[Heritage] Oregon Heritage News 2024-10-25
INFO Heritage * OPRD
Heritage.Info at oprd.oregon.gov
Fri Oct 25 15:17:02 PDT 2024
Oregon Heritage News 2024-10-25
In this Issue:
* Oregon Heritage Commission to meet Nov. 3-4 in Pendleton and online
* Oregon Heritage’s Community-wide Disaster Resilience Plan for Heritage Resources Model & Guidebook featured on AASLH resource page
* AAM Blog post: Museum-Healthcare Partnerships: A Growing Initiative
* IMLS FY25 Grant Funding Cycle Deadline
* Historic Cemetery webinars and resources
* Nonprofit Association of Oregon Workshop: Achieving Long-term Stability in Your Nonprofit, Medford, Nov. 12
* Travel Oregon 2024-2025 Competitive Grants Program Announced
Oregon Heritage Commission to meet Nov. 3-4 in Pendleton and online
The Oregon Heritage Commission will meet Nov. 3-4 in Pendleton and online. The agenda<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Pages/Commissions.aspx#OHC> includes an update on Northwest Digital Heritage, discussion on recommendations from the draft 2024 Oregon Heritage Vitality Report, discussion on the 2026-2030 Oregon Heritage Plan process, and a presentation from the Oregon Cultural Trust.
This meeting is open to the public and there is an opportunity at the beginning of the meeting for public comment in person and online. For online attendance, registration is required. To view the full agenda and/or to register for the virtual meeting option visit here<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Pages/Commissions.aspx#OHC>.
Special accommodations for the meeting - including translation services - may be made by calling (503) 986‐0690 or emailing Mary.Newcomb at oprd.oregon.gov<mailto:Mary.Newcomb at oprd.oregon.gov> at least 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
The Heritage Commission’s nine Governor appointed members represent a diversity of cultural, geographic, and institutional interests. The Commission’s nine advisory members include representatives from the Oregon State Library, Oregon State Archives, State Historical Records Advisory Board, Higher Education Coordinating Committee, Travel Oregon, Oregon Historical Society, Department of Education, State Historic Preservation Office, and the Department of Land Conservation and Development.
The Commission is the primary agency for coordination of heritage activities in the state. This includes carrying out the Oregon Heritage Plan<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/2020_Oregon_Heritage_Plan.pdf>, increasing efficiency and avoiding duplication among interest groups, developing plans for coordination among agencies and organizations, encouraging tourism related to heritage resources, and coordinating statewide anniversary commemorations.
More information about the Oregon Heritage Commission is available online at www.oregonheritage.org<http://www.oregonheritage.org/> and from Commission coordinator Katie Henry at 503-877-8834 or katie.henry at oprd.oregon.gov<mailto:katie.henry at oprd.oregon.gov>.
Oregon Heritage’s Community-wide Disaster Resilience Plan for Heritage Resources Model & Guidebook featured on AASLH resource page
American Association for State & Local History (AASLH) recently developed a new page on aaslh.org<https://u83566.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=u001.-2FSmjcpO7c0puhLZteDUTgnxkaSifqnZZlwEYq8pJUr7aQaOUfUZqrbC0ZQobhBrcSaj2_dQQJK-2Bh2VwYZPbMqkB87WMSaHSrB2Cpyat6DlFx8xgmqbu3irjtssH68i2Qnpd-2Ftibq35njLfGe1RP0eD19dmbA9cViCftexRTalgOeEnBB2M8EWTMPOKM4mmiUdrj7gzn7EERipiYyurokROjDYLrUR2v7C4WjwkIg6lCr-2FX7c1hWdG-2BLy9fosKOKhmiJKRq8PmmTgKEvcxxhcZLaVdLFrIiCqGMQ7ClnM74VdmnnvUysQ846y2hwYomvlM3ICO09NU7Pz4cmk23AvamrSnNCAoo7OHn-2FfURRcMk3SsSOt7DTVrb3NHFjKEuTw8jZz-2FaQ1ZM0tGkgFpND-2BUI-2Fe11d47rVDeWWPQzVoDTDIE3uoXt0ZqsqxiRhAX-2FYu6K6hvznriMgeexVA-2BIQ-2FDNT5vyCA5p6BYEDWM-2FctGYJIRhtJS1yVz2dW1lLjIW2ymTr9fDJoqYJKGP-2B156u8X-2FsJX7ZUkIku-2FQyGjnDLTzpBepWnKzZgxdL6Yv416-2FN8GYbCDAH3p1zNETPTrfWZGLF2xJv5gCRAKTu1KM5p9yK7St4JFk01OlXUAEcvZ84ZwGlPNIseFXaAJtAF4s-2B3C-2FXasIQJ1kHdltiIG6-2F8JQr4c18A-2F5peGeGnx9PogL9Rg6w49YH6t3Bxl0UYrMh7F2opYDgMPQw3xHa6ct-2B2TKWF34LI-3D> to help organizations plan for and recover from a disaster. These include resources from AASLH, other organizations, and federal and state agencies.
