[or-roots] McCulloch in DLC and index

Leslie Chapman reedsportchapmans at verizon.net
Sun Jul 2 10:35:18 PDT 2006


I find a lot of entries of interest under that surname too;

first the index;

McCulloch, A.B. 		Land Patent		Plaindealer	11 Oct 1872		page	3 col	1
McCulloch, A.E.		Farming		"		22 Sep 1871			2	6
McCulloch, Augustus	Death			"		12 Aug 1870			3	3
McCulloch, J.J.		Court Suit		"		22 Sep 1871			3	4
McCulloch, J.J.		Court Suit		"		6 Oct 1871			3	4
McCulloch, Jesse J.	Land Patent		"		15 Aug 1874			3	1
McCulloch, John		Court Suit		Ensign	19 Oct 1867			2	2
McCulloch, John M. 	Farmer's Club	Plaindealer	13 Feb 1874			1	3
McCulloch, Robert		Jury duty		" 		13 Oct 1874			3	1
McCulloch, W.N.		Court			"		13 Jun 1874			3	1

there are also four McCullough and two McCullock entries that "might" be
connected, spelling being what it was in the "good old days"
The Land Patent in the first entry above is what prompted me to remember my
DLC stuff, I will be posting more info for Dale in a seperate post, but
yours first because it won't take near as long.

first I find a note under a Grundy Taylor patent;
.	.	.	Taylor mortgaged land after risiding on it 4 yes to John W. Hellman
(who has mining claims and is interested with John McCullough formerly of
Roseburg) .		.	.	McCullogh is now in Canyon City, Grand Co (dated 1 Dec
1865) [probably not our John]

then in a Levi Rash claim there is a mention that John McCullough and John
Purdue had abandoned part of it.

On a Gilbet Munden claim in Lane Co John McCullough is listed with James
Jordan on the Affadavit.

1812 Mc Culloch, John, Lane Co; b. 1824, Va; SC 3 Jan 1854; m Mary E. 1 Feb
1859, Ore. Aff Cahrles Calloway, Robert (X) Ware

[darn, wrong guy again]

Well that was thoroughly disappointing, apparently  the John we are
interested in didn't file a DLC, possibly wasn't in Oregon in time. Will
have to check to see if he filed a later homestead claim.

Les C

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