[or-roots] AGHP - alive or dead...

Leslie Chapman reedsportchapmans at verizon.net
Tue Mar 24 17:04:14 PDT 2009

I'm not sure exactly whether this is of any relevance or not; when I was
doing my Oregon Wisner thing about a year and a half ago I made contact with
Pat Dunn who I think is (was) connected to Linn Co Hist Society, thoough i
could be wrong. I just emailed her to find out fer sure and if she knows
anything about the stuff. Well scratch that, the email just bounced.

I am amazed to find it had been that long ago; I was thinking it was after
I'd backed up my hard drive and that was why I couldn't find any Linn Co
stuff in my wisners. Tiem blys when you are having fun.

Les C

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