ6b2Q8iHPXTYvpdKbBCVRiCD5FCKPVlnLmG_qjDJoMT-Nw==&ch=bL8ZqSsMHF1qfqMOYCGOGsajLb3YO2muNivaIiRZYx309osOt38tVQ==>
Melanie Bump, Curator of Collections and Exhibits at the Morris County Park Commission, discusses a recent collaboration with CCAHA that resulted in some surprising finds about low-cost housing alternatives that work just as well as the more expensive museum-quality options. This allowed the Morris County Parks Commission to move beyond simply monitoring their collections to actively managing their care more directly. In this webinar, we ask how the lessons learned from this case study can be replicated at your site.
Please come prepared to discuss two successes and one challenge you’ve faced in monitoring or managing the environment at your site.
This program is provided with generous support from the National Endowment for the Humanities, with additional support from the William Penn Foundation and Independence Foundation.
Messaging Guide for Local Preservation Programs
The National Alliance of Preservation Commissions just released a Messaging Guide for Local Preservation Programs<https://www.napcommissions.org/messaging-guide>. While the audience of this guide are local historic landmark commissions (learn more about Oregon’s Certified Local Government program here<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/pages/clg.aspx>), there are some good messaging tips and tricks that would benefit anyone trying to convey the value of historic preservation.
In the Messaging Guide<https://www.napcommissions.org/messaging-guide>, you'll find the following:
* General communications tips
* Guidance on word choice, from clarity and jargon to equity concerns and common terms currently under discussion
* Tips on connecting with different audiences and responding to common concerns about historic preservation
* Sample messages to help build support for more effective preservation policy and practice
* Messages addressing general themes and specific connections between preservation and pressing issues, with supporting points and examples
* Sample language and graphics to clarify the local preservation process, particularly design review, and to respond to relevant concerns
* To access or download the Messaging Guide for Local Preservation Programs click the box below.
Oregon Heritage Note: Don’t forget about the Sharing the Value of Heritage Toolkit<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/pages/tools.aspx> that also contains Oregon specific data and messaging on the value of heritage organizations!
Archaeologists find evidence in Oregon suggesting it’s one of the oldest sites of human occupation
Field site shows evidence of humans in Oregon 18,000 years ago
Article by Lexie Briggs, Museum of Natural and Cultural History, University of Oregon
“Oregon archaeologists have found evidence suggesting humans occupied the Rimrock Draw rock shelter outside of what is now the Eastern Oregon town of Riley more than 18,000 years ago….” Read the entire article here<https://around.uoregon.edu/content/field-site-shows-evidence-humans-oregon-18000-years-ago>.
Measuring Museum Social Impact: Lessons and Resources from a National Study – American Alliance of Museums
“With IMLS funding, the Measurement of Museum Social Impact study has spent months working with museums across the US to validate a social impact instrument. Watch this recorded session from the 2023 AAM Annual Meeting to hear about the study’s goals and how they’ve been achieved. Then learn about results from the social impact survey and how two participating museums are using the findings.” Learn more here<https://www.aam-us.org/2023/06/26/measuring-museum-social-impact-lessons-and-resources-from-a-national-study/> on the American Alliance of Museums Blog.
Share your photos of Oregon’s heritage on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter using #oregonheritage.
Oregon Heritage News is a service of Oregon Heritage, a division of the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. The news editor can be contacted at heritage.info at oregon.gov<mailto:heritage.info at oregon.gov>.
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