One of the resources it includes for Oregon is the Community-wide Disaster Resilience Plan for Heritage Resources Model & Guidebook<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Pages/DisasterPrep.aspx#communityplanning> developed by Oregon Heritage in partnership with the University of Oregon Institute for Policy Research and Engagement (IPRE). IPRE recently received a FEMA grant to work with Oregon Heritage on implanting this planning process in designated Heritage All-Star Communities across the state.
This project includes:
* Guidebook<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/CDRHR_GuidebookWeb.pdf> - Use this to assit in creating an organizational plan or a community-wide plan. Appendices inlcude guidance for Tribal, consultation, meeting agenda templates, organization survey questions and plan templates, model community survey, scripts, plan templates, and other resources.
* Value of Heritage in Disaster Resilience Report and Messaging Guide<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Documents/Value%20of%20Cultural%20Heritage%20in%20Disaster%20Resilience%20Report%20and%20Messaging%20Guide%20FINAL.pdf>- Use this report and risk communication guide to articulate the value of your community's landmarks, historic collections, and intangible heritage to planners, emergency management professionals, and the public.
* Videos - The following videos supplement the Guidebook:
* A Resilience Approach to Disaster Planning for Heritage Resources - Introduction<https://youtu.be/nmrjWXGJ--o>
* A Resilience Approach to Disaster Planning for Heritage Resources - Cultural Resilience Framework<https://youtu.be/FDuIwEH9By4>
* A Resilience Approach to Disaster Planning for Heritage Resources - Data Collection & Engagement<https://youtu.be/DbehudG8BtE>
* A Resilience Approach to Disaster Planning for Heritage Resources - Lessons Learned from Cottage Grove<https://youtu.be/hYL7ri550GA>
AAM Blog post: Museum-Healthcare Partnerships: A Growing Initiative
Museum-Healthcare Partnerships: A Growing Initiative<https://aam-us.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2605bbc11e6752de338ce7e61&id=702e1c47a7&e=0645a66f24>
By Terrie Nolinskie
In the past few years, partnerships between museums and healthcare organizations have gone from a gradual movement to a rapidly growing trend. Find out what form these partnerships are taking, from health-themed programming to medical training, and what benefits they're reaping for participants. Read more ><https://aam-us.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2605bbc11e6752de338ce7e61&id=e34f9b8f2e&e=0645a66f24>
IMLS FY25 Grant Funding Cycle Deadline
The primary source of federal funding for US museums and related organizations is now accepting applications to eight grant programs. Proposals to offer programming, manage collections, and enhance the workforce can be submitted through November 15, 2024.
See available grants here.<https://www.imls.gov/grants/apply-grant/available-grants>
Historic Cemetery resources and upcoming webinars
Cemetery Tours: Engaging Community Through Tales Tombstones Tell
Tuesday, October 29, 2024 at 10 a.m. CT
Join Sara Phalen, Director of the West Chicago and Warrenville City Museums, to learn all about community programming through cemetery tours. From logistics to after tour engagement strategies, Sara will bring data and innovations her museums developed during their 35 years of cemetery walks. This webinar is designed to provide information to organizations that have never hosted a cemetery walk, new relevancy hooks for organizations versed in cemetery tours, and tips on how to continue community engagement past a one-day cemetery event. Register here.<https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/3506957650254658393?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery>
Cemetery Preservation Basics
Oct. 30
Gain familiarity with several basic processes for documenting historic cemeteries and learn how to assess their most urgent preservation needs at this webinar on October 30. Register here.<https://u83566.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=u001.JKc0qhVFcTPfMDenuxAd6APaF8kJiPdYBHWStFkIzvJNE33kHLcJHtlhWElJoKju1BkWCmp-2FMVtEi-2B0ESuRXygxt0u57eq2QiqzcWjIklZX88AKkLorZF9sgrL4joJ2v0VEf_dQQJK-2Bh2VwYZPbMqkB87WMSaHSrB2Cpyat6DlFx8xgmqbu3irjtssH68i2Qnpd-2Ftibq35njLfGe1RP0eD19dmbA9cViCftexRTalgOeEnBB2M8EWTMPOKM4mmiUdrj7gzn7EERipiYyurokROjDYLrUR2v7C4WjwkIg6lCr-2FX7c1hWdG-2BLy9fosKOKhmiJKRq8PmmTgKEvcxxhcZLaVdLFrIiCqGMQ7ClnM74VdmnnvUysQ846y2hwYomvlM3ICOH-2BQbwfvvtibUanomtcaNqClHEJB9EHZRy-2Ba-2B8f99C-2BmlKyP61Lk5rvFeeHuG3xJJ20ywnYKPceyoHgDXD46Gpn8XT-2FjIU5l1voHV3Twen25i8Z-2FUFUCue5t4fRT98-2BaAbCXcXgPJlmYzauG9K0j9Y7G7QZkSVy9kCdyPKp7VNmWMw72DmGbS53C5u888it8MuTfkjaheWbS-2BRGivaXzb1xxs72Wcpyaz-2B7jP0pNtw4uIjNDZ7DxUugg3Z11F8W7l5tnVQPl6Gjm82pzqwZ15YhVVsyBLLfo3ENSJxhR2tuG-2FjVGBsHfElAKQdUzPi2kF8yYun-2FD-2BPH9CEjgW-2Fgmr64jDnY-2Fai9-2FQaLO8UpaEcaoqaMSG23jaNbrywROu1GX0iSdfsHhCqllRFWmWpfzEW0nRwBQMrKAO0-2FeWYMepFPs-3D>
Oregon Commission on Historic Cemeteries
Find information, resources and position papers related to Historic Cemetery preservation work in Oregon here<https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/OH/Pages/Historic-Cemeteries-Program.aspx>.
