[or-roots] Brownsville High School 1910

Sue Steward ssteward at ccountry.net
Thu Apr 7 20:30:20 PDT 2011

I am sorting through things we recently received after the death of my 

I have a copy of "The Bugle" Commencement Number 1910, Brownsville High 

Names I see:
Winfield Scott Smith, Instructor
Lynn Brown (male)
Roy Tycer
Roy Cochran
Allen Harrison
Earle Stannard
Lydia Davidson
Cecile Sawyer
Merle Foley (female)
Beatrice Wolgamuth
Bessie Mulkey
Myrtle Sawyer
Bessie Maupin
Gertrude McCoy
Bertram Peacock
Clara Finley
Daphnae Holloway
Wingo Eggleston
Ruby Weller
Harold Blakely
Professor T. H. L. Robe, Assistant High School Instructor
Emma Leonard
Beatrice Harbaugh
Ray Garrett
Bess Cushman
Verdis Pugh
Hazel Howe
Roland Moshier
Mabel Cochran
Fayne Coshow
Guy Moshier
Roy Cochran
R.  Moshier
Stanley Weller
Charles Austin
Fayne Coshow, Baseball Manager
Roy Tycer, captain
Guy Moshier, secretary and treasurer
Hefner, second base
Austin, first base
Moshier, right field
Lisle Brown, pitcher
Tycer, left field
Lynn Brown, center field
Dow, Shortstop
Garrett, catcheer
Jack Leonard
Raty Garrett
Lyle Brown
Harold Blakely
Jess Daw
Mrs. W. S.Smith
Miss Finley
Miss Mabel Cochran
Miss Lela Cushman
Miss Neta Osburn
W. T. cochran
Miss Bessie Bell
Miss Ruby Weller
Bertha Weber
Mr. Jackson, County superintendent
Mr. Ackerman, State Superintendent
Prof. Schafer of UofO
Brownsville Planing Mill, Sawyer Bros., Props.
Brownsville Land & Investment Co., Moore and Cushman
The City Bakery, F.E.Bondenhamer, Proprietor
C. E. Stanard & Son, General Merchandise
Brownsville Real Estate Co., r. W.Tripp, Manager
Henderson & Crawford, Brownsville Shaving Parlor
Brownsville Warehouse Co., Sterling Bros., Proprietors
Mrs. Georgia Clay, Millinery
Dr. J. Ward Finley,Dentist
G. C. Thompson & Son, General Merchandise
Boyles' Confectionery, A. G. Boyles, Proprietor
Hilleary's Hardware Store
The Kozy Kandy Kitchen, R. A. Moore, Proprietor
The City Drug Store, L. A. Osburn, Proprietor
White & Knapp Hardware, E. E. White & Wm. Knapp, Proprietors
Dr. Ringhoffer, Dentist
F. Weber, Harness & Whips
Merrill Williams, The Paint Man
Southside Blacksmith Shop, Fred Olson, Proprietor
Cain's Restaurant, Geo. Cain, Proprietor
Groceries, Howe Brothers
Bank of Brownsville, W. P. Elmore, H. B. Moyer, W. B. Glass, E. D. Starr

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