[Comm-partners] Tuesday Tidbits- Mental and Physical Health

D5 Communications D5Communications at odhsoha.oregon.gov
Tue Sep 10 14:53:26 PDT 2024

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Hello District 5 Self-Sufficiency/Child Welfare Staff and Community Partners,

Tuesday Tidbits are short, specific info bites you can use and share to increase collective knowledge of Lane County's wide-ranging community resource landscape.  Below you will find Mental and Physical Health resources being offered in and for our local community.

[cid:image005.jpg at 01DB0391.29618600]The Social Security Administration announced a large step in a multi-year effort to simplify processes for people who are applying for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) by starting to offer an online, streamlined application for some applicants starting in December. SSI provides monthly payments to people with disabilities and older adults who have little or no income and resources. For more information, please visit www.ssa.gov/news/press/releases.<https://links.ssa.gov/l/eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJidWxsZXRpbl9saW5rX2lkIjoxMDAsInVyaSI6ImJwMjpjbGljayIsInVybCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnNzYS5nb3YvbmV3cy9wcmVzcy9yZWxlYXNlcy8yMDI0Lz91dG1fbWVkaXVtPWVtYWlsJnV0bV9zb3VyY2U9Z292ZGVsaXZlcnkjMjAyNC0wOC0yNyIsImJ1bGxldGluX2lkIjoiMjAyNDA4MjcuOTk1ODg1MzEifQ.0PuY7rAXf-WxO4odYsPY6hZQ6ZA_SX6y47cG761eO78/s/2592940962/br/248053687398-l>

[cid:image007.jpg at 01DB0391.29618600]WellMama has a collection of new classes starting in September, including Mariposas y Rosas (Spanish only), Life After Loss, and Managing Anxiety.
They are also having their Grand Opening Celebration on Friday, September 13th, 4-7pm.
Please see the attached document with details.

[cid:image012.jpg at 01DB0391.29618600]Lane County Public Health recently issued their August CBO (Community Based Organization) Newsletter.
Included inside:

  *   Continued importance of masking
  *   Mobile Medical unit update

              *   Covid Vaccines
              *   Live Healthy Lane Community Partner Assessment

[cid:image013.jpg at 01DB0391.29618600]Black Thistle Street Aid holds a FREE Pop-Up Clinic each 2nd Wednesday each month from 1:30-4:30pm at Universalist Unitarian Church on 13th and Chambers in Eugene.

Doctor visits
Harm reduction
Wound care
Reproductive Healthcare
Herbal consults
Hygiene items

Can't get to clinic?!
Call or text 541-232-8546

Street medical outreach every Wednesday

Next Clinic- Tomorrow, September 11

[cid:image015.png at 01DB038F.9E6509B0]Oregon Family Support Network is hosting a FREE QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer - Suicide Prevention) Class in Spanish on September 26th, 2024 at 9am.
Al igual como las personas capacitadas en RCP y la maniobra de Heimlich ayudan a rescatar miles de vidas cada año, las personas capacitadas en RCP aprenden cómo reconocer las señales de advertencia de una crisis de suicidio y cómo preguntar, persuadir y recomendar a alguien para conseguir ayuda. Cada año, miles de Americanos, como usted, dicen que "Sí" a salvar la vida de un amigo/a, colega, hermano/a o vecino/a.
Click here to register<https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/zddqhqv>

[cid:image017.jpg at 01DB0391.29618600]NAACP is hosting a Health Fair on Saturday September 28, 10am-1pm at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church.
Available services may include: No Cost Health Screenings, OHP sign up, Free Overdose Prevention Kits, Acupuncture, Free Food Boxes, and more.
Please see the attached flyer in English and Spanish for details.

[cid:image019.jpg at 01DB0391.29618600]Churchill Ara Neighbors is hosting a Citywide Healthcare Forum on Thursday, September 26th, 6:30-8:30pm at Willamette Christian Center, 2500 W. 18th Ave, Eugene. Join this citywide event to discuss the shortage of healthcare and loss of a hospital in our community. This event will involve a townhall Q&A format with legislators, appointed officials, and healthcare providers.
Please see the attached flyers for more information.

Please email D5Communications at odhsoha.oregon.gov<mailto:D5Communications at odhsoha.oregon.gov> with your questions, comments, suggestions, or requests.

Community Partners interested in subscribing or unsubscribing to this email distribution list, please visit https://omls.oregon.gov/mailman/listinfo/comm-partners.


Tricia Merrick (Pronouns<https://www.mypronouns.org/>: she/her/hers)
Oregon Department of Human Services- Community Partnership Coordinator
D5 Equity and Inclusion Committee Co-Chair
101 30th St., Springfield, OR 97408
Cell Phone:  541-321-5235
Oregon Child Abuse Hotline Number:  1-855-503-SAFE (7233) *24/7
[cid:image001.png at 01DB038A.1017FFA0]
Vision: Safety, health and independence for all Oregonians
We are guided by these core values in our daily work:  Integrity, Innovation, Respect, Service Equity, Responsibility, Stewardship, and Professionalism

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Desc: CAN Eugene Citywide healthcare forum 2024 Event Flyer.pdf
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