[or-roots] name and places

Leslie Chapman reedsportchapmans at verizon.net
Thu Jun 11 14:48:26 PDT 2009


I figure I had to really not be paying attention that I didn't figure the Vil aa mutt thing out a lot sooner, I can't remember for sure but am pretty sure coast Fork had Willamette under the name, and as map aware as I was (I could read topo before I could read) I certainly should have known better, but for some reason the word as pronounced and the word as written just never jelled in my pea brain. 

I sent Dale a copy of the Street view of the building complex and the lat long. I sure use Google earth a lot in genealogy.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2009 2:10 PM

Ah, come on, Les -- Del Norte?  When I went to school at Colorado State (I won't say when), my Dad and grandmother drove me from Flagstaff. I commented to my new acquaintances that I'd had really good French fries in Del Nor tay. They laughed. Then, I commented on Pwe[b/v] lo, only to hear back, "you mean "pee eh blo?"  I gave up soon after that. Apparently things haven’t changed much in 40+ years.

And, we used to say Casa Grand (ca as in cat, sa as in "yes, suh" and Nah va da (again, va as in cat). Living in Tucson, rather than Flagstaff has improved my tongue.

I loved your story. 


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