[gis_info] Inappropriate email

SMITH Cy * EISPD GEO cy.smith at state.or.us
Wed May 16 13:33:21 PDT 2012

Thanks for the messages today.  We definitely want the listserv to
remain valuable for all users.


In the past, we have had an informal policy not to allow advertising,
and when asked, we've told folks not to send explicit advertising for
GIS products or services to this listserv.  So even though that's not
excluded as part of our officlal purpose statement, it generally doesn't


When someone does send advertising for a product or service that is not
an education or training opportunity, we have asked them not to repeat
such posts.  So far, we have not been forced to remove or ban anyone
from the list for continuing to post unwanted or inappropriate messages.


My inclination is to continue with our current practice.  If we continue
to have a problem, we can escalate.  Please don't hesitate to let me or
Dave Mather, the co-administrator for this listserv, know if you
continue to feel like you're receiving inappropriate messages here.




Cy Smith, Oregon State GIO

DAS/EISPD Geospatial Enterprise Office

Secretary, Coalition of Geospatial Organizations (COGO)

Past President, Urban & Regional Info Sys Assoc (URISA)

Past President, Natl States Geographic Info Council (NSGIC)

503-378-6066          http://gis.oregon.gov 


Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2012 7:58 AM
To: gis_info at listsmart.osl.state.or.us
Subject: RE: Inappropriate email


Hello list,


While I share Ian's concern that the listserve not become an advertising
channel for who-knows-what, the "purpose" statement does not
specifically preclude that usage. Perhaps we could underscore the
"within the State of Oregon" phrase, but that would effectively cut-off
announcements about activities in Washington that I find quite valuable.
Here is the entire purpose statement:


"The purpose of this list is to provide a forum for discussion about GIS
and spatial data related activities within the State of Oregon.
Potential topics include notices of current GIS activities, requests
about the availability of datasets, questions about technical problems
with GIS systems or software, requests for advice from those who have
gone before you, and so forth."


If we want to eliminate announcements about activities that are
extra-regional, perhaps some explicit guidance about that should be
included in the purpose description for the list. I have explicitly cc'd
the list administrators on this email.


Please feel free to discuss. I think this is an important change that
should not be undertaken based on one comment. I have made liberal use
of the "delete" key in the past related to this issue...  J


Ed Arabas, GISP

Senior Operations & Policy Analyst

State of Oregon Dept of Administrative Services

(503) 378-6111


Data Classification: Level 1 - Published


From: gis_info-bounces at listsmart.osl.state.or.us
[mailto:gis_info-bounces at listsmart.osl.state.or.us] On Behalf Of Reid,
Ian - NRCS, Portland, OR
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2012 7:24 AM
To: gis_info at listsmart.osl.state.or.us
Subject: [gis_info] Inappropriate email


I'm continually receiving emails from
"gis_info-bounces at listsmart.osl.state.or.us on behalf of Andrew Clark
[aclark at com-geo.org]
<mailto:gis_info-bounces at listsmart.osl.state.or.us%20on%20behalf%20of%20
Andrew%20Clark%20[aclark at com-geo.org]> " .  This is advertising as far
as I am concerned and seems like an inappropriate use of the list.


What do you think?





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