[or-roots] Aloha A. - - MY BAD

Leslie Chapman khanjehgil at presys.com
Thu Oct 21 01:02:56 PDT 2004

On a whim I just peeked in my deleted folder and there was Sues reply to the
post from Aloha, I don't know if that was my fault or a quirk of my spam
blocker, but lucky I looked. Yes a very informative post.

I would dispute the assertion these folks can "ALL" be found in the Census
records though, I have been page by page through most of that end of Douglas
County in 1860 and 1870 Census with only limited luck finding many of these
folks. As to their hiding from being shipped out, since most of the tribe
was rounded up and sent north I fail to understand why there would not have
been instances of folks making themselves scarce to avoid that, though I
only have that as a suggestion from one of the cousins. I know of many
instances where I "know" where a relative of mine is in a particular Census
year, and they simply aren't in the records. Whether they were enumerated
and their records lost, they didn't want to be taken or the Census taker
simply missed them I do not know. I did manage to find several of the folks
I was looking for by going page by page through the Douglas County Census,
but would be more than happy to post a list of missing folks if you wish to
prove me wrong.

Les Chapman khanjehgil at presys.com
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