[or-roots] Silver Point Cliffs, now known as ?? near Arch Rock

Chris & Bill Strickland lechevrier at earthlink.net
Mon Mar 26 11:51:23 PDT 2007

Sherry --

Generally, there is a plethora of responses citing McArthur's Oregon 
Geographic Names to these questions -- I have been waiting, but ...

pg 670 -- Silver Point, Clatsop County. Silver Point is sometimes 
referred to as Slyvan Point. This small promontory on Cannon Beach was 
called Silver Point because of the characteristic color of the weathered 
spruce trees on its face. The land adjacent to the point was platted and 
recorded as Silver Point Cliff on April 21, 1894. On February 16, 1898, 
Sylvan Park was platted and recorded a half mile north of Silver Point. 
In 1929 Rodney L. Glisan, long familiar with the geography of this part 
of Oregon, recommended that the name Silver Point be adopted, and this 
style was also favored by the compiler of these notes. On December 4, 
1929, the USBGN adopted the name Silver Point rather than Sylvan Point.

Original information about this subdivision should probably be obtained 
through the Clatsop County Surveyor's Office, although, depending on how 
things work in Clatsop County, said original records may actually be 
held elsewhere.


Bill Strickland

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