[techtalk] VIDEO - 4 Types of Videos to Make in Canva
Darci.HANNING at slo.oregon.gov
Mon Jul 19 13:36:44 PDT 2021
Welcome to the latest issue of Tech-Talk!
Use Canva to make videos too!
This Week's Topic: VIDEO
1. ARTICLE & VIDEO ... 4 Types of Videos to Make in Canva
2. COMMUNICATING ... Ask for concurrence
3. LEADERSHIP ... A new twist on Covey's Quadrants
· Jul 21: [EXCEL/G-SHEETS] Create Pivot Tables and Pivot Table Charts
· Aug 4: [GRAPHICS] 8 Ways in SnagIt to Improve Your Image Captures
· Aug 18: [OFFICE] Add Speed & Polish When Working with Office Documents
Register for Webinars<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001mlKhr1Q4cMtWj1pXrlBnCZ7J311sWtN_eIiBr2p-R8iYNa-sD3xEi_bdNZ_S0EHIjeTTzoijpIwlmOA7rhig0_hqeqpTDh8t-6mxNvThqUXHiUB70Vf3n-hd_9W0FItHBCr_Sj7kE1HmVdE5AF5WiSQCWviB3fOu&c=4RRjT0YkLRCnMhpzA0ghtIC1x1MClcnbaCNY09SCO_mx_NgQGXLrTQ==&ch=4sFuxAH9K4Lac_9Hrl-J5F3jzA2gliCEyEMx9-7l5pkWobZlOCDy9g==>
Photo by Donovan Silva<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001mlKhr1Q4cMtWj1pXrlBnCZ7J311sWtN_eIiBr2p-R8iYNa-sD3xEi9p_iqaTCh_mBVrNuweIi-Wc9EwDGJydJp00TB91rTLXDwEFKhF1-IVYtJMOeew6EjObfG2-65wbHR04eZ80OSTPKkmu0pH5RrGHcT0qFNmwGaTYUeWhVXHTohFDiipg5O72qvrcsUyYjH6dg3n7AqeFwPvL2NWkmyy32YFEIGkDCHmF-jAUWVcK6boyNZdY59WkLR-Objo_CwaWCxBYfao=&c=4RRjT0YkLRCnMhpzA0ghtIC1x1MClcnbaCNY09SCO_mx_NgQGXLrTQ==&ch=4sFuxAH9K4Lac_9Hrl-J5F3jzA2gliCEyEMx9-7l5pkWobZlOCDy9g==> on Unsplash<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001mlKhr1Q4cMtWj1pXrlBnCZ7J311sWtN_eIiBr2p-R8iYNa-sD3xEi9p_iqaTCh_mdUTnambixnfqNszmG-rY8EjbJLkA2cUETl5QO71GktvfYehrXumQ1DRN5KydHUg8bs4LHj4FkJMPtlzK5Q0cY-GzKqKTXx2VQRFBI5DBiHG0Sa-T4uRSCoFPCzHgDed2oLvYqQHyfHBrrfHeFa_HLcChywtp1RFemb7gKksWUrnzGlBnShlhOc8-b1itIXIh_5yK9SlXZsc=&c=4RRjT0YkLRCnMhpzA0ghtIC1x1MClcnbaCNY09SCO_mx_NgQGXLrTQ==&ch=4sFuxAH9K4Lac_9Hrl-J5F3jzA2gliCEyEMx9-7l5pkWobZlOCDy9g==>
VIDEO - 4 Types of Videos to Make in Canva
If you've tried Canva.com to create spectacular images, posters, and social media posts, then you know how easy to use this platform is. But did you know you can make VIDEOS using Canva? That's right, you can either upload your own clips… or use the video resources they provide so you don't have to have any of your own media!
[video in Canva]
There are several different types of videos you can create -- from just adding motion to still images, to uploading your own footage and using some of Canva's magic to make it more professional. So for this article, we will be walking you through the creation process for four different types of video projects:
1. Adding motion to still images to make them "pop" in social media
2. Creating a short video with Canva's stock footage
3. Using a Canva template to make a video with images
4. Dressing up your own video footage with Canva's tools
TIP: Canva is great for making short videos to share on social media. It's not the tool you want to use to edit a large project or webinar.
