[or-roots] Covey or Couey

D. J. Brotherton djbrtb at kci.net
Fri Nov 5 22:16:02 PST 2004

Can anyone help me find out the correct spelling for the Oakville, Oregon, Postmaster from 1872 to 1902  or other information about this man.  The site I visited said John B. Covey.  I am looking for John B. Couey who married my Grandmother in Linn County in  1882. The NARA said there was a problem with some spellings and I am hoping this might be the case.  Since he was  Postmsater in 1880 I have searched the 1880  Federal  Census with no avail.  I find his brother Joseph in Orleans, Oregon.

I hope someome can give me a clue.  This is the first time I have tried  Or-Roots and hope I am doing it correctly.  Thanks again.

djbrtb at kci.net
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