[or-roots] Lake County probate records

Bill & Chris Strickland lechevrier at q.com
Thu Jan 2 22:31:35 PST 2014

> Lake County was formed in 1874.  Klamath pulled in 1882.  I ma going 
> to Lakeview tomorrow and will look up the information requested.

Thanks for the reminder, Dianne.

It is so nice to have clerks who are "wonderful to work with", otherwise 
you might get those folks that say all the records were destroyed back 
when the garage burned down that was being used to store them -- whether 
or not the garage actually burned.
Macon County, Missouri comes to mind here -- they give you a sparsely 
filled three-ring binder and say this is all we got. MO State Archives 
is where to go there.

Bill Strickland

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