GOOD NEWS! While Canva is free to use at the basic level for everyone, the resources it provides (photos, video and audio) are limited unless you have a paid account. We've recently learned that if you are a non-profit<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001mlKhr1Q4cMtWj1pXrlBnCZ7J311sWtN_eIiBr2p-R8iYNa-sD3xEi_L78COzZbr50UXs7D96hA8AqRnG0-tHRVVLOX2alsK_enidbO4wrs_y3Umh0iQ9PT5xCzhLimXVmWZh3E4Eazq-5LIsjl3VrpUh50IaPLGZTLWvM4GfPgs=&c=4RRjT0YkLRCnMhpzA0ghtIC1x1MClcnbaCNY09SCO_mx_NgQGXLrTQ==&ch=4sFuxAH9K4Lac_9Hrl-J5F3jzA2gliCEyEMx9-7l5pkWobZlOCDy9g==>, work in education or are a student<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001mlKhr1Q4cMtWj1pXrlBnCZ7J311sWtN_eIiBr2p-R8iYNa-sD3xEi9p_iqaTCh_mrb5ABDI7RWyA-D_yo1VaHdWjWGYf3I_XYzQrM6B1UWQ5xupu55qeGUk-l3_9NDLrDW88tw3pmrfi5QKTda89b3cToz_PADq3&c=4RRjT0YkLRCnMhpzA0ghtIC1x1MClcnbaCNY09SCO_mx_NgQGXLrTQ==&ch=4sFuxAH9K4Lac_9Hrl-J5F3jzA2gliCEyEMx9-7l5pkWobZlOCDy9g==>, you can apply to get the Pro level at no cost. (Just click on the links above to request your free upgrade.)
IMPORTANT: This article is for the Intermediate Canva user. If you need to learn the basics of this software, here are articles and webinars for you in Tech-Talk.com.
· Using Canva, article<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001mlKhr1Q4cMtWj1pXrlBnCZ7J311sWtN_eIiBr2p-R8iYNa-sD3xEi2RTG4V-Zv90V00rqTKbBMiqIYh5lZRYLhMV-8shKmO-t6UocapPKQjjl6j5GFUtxhtS8-ZYwNfCF20fPsnsZSSRcVPTJfmFs95Z0bYAyuEoCPX7xGhYqViz9YAPAYCo1Q==&c=4RRjT0YkLRCnMhpzA0ghtIC1x1MClcnbaCNY09SCO_mx_NgQGXLrTQ==&ch=4sFuxAH9K4Lac_9Hrl-J5F3jzA2gliCEyEMx9-7l5pkWobZlOCDy9g==>
· Canva Webinar Part I<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001mlKhr1Q4cMtWj1pXrlBnCZ7J311sWtN_eIiBr2p-R8iYNa-sD3xEi5oY0B4Mb1mcGH28fVvesmEDZ6Bo6GlcNVC466M2t9byo81SyqdMWDHisr0PMRE4bmDAkuwjpvtFkuYNX3Di_Y58HiLixWXtLq8jjlUuaCFJOB_C55ZFDyafKBVWV_sQ7BzqBTRoIUOdTBYqSQa14dM=&c=4RRjT0YkLRCnMhpzA0ghtIC1x1MClcnbaCNY09SCO_mx_NgQGXLrTQ==&ch=4sFuxAH9K4Lac_9Hrl-J5F3jzA2gliCEyEMx9-7l5pkWobZlOCDy9g==>
· Canva Webinar Part II<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001mlKhr1Q4cMtWj1pXrlBnCZ7J311sWtN_eIiBr2p-R8iYNa-sD3xEi5oY0B4Mb1mcVIpLnwEU7ALmY7nqcLn-bGKGeJLvu_WwcSlS9VUzSa1I9_LPgj8mHhfT0sFe0OWAaNyk-kmwnLwUUy9w6MRhe0uxyAZjd3L73Gvmc562uuI9Od_r6yzfVAy0UUVL5D4G-b2_mY-Wf70=&c=4RRjT0YkLRCnMhpzA0ghtIC1x1MClcnbaCNY09SCO_mx_NgQGXLrTQ==&ch=4sFuxAH9K4Lac_9Hrl-J5F3jzA2gliCEyEMx9-7l5pkWobZlOCDy9g==>
1. Adding Motion to a Still Image
Let's start with taking a static image and give it some movement with a Canva animation. This trick is especially good to use in social media. When you scroll through posts and see static images, they don't pop out as much. So, you can take your still images and add a little motion (an animation) so that it catches the viewer's attention. You can make your visuals bounce, slide, fade and more. Go to this link to see a live example.<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001mlKhr1Q4cMtWj1pXrlBnCZ7J311sWtN_eIiBr2p-R8iYNa-sD3xEi9p_iqaTCh_mz5sNj1aN5G-V3EU-Q6TP1x6KnZnLZIPOmw1tKKDJWRvth9mSglO3mEojtwm87lpIKq-yZunNOzouDs21K4MOczRDmhqop78t67y7vS04M--9jnZ4s_X_F6pUyAxqIpvLucSoumvVCM_C3ob6QoJ0AA==&c=4RRjT0YkLRCnMhpzA0ghtIC1x1MClcnbaCNY09SCO_mx_NgQGXLrTQ==&ch=4sFuxAH9K4Lac_9Hrl-J5F3jzA2gliCEyEMx9-7l5pkWobZlOCDy9g==>
There are a few ways to get started creating the image. From the Home screen you can either:
