[Heritage] Oregon Heritage News 2024-07-12

INFO Heritage * OPRD Heritage.Info at oprd.oregon.gov
Fri Jul 12 14:41:16 PDT 2024

Oregon Heritage News 2024-07-12
In this Issue:

  *   Oregon Heritage Commission to meet July 21-22 in Coos Bay and online
  *   Goal 5 Cultural Areas Rulemaking Advisory Committee (RAC) to Meet July 18, 2024
  *   Recent and upcoming Connecting to Collections webinars
  *   Free NEDCC webinar on preservation grant season 7/16
  *   AAM blog post on research and data showing value of museums
  *   Voices of Gresham podcast now streaming, check it out!
  *   Nominations Open for 2025 National Medal of Museum and Library Service
  *   Monuments and Justice webinar July 25
  *   Collections Insurance 101 webinar Aug. 14
  *   Approachable planning resources
  *   ICYMI: Applications OPEN to request an Oregon Heritage Mentor for free technical assistance!

Oregon Heritage Commission to meet July 21-22 in Coos Bay and online
The Oregon Heritage Commission will meet July21-22 in Coos Bay and online. The agenda<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Pages/Commissions.aspx#OHC> includes a report from the University of Oregon Institute for Policy Research and Engagement project team on the 2024 Oregon Heritage Vitality Study, a summary and discussion of a report on addressing harmful content in collections, an application for the Heritage Tradition designation, and recommendations for the Commission’s FY25 Oregon Cultural Trust Partner Funds Grant.
This meeting is open to the public and there is an opportunity at the beginning of the meeting for public comment in person and online. For online attendance, registration is required. To view the full agenda and/or to register for the virtual meeting option visit here<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Pages/Commissions.aspx#OHC>.
Special accommodations for the meeting – including translation services – may be made by calling (503) 986‐0690 or Mary.Newcomb at oprd.oregon.gov<mailto:Mary.Newcomb at oprd.oregon.gov> at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
There are three governor appointed positions currently vacant on the Oregon Heritage Commission. The Heritage Commission is especially seeking members with knowledge and experience related to community institutions, heritage tourism, or education/higher education and who have experience working with diverse cultural groups. The Commission seeks applications from those that live in the Southern, Willamette Valley, and Central Oregon area.
The Heritage Commission’s nine members represent a diversity of cultural, geographic, and institutional interests. The Commission is the primary agency for coordination of heritage activities in the state. This includes carrying out the Oregon Heritage Plan<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/2020_Oregon_Heritage_Plan.pdf>, increasing efficiency and avoiding duplication among interest groups, developing plans for coordination among agencies and organizations, encouraging tourism related to heritage resources, and coordinating statewide anniversary celebrations.
The group meets four-six times per year in changing locations around the state and will offer virtual options to attend meetings. Commissioners are also asked to occasionally participate in meetings or events in their regions and work on other projects outside of meeting time. Appointed Commissioners are reimbursed for their travel and related expenses while conducting official commission business.
More information about the Oregon Heritage Commission is available online at www.oregonheritage.org<http://www.oregonheritage.org/> and from Commission Coordinator Katie Henry at 503-877-8834 or katie.henry at oprd.oregon.gov<mailto:katie.henry at oprd.oregon.gov>.
To request appointment, go to Governor Kotek’s Boards and Commissions webpage at https://www.oregon.gov/gov/Pages/board-list.aspx.

Goal 5 Cultural Areas Rulemaking Advisory Committee (RAC) to Meet July 18, 2024
Statewide land use planning Goal 5 addresses Natural Resources, Scenic and Historic Areas, and Open Spaces for cities and counties throughout Oregon. While Goal 5 lists Cultural Areas as important resources in Oregon, Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) currently do not provide specific direction of how to consider these types of areas in Oregon Communities.​
The Rulemaking Advisory Committee will meet to discuss and weigh in on the draft rule. Public hearings will be held during the Land Conservation and Development Commission meetings on September 26-27, and December 5-6, 2024.
Meeting Time: 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Meeting Date: July 18, 2024
Location: Online
Community members are welcome to watch the meeting on DLCD’s YouTube channel<https://links-2.govdelivery.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2F@OregonDLCD%3Futm_medium=email%26utm_source=govdelivery/1/01010190a7a3d483-b8f1071e-a199-4398-bc34-8f6dc2af01c1-000000/5v0NCl0aeR6kUc5LdT28sRxn8p-YEM36bssMKAjftI0=361>.
The agenda and packet are available on the department’s webpage for Goal 5 Cultural Areas rulemaking<https://links-2.govdelivery.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.oregon.gov%2Flcd%2FLAR%2FPages%2FGoal5.aspx%3Futm_medium=email%26utm_source=govdelivery/1/01010190a7a3d483-b8f1071e-a199-4398-bc34-8f6dc2af01c1-000000/MxMSOqW2IroNqQS5qRqGo0ZWHiX7-Yb5ZA9JPElwKao=361>.
To ensure the meeting is accessible, the department will make reasonable accommodations upon request. Please contact Elliott Eastman elliott.eastman at dlcd.oregon.gov<mailto:elliott.eastman at dlcd.oregon.gov>, or by TTY: Oregon Relay Services (800) 735-2900 at least 48 hours before the meeting.
View agenda and meeting materials<https://www.oregon.gov/lcd/LAR/Pages/Goal5.aspx?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery>

