[Heritage] Oregon Heritage News 2024-12-06

INFO Heritage * OPRD Heritage.Info at oprd.oregon.gov
Fri Dec 6 16:37:01 PST 2024

Oregon Heritage News 2024-12-06
In this Issue:

  *   South Coast Tsunami scare prompts disaster preparedness reminder
  *   RFP for 2024 Multiple Property Documents Evaluation and Outreach Project
  *   Report on Flood Resiliency of Traditional Building Materials Published
  *   AAM Blog Post: The 2024 Museum Store Gift Guide
  *   It's that time of year again...35% of preservation related resource book!

South Coast Tsunami scare prompts disaster preparedness reminder
Yesterday, colleagues, friends, family, and residents of the South Coast experienced an unimaginable level of fear as a Tsunami warning was issued following a large earthquake off the coast of Northern California. Thankfully, the warning was cancelled when officials determined that the threat had passed. But, in the words of Oregon Department of Emergency Management issued in a press release<https://apps.oregon.gov/oregon-newsroom/OR/OEM/Posts/Post/Oregon-Agencies-Urge-Residents-and-Visitors-to-Prepare-for-Earthquakes-and-Tsunamis>, "Although the immediate threat has passed, today's events underscore the importance of being prepared for future emergencies. Taking steps now to ensure readiness can make all the difference during natural disasters."
Resources related to disaster resilience planning for heritage resources can be found here<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Pages/DisasterPrep.aspx>.
If your heritage organization has yet to begin because it feels daunting or hard to know where to start, please consider applying for the Oregon Heritage MentorCorps<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Pages/MentorCorps.aspx> to help with project planning and resources.
RFP for 2024 Multiple Property Documents Evaluation and Outreach Project
The State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), housed within Oregon Parks and Recreation Department, is requesting proposals for a study to improve the use of existing and future Multiple Property Documentation forms (MPDs). This project supports the Oregon Historic Preservation Plan's goal to increase the number and diversity of Oregon properties listed in the National Register of Historic Places. Project deliverables will include a report evaluating Oregon's existing MPDs and providing recommendations for their use and enhancement, as well as outreach materials and training for using MPDs to develop National Register nominations.
A pre-proposal conference will be held on 12/13/2024 from 10-10:45 AM PST. This session will share information about the project and how to apply on OregonBuys. Teams meeting info is below.

Microsoft Teams Need help?<https://aka.ms/JoinTeamsMeeting?omkt=en-US>
Join the meeting now<https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_OWYxNDViYmEtMDNlNC00ZWVhLTljZjItZTI3Yjg3ZGJkNmVm%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22aa3f6932-fa7c-47b4-a0ce-a598cad161cf%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22d383e5de-8329-4b80-9792-f7087baf95ae%22%7d>
Meeting ID: 272 544 033 234
Passcode: 2Th3xo2R

Interested in applying?
Where to find the RFP: All Requests for proposal can be found on OregonBuys, https://oregonbuys.gov/bso. The Bid Solicitation number for this project can be copied and pasted into the search bar on the home screen of OregonBuys.

Bid Solicitation Number: S-63400-00012230

All parties that are considering responding to the Request for Proposal must register as a supplier in OregonBuys. To create a supplier account, click the blue "Register" button in the top right corner of the OregonBuys website: https://oregonbuys.gov/bso.

For registration assistance see Supplier Resources: https://www.oregon.gov/das/ORBuys/Pages/supplierresources.aspx

For any additional information or support please contact the Single Point of contact listed below.
Single Point of Contact Information:

Joshua Herron, Senior Procurement Specialist
Phone: 503-953-0536
Email: Joshua.a.herron at oprd.oregon.gov
Report on Flood Resiliency of Traditional Building Materials Published
The National Park Service is partnering with the US Army Corps of Engineer's Construction Engineering Research Laboratory to conduct laboratory tests of the flood resiliency of traditional building materials. The second of three rounds of testing is now complete, and the report is available<http://t1.info.nps.gov/r/?id=h2fdc6e,1134501,1136065> on the Technical Preservation Services (TPS) website.
The initial round of testing, completed in 2019, investigated traditional building assemblies. The recently completed round investigated how various traditional materials, finishes, and assemblies react to inundation, drying, and cleaning. Testing examined individual building assemblies and tested a variety of historic materials: soft brick, lime plaster, stucco, and various old growth wood species. Additionally, the testing provided data comparable to the data for modern construction materials found in the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Technical Bulletin 2-08, Flood-Resistant Materials Requirements for Buildings Located in Special Flood Hazard Areas in accordance with the National Flood Insurance Program<http://t1.info.nps.gov/r/?id=h2fdc6e,1134501,1136066>.
A third round of testing, currently underway, is investigating the impact coatings have on the flood resilience of traditional building materials. All tests utilize ASTM E3075 Standard Test Method for Water Immersion and Drying for Evaluation of Flood Damage Resistance<http://t1.info.nps.gov/r/?id=h2fdc6e,1134501,1136067>, a testing method used to bring uniformity in the evaluation of building materials' response to flooding.
Please visit the TPS website<http://t1.info.nps.gov/r/?id=h2fdc6e,1134501,1136608> for further information regarding the testing rounds and to read the reports published to date<http://t1.info.nps.gov/r/?id=h2fdc6e,1134501,1136609>.
AAM Blog Post: The 2024 Museum Store Gift Guide
The 2024 Museum Store Gift Guide<https://aam-us.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2605bbc11e6752de338ce7e61&id=e46d8968e9&e=0645a66f24>
By Joseph O'Neill
Looking for some extra-special gifts this holiday season? Let your fellow museum people be your guide! Here were some of the standout museum store products readers recommended in last month's Question of the Month, from inspirational keychains to rooftop-harvested honey. Read more ><https://aam-us.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2605bbc11e6752de338ce7e61&id=bb36817493&e=0645a66f24>
It's that time of year again...35% off heritage preservation related resource books!
Several museum/historic preservation/history related books are on sale directly from the publisher through December 15. Save 35% when using code 24JOYSALE on the publisher's website here<https://rowman.com/>.

Follow us on Facebook at @oregonheritage, on LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/company/oregon-parks-and-recreation-department/>, on the Oregon Heritage Exchange blog<https://oregonheritage.wordpress.com/>.

Oregon Heritage News is a service of Oregon Heritage, a division of the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department that includes the State Historic Preservation Office. Learn more about our programs at www.oregonheritage.org<http://www.oregonheritage.org/>. The news editor can be contacted at heritage.info at oprd.oregon.gov<mailto:heritage.info at oprd.oregon.gov>.

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