1. Go to the Search box at the top and type in some keywords to see design ideas.
2. Choose from the Menu based on where you’re posting it to (as size does matter)… Facebook, Instagram, etc…
3. Use the Create a design button and select the size or type of media. (Follow steps #1 - #3.)
[get started]
Choose and format the image for your design, add some text, and so on. Once you have everything ready, you can animate the whole design, or just the text, or an element in it, etc.
· To animate one piece of the design, click on the text, element or image and the Animate option will open in the toolbar. Depending on what you have chosen (page, image, text) in the left pane different types of animations will display (block, bounce, roll…). Click on a few choices to preview what they do.
· Animations can be added to multiple elements in your file. If you want two (or more) elements to move together with the same animation, you need to Group the element boxes together. (Just click on each one while holding down the Shift key and click the Group option in the toolbar to connect the items.)
· Once you find an Animation you like, click on it and leave it highlighted (there will be a darker box around it). If you don't want something animated you can go back to the Animation pane and choose "None" in the upper left corner to turn off this movement effect.
· To add another level to your animation (for example one type of movement at the beginning, and one towards the end), click the Duplicate page icon at the top right of the page and apply a new animation on the 2nd page.
· Once you add animation, it changes from a static image, like a JPG, to an MP4 video file.
· Press the Play button in the toolbar to preview your video
· When you're happy with your creation, Download it as a video file to post.
2. Create a Short Video with Canva's Stock Footage
Even if you don't have your own video footage, there's an easy way to incorporate some movement by adding some of Canva's stock video to your design.
· On the Home page, choose to start from one of Canva's templates or create a blank design in the format/size you need.
· Add text, a logo or other elements to the canvas.
· Go to the Video section in the left navigation and search for a background type of video to use that fits your content. They have tons of short and long clips from which to choose. Sometimes you just need something subtle, like waves crashing or a clock ticking away…
· Click your video choice to add it to the canvas area and resize it for your project. The video doesn't have to fit the whole canvas, it can hang off the side and not be seen. Just be sure that the part of the video that is being displayed supports your idea.
· Use the Position guide to send the video to the back of the canvas if you have text on top.
· If the stock video you've added plays longer than you want you can edit it down. Click on it to activate the menu, select the scissors in the upper left of the menu, and use the drag bar (left and/or right) to select the section of the video you want to include.
· Press the Play button in the toolbar to preview your video file.
· Once it is ready, Download the video file or Share it right from Canva to your social media account.
See the Third and Fourth Ways to Create Videos in Canva in the Online Article...
3. Use Canva's Library of Video Templates for a Quick Start
4. Dress Up Your Own Footage with Canva's Tools
View the Full Article & Video Here<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001mlKhr1Q4cMtWj1pXrlBnCZ7J311sWtN_eIiBr2p-R8iYNa-sD3xEi9p_iqaTCh_m2J2MtZ_XdUsUd80pS-D9jsB2kh7VjbGCcSnrgN9iSyCaLgNBXxER8p9feuyMr2XK11kxPbxaBuhIhrYFDH-TXueB2fZylDWMVQdbjQvjmFwi_um0YmhFfGoDBl7J9sxb1b2qcLyyfUU=&c=4RRjT0YkLRCnMhpzA0ghtIC1x1MClcnbaCNY09SCO_mx_NgQGXLrTQ==&ch=4sFuxAH9K4Lac_9Hrl-J5F3jzA2gliCEyEMx9-7l5pkWobZlOCDy9g==>
Communicating: Presenting
Ask for concurrence
Whenever you're communicating (whether you're presenting to a group, talking to a colleague, or writing something for others to read) you want to engage people, right?