Grants and Contracts Task Force Ready to Make Recommendations
The state legislative Task Force on Modernizing Grant Funding and Contracting has begun the work of making recommendations. The task force met this week to discuss various recommendations to improve how the state administers grants and contracts with nonprofits.
The recommendations include proposals to change the calendar year for grants from fiscal year to calendar year to avoid funding delays, adhere to the federal guidelines on indirect administrative rates, and charge the government a fee when it is late with payments. Other proposals include creating a prevailing wage or a workforce standards board to help raise wages in the nonprofit sector. To see what types of recommendations are being considered, go to this link<https://nqwo9nbab.cc.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001qGhZAKgzKR9OG66YFwfTMytLCtN4PeTO7KKwJ_a3mWvcYSz-vtXter0ty0_pfG9H-6TZzUN4e2-kJfV5M5XKC0WgyJtOcsjaVGfZRT8zKerb_itHwL4691xGC3viMx4rZsQN6H_9YnQ29btbfI1eDBXwfF7RWkNzB1369RZs5dRuzU6FZkY8ukp0qVxY72tVt4lTAtDUuV5XENbXgyFo78zLz7BQWLpW3uNxv483YcryPYo-_D2fkA==&c=eLdI1hYXSDV7TGWGqO2V2G7BuEyfG9UFyKq3XLt8sorDgc65h_aN5w==&ch=Of6AQDQm7hSwYos5eu2tVLovaba3Tlu8hJQ0gfmWcBJozB4TzBiZiQ==>.
The task force will continue discussing the recommendations when it meets in early August. After finalizing its recommendations, the task force wraps up its work in September. Public can comment by filling out the public comment form <https://nqwo9nbab.cc.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001qGhZAKgzKR9OG66YFwfTMytLCtN4PeTO7KKwJ_a3mWvcYSz-vtXtejSL57Tb7BGb8GG6rXyU8nyjkCV3RWAHH_fQ6k5mnXvKG74pJUeKXmPQnukVWYPn24XYpO1Wdl_vogQsHwlFv0gw57CZPFihS56T9q6iw9UXS8ALvQASOqA=&c=eLdI1hYXSDV7TGWGqO2V2G7BuEyfG9UFyKq3XLt8sorDgc65h_aN5w==&ch=Of6AQDQm7hSwYos5eu2tVLovaba3Tlu8hJQ0gfmWcBJozB4TzBiZiQ==> by August 13.

Recent and upcoming Connecting to Collections webinars

  *   August 20, 2024, 1:00 pm – Safeguarding Collections<http://www.connectingtocollections.org/calendar/?mc_id=368>
  *   September 17, 2024, 1:00 pm – C2C Care Course Developing a Collections Management Policy<http://www.connectingtocollections.org/calendar/?mc_id=369>
Recordings available:

  *   Recent July 9, 2024, Choosing and Using Safe Materials for Collection Housing<https://connectingtocollections.org/choosingsafematerials/>
  *   All archived webinars<https://connectingtocollections.org/archives/>

Free NEDCC webinar on preservation grant season 7/16
Jul 16, 2024
12:30pm – 1:30pm Eastern
Preservation Grant Season
Live online webinar
Registration deadline: July 14, 2024
Maximum class size: 300
Instructor: Mary Kate Kwasnik, Associate Preservation Specialist
Location: online
Many applications for U.S. preservation grant opportunities are due in the Winter. Get a head start on the application process and join NEDCC for an overview of preservation grants, including eligible projects, important deadlines, and administrative steps, like creating a Grants.gov account. The presenter will also provide application tips that are useful for all programs, no matter the grant you plan to apply to.
Register here<https://www.nedcc.org/preservation-training/registration?p=693>.

