[or-roots] major foe paw

Leslie Chapman khanjehgil at presys.com
Tue Jan 18 20:08:16 PST 2005

Pardon my French;

I was keying some of these folk I was asking about in and discovered I had
made a BIG MISTAKE; I was assuming that ;

 Martha L. MCVAY   Dau   S   Female   W   14   OR   At School   IA   TN

Was the Laticia Martha McVay that a Janice Martinet had listed as wife of
one of the McNamara's who is  my second cousin one removed down there in
Crescent City, but when I got to the birth date I realized that Nicholas
McNamara's wife who is listed as 24 in 1920 was most likely NOT Martha L.
who was 14 in 1880. I have seen drift of as much as ten years in peoples
ages in Census info, but I would think that thirty years would be highly
unlikely. My neice did have one cousin in Tennessee who only aged about five
or six year in each of three or four successive Censuses. I would love to
see HER obit.

Meanwhile I have to figure out who Laticia Martha's parents are; it looks
suspiciously like she will turn out to be a niece of Martha L.

Les Chapman khanjehgil at presys.com
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