And when you're talking to a bunch of folks, it's not often handy to ask them questions and get them to participate. So what can you do?
One technique is to end a sentence with a word or two that is seeking concurrence. Here are some examples:
· ....., seems reasonable, doesn't it?
· ....., right?
· ......, makes sense don't you think?
Think of this technique as salt or spice. It adds flavor, but you don't want to overdo it. Use it sparingly so that it will remain effective.
I bet you've noticed that we sometimes use this technique when writing Tech-Talk articles. It seems to lighten the conversation and keeps people reading. Makes sense, doesn't it?
A New Twist on Covey's Quadrants
Here's a twist on Stephen Covey's Four Quadrants that I think you'll find eye-opening if you have a team of people working for you.
Before I go on, if this quadrant topic is new to you, you can come up to speed quickly by putting "Covey" in the Keyword Search box in Tech-Talk.<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001mlKhr1Q4cMtWj1pXrlBnCZ7J311sWtN_eIiBr2p-R8iYNa-sD3xEi1vyhnqBMfpoFb7j0dSehrAZbCTRmIxVPGjZOjvAoDYHGWZCfNbAt53k2u8angXNNUZeC5JkzpRzZBKPA748oyiTBMtMkleFh23riKP4vClD&c=4RRjT0YkLRCnMhpzA0ghtIC1x1MClcnbaCNY09SCO_mx_NgQGXLrTQ==&ch=4sFuxAH9K4Lac_9Hrl-J5F3jzA2gliCEyEMx9-7l5pkWobZlOCDy9g==>
Okay, so here's the twist: Instead of using the four quadrants of Important and Urgent as a way to self-evaluate how you spend your time, ask your team members to each complete the quads, using all the things they believe they are doing (or should be doing if there were more time) ... putting each in the quadrants where they think they belong.
Then have a one-on-one discussion, reviewing the choices. You may be surprised that the two of you don't have a common understanding of what is Urgent or Not ... and what is Important and Not.
You may also realize that some items you think they should be doing are not on the list ... or there may be activities you didn't realize were being done or were intending to be done. At any rate, it will be a useful conversation.
One more idea ... why don't you share yours with them and solicit their feedback. It could help build respect and trust.
[Ask a question]<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001mlKhr1Q4cMtWj1pXrlBnCZ7J311sWtN_eIiBr2p-R8iYNa-sD3xEiw77ZP4tkzhz-BDRi-O_KBtLYd8ugOd0FDJVCfu6kJ0divGv6HH_dhQlgPUuPZiXjTmkUJpJN9tSn-ynKxEYODp0WfKzprPeXwp85pB-u14A7qQCFPMYl4U=&c=4RRjT0YkLRCnMhpzA0ghtIC1x1MClcnbaCNY09SCO_mx_NgQGXLrTQ==&ch=4sFuxAH9K4Lac_9Hrl-J5F3jzA2gliCEyEMx9-7l5pkWobZlOCDy9g==>
Copyright 1996-2021 Shared Results International. Published weekly. Distribution is limited by license. For information on how to include additional recipients, contact support at tech-talk.com<mailto:support at tech-talk.com> 941-355-2092.
Tech-Talk is a paid subscription service for staff of Oregon libraries and is supported in whole by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) through the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA), administered by the State Library of Oregon.
Darci Hanning, MLIS (she/her/hers)
Public Library Consultant / CE Coordinator
State Library of Oregon | Library Support and Development Services
971-375-3491 | darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov<mailto:darci.hanning at slo.oregon.gov> | www.oregon.gov/library<http://www.oregon.gov/library>
Follow @StateLibraryOR: Facebook<http://fb.me/StateLibraryOR> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/StateLibraryOR> | Instagram<https://www.instagram.com/statelibraryor/> | Pinterest<https://pinterest.com/statelibraryor/> | YouTube<https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0-kU8Gu0jS_YcnXg-b_TRA/featured>
Continuing Education Resources: https://libguides.osl.state.or.us/conted
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