AAM blog post on research and data showing value of museums
Robust Research, Healthy Communities<https://aam-us.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2605bbc11e6752de338ce7e61&id=0db363a027&e=0645a66f24>
By Carys Kunze
How are museums using research and evaluation now? AAM's Research & Data Specialist hit the session rooms at the 2024 Annual Meeting & MuseumExpo to find out. Here's what she learned about cutting-edge ways of using data to crystalize priorities and maximize community impact. Read more »<https://aam-us.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2605bbc11e6752de338ce7e61&id=236c02ccb9&e=0645a66f24>

Voices of Gresham podcast now streaming, check it out!
Voices of Gresham: A New Podcast
A podcast about Gresham history, told through the voices of those who have lived it. Join us each Wednesday as we bring Gresham's past to life - from the Japanese American experience to Prohibition and speakeasies.  Hosted and co-written by Stephanie Vallance and Melissa Bevency, in partnership with the Gresham Historical Society. Head here<https://greshamhistorical.org/voices-of-gresham-podcast> to learn more and you can also find the podcase on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.
This project was supported by a 2023 Oregon Heritage Grant. Learn more about Oregon Heritage grant programs here<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Pages/Grants.aspx>.

Nominations Open for 2025 National Medal of Museum and Library Service
The Institute of Museum and Library Services is now accepting applications for the nation’s highest honor for museums and libraries that demonstrate extraordinary and innovative approaches to public service. Nominations are due September 6. Learn more and nominate your organization.<https://u83566.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=u001.-2FSmjcpO7c0puhLZteDUTgjIlM22aWKYBC-2F9DhwklWU8S-2FTV7o1UuXXXDyZRysdIBd9RTvDwH8Npo8XEc-2ByjEBrzMb4FuuHv7oWVU3GK0KjF6iZq2DHSaiwBp-2FYtsPmmkEBNM_dQQJK-2Bh2VwYZPbMqkB87WMSaHSrB2Cpyat6DlFx8xgmqbu3irjtssH68i2Qnpd-2Ftibq35njLfGe1RP0eD19dmbA9cViCftexRTalgOeEnBB2M8EWTMPOKM4mmiUdrj7gzn7EERipiYyurokROjDYLrUR2v7C4WjwkIg6lCr-2FX7c1hWdG-2BLy9fosKOKhmiJKRq8PmmTgKEvcxxhcZLaVdLFrIiCqGMQ7ClnM74VdmnnvUysQ846y2hwYomvlM3ICOo-2FbR-2Fr-2FDFmPBWx1u3HvorvxSxFGatq673qRHbB8uq2LHVsHGGCjcg2q9lHQXzOxRN9oswJdbZfTx8IYjcL0QFJxL1aC8XMCKElKcmZDgYmMLpfxuGrAWg9pnYfpxsA-2BFdj1Zwg-2FeNBKWP4raLB3xIoEN7HQcZScrNPEIiVIAyqBxjaJQMXEXiACO7no9wC-2BvA4BaHmQHapClW4fV4PRhQnXW-2Bo6ztV02VeN4fN5xP5UeqnFzmqzvkPEOqUJn7qm-2FY9C0ChI-2FQ8T4VORXShkEL5MtoL0wXXQd4-2FE9WiTdXIn9Vu33-2BbNRbebMoACP-2BsbfeH6ZG40wuHLrMfObD8eSoi8kEW6hUeCPS6cOTk3raq5K0WC1Sqlx0RAOKBoRzgTDvIAyZ-2B4S4jq3-2BJgxJjX1uaLNrLjwlIzLpPFvnT2Q7-2B0-3D>

Monuments and Justice Webinar July 25
The National Trust for Historic Preservation is holding a webinar on July 25 about the architecture of monument-making, the need for ethnic and cultural representation, and the role of historic preservation in fostering healing from racial trauma. Learn more and register.<https://u83566.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=u001.z5kC-2BS-2B60F2XnVYQpDYpo-2FxgIk0fjZGHlNLo-2BQS5dI0gR9XIxXwseMNx1ISsuBQdzSo8TGtf8L9eeO1PsnuCnA-3D-3DNhih_dQQJK-2Bh2VwYZPbMqkB87WMSaHSrB2Cpyat6DlFx8xgmqbu3irjtssH68i2Qnpd-2Ftibq35njLfGe1RP0eD19dmbA9cViCftexRTalgOeEnBB2M8EWTMPOKM4mmiUdrj7gzn7EERipiYyurokROjDYLrUR2v7C4WjwkIg6lCr-2FX7c1hWdG-2BLy9fosKOKhmiJKRq8PmmTgKEvcxxhcZLaVdLFrIiCqGMQ7ClnM74VdmnnvUysQ846y2hwYomvlM3ICOo-2FbR-2Fr-2FDFmPBWx1u3HvorvxSxFGatq673qRHbB8uq2LHVsHGGCjcg2q9lHQXzOxRN9oswJdbZfTx8IYjcL0QFJxL1aC8XMCKElKcmZDgYmMLpfxuGrAWg9pnYfpxsA-2BFdj1Zwg-2FeNBKWP4raLB3xIoEN7HQcZScrNPEIiVIAyqBxjaJQMXEXiACO7no9wC-2BvA4BaHmQHapClW4fV4PRhQnXW-2Bo6ztV02VeN4fN5xP5UeqnFzmqzvkPEOqUJn7qm-2FY9C0ChI-2FQ8T4VORXShkEL51tBwegZyk0o-2FRK-2BfuHj4x4m8a9B1jNCxN49wahDVyJC9XblRs8TdfrzpnyZQk2Nn0QHMcpIh27mxvrtFOzuaXlvphF5vDnABTR8boAHHWoSq3MmjNU5UeiiDMRDpgREGWwTziZJuiGQue22TsI0XU-3D>