Nonprofit Association of Oregon Workshop: Achieving Long-term Stability in Your Nonprofit, Medford, Nov. 12
Nonprofit leaders often share that they wear many hats. While this paints a lighthearted and funny picture, it hides an important truth: with so many priorities, how can we truly focus on what our nonprofit needs to thrive? If figuring this out feels essential to you, we invite you to join us in exploring ways to strengthen your nonprofit’s foundation and ensure its lasting success, all while gracefully navigating the challenges of leadership in the nonprofit world.
Achieving and maintaining long-term sustainability for our nonprofits is crucial, but it can be simplified. When we boil it down, it requires:
1. a driving passion for our mission, vision, and values;
2. effective programs and services that meet the needs of our community;
3. strong business and operational savvy;
4. engaging people who care; and
5. a growth mindset and learning cycle that helps us learn from both successes and failures.
This session explores integrating five essential elements into a cohesive vision for your organization’s sustainability. We’ll discuss strategies for balancing priorities and building a resilient nonprofit. Participants will leave with key priorities for long-term sustainability.
Date: Tuesday, November 12 from 9 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Location: ACCESS Olsrud Family Nutrition Center in Medford
Cost: $45 NAO Members, $75 Non-member, $0 Network Passholders
Learn more and register here.<https://nonprofitoregon.org/event/5286/>
Travel Oregon 2024-2025 Competitive Grants Program Announced
Ten percent of Travel Oregon’s budget is dedicated to a competitive grants program to award eligible applicants for projects that contribute to the development and improvement of local economies and communities throughout Oregon by means of the enhancement, expansion and promotion of the visitor industry.
Travel Oregon’s 2024-2025 Competitive Grant program<https://t.e2ma.net/click/1wlafp/pv851c/1g9dl5d> is designed to increase access and equity for those who may have experienced barriers to visiting our great state-whether by better addressing various mobility challenges or celebrating the diversity of people and communities who live in and travel to Oregon.
Selected projects will support Travel Oregon’s vision of “an Oregon that is a welcoming destination where tourism drives economic prosperity, benefits the natural environment and celebrates rich, diverse cultures” and align with Travel Oregon’s 2023-2025 Biennial Plan.
Applicants must propose a project that focuses on either tourism infrastructure or tourism promotion that increases access and inclusion. The Letter of Intent (LOI) form will be available at 8 a.m. on Dec. 2, 2024 and will be accepted until Jan. 15, 2025 at 5 p.m. The total funding available for this grant cycle is expected to be $5.2 million.
Read the grant guidelines<https://t.e2ma.net/click/1wlafp/pv851c/h99dl5d> to see eligibility requirements, funding parameters and application questions.
Travel Oregon will host applicant information sessions via Zoom. Attendees will need to register in advance. Sessions are listed below:
* Nov. 20 | Competitive Grant Overview Session<https://t.e2ma.net/click/1wlafp/pv851c/x1ael5d>
* Dec. 2 | Competitive Grant Overview Session<https://t.e2ma.net/click/1wlafp/pv851c/dubel5d>
* Dec. 10 | Competitive Grant Content Learning Session<https://t.e2ma.net/click/1wlafp/pv851c/tmcel5d>
* Dec. 19 | Competitive Grant Content Learning Session<https://t.e2ma.net/click/1wlafp/pv851c/9edel5d>
* Jan. 6 | Competitive Grant Content Learning Session<https://t.e2ma.net/click/1wlafp/pv851c/p7del5d>
* Jan. 8 | Competitive Grant Drop-In Office Hours<https://t.e2ma.net/click/1wlafp/pv851c/5zeel5d>
* Jan. 10 | Competitive Grant Drop-In Office Hours<https://t.e2ma.net/click/1wlafp/pv851c/lsfel5d>
Questions about the program can be directed to grants at traveloregon.com<mailto:grants at traveloregon.com>.
Follow us on Facebook at @oregonheritage, on LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/company/oregon-parks-and-recreation-department/>, on the Oregon Heritage Exchange blog<https://oregonheritage.wordpress.com/>.
Oregon Heritage News is a service of Oregon Heritage, a division of the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department that includes the State Historic Preservation Office. Learn more about our programs at www.oregonheritage.org<http://www.oregonheritage.org/>. The news editor can be contacted at heritage.info at oprd.oregon.gov<mailto:heritage.info at oprd.oregon.gov>.
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