Collections Insurance 101
Collections Insurance 101
Wednesday, August 14, 2024 at 10 a.m. CT
Presented by Noni Tompkins, Vice President of Underwriting at Distinguished Fine Arts and Collectibles and
Joy Simpson, Executive Vice President of Business Insurance at Higginbotham
A webinar exploring the critical role of insurance in protecting museum collections. Led by industry experts, Noni Tompkins and Joy Simpson, this session will delve into the complexities of museum collections insurance, covering key topics such as evaluating your coverage needs, types of valuation, insurance for loans and exhibitions, and key factors that impact pricing. Whatever your role at your institution, this webinar offers essential knowledge to ensure the safeguarding of cultural treasures for future generations.

Register here.<https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/2045753973837077600?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery>

Approachable planning resources
Taking time to plan is an intentional investment in your organization’s continuity. Check out these guidebooks to get started on everything from annual or operational work-planning to larger strategic planning conversations.

  *   Plan Without Fear or Anxiety with this “Post-It” Planning Workbook<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/Post-It%20Planning%20Worksheets%20(FINAL).pdf>
  *   Main Streets, municipalities, and community organizations alike can all benefit from the Strategic Planning Guide from Oregon Main Street<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/Developing%20a%20Strategic%20Plan%20Workbook.pdf>
  *   PReP<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/OC2C_PReP.doc> for disasters too with this pocket response plan
     *   Diving deeper in disaster planning? Here’s the Getty guide.<https://www.getty.edu/conservation/publications_resources/pdf_publications/pdf/emergency_plan.pdf>
  *   Collections planning? Request a Mentor.<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/oh/pages/mentorcorps.aspx> Mentors can guide you through this collections planning module<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/CollectionsProjectPlanning.zip>.
  *   Create a prioritized action plan for success. This template<https://www-auth.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/MentorCorps%20Work%20Plan%20Template.xlsx> can get you started.

ICYMI: Applications OPEN to request an Oregon Heritage Mentor for free technical assistance!

Heritage organizations statewide are now eligible to apply for free technical assistance from the Oregon Heritage MentorCorps<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/pages/mentorcorps.aspx#:~:text=The%20MentorCorps%20is%20a%20trained,%2C%20and%20non-profit%20management.>. Organizations applying to this program will work on their proposed projects alongside volunteer professionals with backgrounds in museums and collections management, curatorship, archives, preservation, heritage interpretation, volunteer coordination, non-profit management, disaster preparedness, and more.
The role of MentorCorps is to assist with projects that challenge the expertise of staff and volunteers at applicant organizations during one-on-one sessions over a period of nine months. Common requests for assistance include guidance in work planning, grant reviews, collections assessments, policy development or simply prioritization of work when applicants can’t identify the most pressing need. Fielding a cadre of mentors that are geographically and technically diverse, there are very few projects that MentorCorps cannot assist with in some way.
MentorCorps began as a pilot program funded the Institute of Museum and Library Services nearly a decade ago. Ten years on, it is a fully actualized technical assistance program of the Oregon Heritage Commission<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/oh/pages/commissions.aspx> that supports the “Pursue Best Practices” goal of the 2020-2025 Oregon Heritage Plan<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/2020_Oregon_Heritage_Plan.pdf>. This service is offered free to any heritage organization operating within the state of Oregon, but primarily serves museums, libraries, archives, and cultural institutions. Applications open July 1, 2024 and close on August 15, 2024 for the 2024-2025 assistance year. Organizations can reach out to Oregon Heritage Technical Resources Coordinator, Cam Amabile with questions about projects or applications at 971-720-8998 or cam.amabile at oprd.oregon.gov<mailto:cam.amabile at oprd.oregon.gov>.


Follow us on Facebook at @oregonheritage, on LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/company/oregon-parks-and-recreation-department/>, on the Oregon Heritage Exchange blog<https://oregonheritage.wordpress.com/>.

Oregon Heritage News is a service of Oregon Heritage, a division of the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department that includes the State Historic Preservation Office. Learn more about our programs at www.oregonheritage.org<http://www.oregonheritage.org/>. The news editor can be contacted at heritage.info at oprd.oregon.gov<mailto:heritage.info at oprd.oregon.gov>.

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